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Found 16 results

  1. Dear Community, Every time I export a 3D model from Blender [currently: Blender 4.2.1 LTS] using the official Blender plugin from ED [currently: edm_tools_blender_plugin-241504.zip], I encounter the following issues: The Roughmet texture is not listed under textures in the model viewer. The textures in the model viewer are simply scaled down. Normally, the main texture (excluding glass surfaces) has a resolution of 4096 x 4096. When I check the mapping box, the UV map does not appear. In the model viewer, mipmaps are scaled down, causing the UV map to no longer align with the texture, resulting in red edges (red is used for visualization). Section of the uv-map in blender: In my graphics software, I have extended the borders by 8 pixels around the UV seams to allow for enough tolerance. Seam margin of 8 Pixel (vector graphics program): When I zoom out on my model in Blender, no red edges are visible, meaning the UV map and textures match. The exact same issue occurs with all other 3D models I’ve exported from Blender. Screenshot Blender 3D viewport (Render): I suspect an error with the export plugin. Can anyone explain why these errors are occurring? Thank you in advance. Cheers Homelander
  2. Please visit this thread for a more up to date version of this guide
  3. Cross posting from the F5 forum for additional help: Having a weird issue, I have my RWR working just fine, but my radar does not seem to want to go onto my 2nd screen (see screenshot. I have attached my Lua files and I am hoping that I am just missing something dumb. Helios.lua AN_APQ159_init.lua
  4. Hi guys, I don't know where to post this question, but I'll just start here I'm trying to export info from LoGetTWSInfo() export function yet it keeps being Nill. LoIsSensorExportAllowed() // returns true in my case (it's single player anyways) There is other functions that get Sensory data that work. So I'm curious why this one isn't. I've been testing with the F-16. Anyone got some pointers?
  5. I've been trying to learn how to export cockpit displays for a while. I've searched both ED forums and basic Google searches. There is so much content on the subject now, and a lot of it contradicts the other. Could someone please, either point me to a column or post that explains the basics for exporting MFDs, etc. to my second monitor? Or, post a tut or demo .lua on which file and what lines need to be modified to do a basic second monitor export? I'm wanting to export to my second monitor for now. But, I'm scratch building a universal panel and would like to learn this, so I can export to the small monitors I'll be using when it's finished. Here is my display setup now, it's a really basic stacked. Thanks for any help
  6. I downloaded IHOPI's Display Export App. Its a server executable, and an APP that goes on your ipad/tablet/phone/etc. It worked fine for a few days. I could use my A10c2's CDU on my tablet. (also TADs and the Lightning Pod... pretty cool) Today, The Server Program.. loads, completes its checklist, then just shuts off. Disappears. No error pop-up. Nothing. In Game.. the A10's Displays are blank. All the switches are on. Nothings displayed. Ive reached out to his channel here. Is there anything i can do, to reset my game? Reset MFD exporting? Any Ideas, where to look and do? Thanks (picture: Missing Display Data. 2nd screen (blank) where the data is exported from)
  7. Hi. This issue exists for a long time really. When I press HUD button on MFD-Cougar, my 8" TFT screen displays really heavy blurred HUD. It has been there for months, maybe more... I may be wrong but I remember that I've opened a thread or written on a thread about this, but couldn't find. So, opened again. Is there any move on this issue? Thank you.
  8. Got a new SSD. I "cut" then "pasted" DCS from my HDD to my new SSD. I sometimes run IHOPIworks Device Server. Screen Exporter Every MFCD in the game is now blank. A10cii, Ka50, Harrier (with export app not running or not) Im Constantly losing my Game Settings. (Once a day i have to change Audio levels/Music off, change cockpits to english, turn on rudder trim in Special, driving me nuts) The Export App, starts then disappears. I cant run it, even if i wanted to. I deleted, SCRIPTS folder in the Users/SavedGames I ran repair a couple days ago, no change. This morning, DCS is crashing just trying to boot fast-game to take screenshots I pay for data.. so id rather not re-download 200 gigs. I spend more time trying to fix DCS than playing it.
