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Hello eric, just wanted to say thanks a bunch for resolving that problem. Seems to work fine now, it also help me to understand the language as well. I would however, like to know how to launch more than 1