  9. Howdy, Kann mir jemand helfen, wie ich das Radarfenster der MiG21 sauber auf einen zweiten Bildschirm bekomme? Ich benutze den standardexport der A10C und der Radar wird auch dargestellt, aber leider eben auch mit dem gespiegelten Bildschirm überlappend. In der A10 und ich glaube dem Harrier funktioniert es. Eigentlich nur ein kosmetisches Problem, aber es stört mich inzwischen doch etwas. Vielen Dank schonmal. Meine export lua: _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('lalalala'); Description = '3 Screens and L-R MultiMFD' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 3840; height = 2160; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 16/9; }, LEFT_MFCD = { x = 3920; y = 1320; width = 390; height = 390; }, RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 4530; y = 1300; width = 390; height = 390; }, } UIMainView = Viewports.Center LEFT_MFCD = Viewports.LEFT_MFCD RIGHT_MFCD = Viewports.RIGHT_MFCD
  10. Howdy, Can someone help me how to get the MiG21's radar window clean on a second screen? I use the standard export of the A10C and the radar is also displayed, but unfortunately it also overlaps with the mirrored screen. In the A10 and I think the Harrier it works. Actually just a cosmetic problem, but it bothers me a little now. My export lua: _ = function(p) return p; end; name = _('lalalala'); Description = '3 Screens and L-R MultiMFD' Viewports = { Center = { x = 0; y = 0; width = 3840; height = 2160; viewDx = 0; viewDy = 0; aspect = 16/9; }, LEFT_MFCD = { x = 3920; y = 1320; width = 390; height = 390; }, RIGHT_MFCD = { x = 4530; y = 1300; width = 390; height = 390; }, } UIMainView = Viewports.Center LEFT_MFCD = Viewports.LEFT_MFCD RIGHT_MFCD = Viewports.RIGHT_MFCD Thanks in advance
  11. Hello flyers. I roll with just a 360 controller but managing a throttle with it isn't very pleasing and after this many landings at incorrect speeds I am in great arrears on account of all the burning wrecks littering the airfield. So, I wanted to drive throttle with one or two sliders (I'm lounging inside an A-10 usually) or perhaps a rocker pedal. After looking at what DCS-BIOS affords I get the impression that what it relies on is focused on inputs for instrumentation and specifically does not include inputs for control surfaces or engine control. Is this correct? I took a different approach, that of making an Arduino microcontroller masquerade as an XInput device, which is well documented. Attaching a potentiometer, mapping voltage to a stick in C and mapping the stick to the throttle in World works nicely (apart from some axis wraparound that is surely fixable). Was this the most expedient approach or did I make this overly complicated?
  12. Hello all, not sure where this belongs so posting in here as its the best place I can tell at the moment. I am running a VPC LED Tool on my machine, which grabs certain exported arguments and allows me to set triggers and LED states based on certain events in cockpit. For example, A/S turns my stick LED green/red depending on safe/armed, I have also programmed my Master Caution reset button to flash when its triggered and then return to green when reset. The way VPC LED works is that there it has the standard telemetry available for every DCS module, that it looks for. Then a second module dependant LUA file for each aircraft specific data. In this case the AH64 has Master Caution as I mentioned above, but not Master Warning. There are a few others missing which I would like as well like Tail Wheel lock. How/Where do I find the list of all exported cockpit arguments for the AH64 please, so I can add them to the LUA to programme the LEDS from Thanks
  13. DCS Data Export Tool GitHub: DcsDataExportTool What can this tool do for you? This console application will allow you to export DCS Clickable Data with IDs into CSV file for later use with DCS Stream Deck interface (might be usable by other DCS tools I am not aware of). Most of the modules and clickable data info can be looked at directly in the DCS SD plugin, but some of them can't and display empty table. With release of the Mirage-F1 and the fact, that DCS SD plugin wasn't updated for quiet a while, I have decided to write my own tool to get such data. Instead of going through the scripts manually while mapping SD buttons to DCS, you can use this tool to get them exported into CSV without all the unnecessary info noise around the LUA scripts. This tool is in early stage of development, it's not perfect and can only get better. It was tested only on my machine and few other machines of friends. If it's not working for you, crashes or does not export some of the module data, let me know so I can fix it. GitHub repository doesn't build the versions automatically yet, so only source code is now available. This will be done in future. Please, read the disclaimer on the GiHub page. If you don't feel like running some 3rd party app from unknown source, DON'T and wait for the GitHub released binaries. Supported modules (I was able to test) A-10C II Tank Killer A-10C Warthog AH-64D BLK.II AJS37 AV-8B N/A F-14 F-16C bl. 50 F-5E Tiger II F/A18C Ka-50 Black Shark M-2000C Mi-24P Mi-8MTV2 Mig-21bis Mirage F1 NS430 TF-51D Mustang UH-1H Huey As I do not have access to some other modules, any feedback is appreciated. If something doesn't work or is not right, feel free to contact me or creating Issue on the GitHub page directly. How to use You can find the instructions HERE Download LINKS DCS Data Export Tool Win-x64 ZIP file DCS Data Export Tool Win-x86 ZIP file Special thanks: Charles Tytler for the DCS Stream Deck plugin and ideas I have used for my tool NLUA Interface for making the development and interfacing with LUA possible Feel free to get in touch if you find bugs or need any help.
  14. I'm trying to export data through Export.lua file. I read the example but couldn't find a function returning the velocity of all the units. Therefore, I wonder if I can manually calculate the velocity base on the difference between the position in each frame. In order to calculate the velocity, I have got to know the time between each simulation frames. Is it a constant value like 60? Or is it the actual FPS of the game? And are there other ways to get velocity of an object by its ID in Export.lua? Thanks for all the help!
  15. I want to export the currently selected unit on the F10 map. I have found `LoGetObjectById()` by browsing `Export.lua`, but I don't know how to get the ID of the object I have clicked on. I would like to get at least the position (lat, long, alt). coalition and name (typename) would be helpful but is not strictly required. Alternatively the object ID so I can get all that with the LoGetObjectById function mentioned above. I would also enjoy those things for when the user clicks on an airfields. If it's possible, the left alt + left mouse button marker would also be nice to export, is that possible? Is there some kind of comprehensive API documentation that I can search through?
  16. Hello, My question is that how come that every module have different brightness? I mean, the f16, A10 II and the Apache is acceptable, but the hornet is bad. Why can't you guys at least see which one is the best of them all and try to get the others to the same level? And this is my second question, thr brightness in the F15E, does it to do with some ED code or is it only razbams code? Flying the A10 I see the screens and the colours are quite good, I wish every module was the same Regards
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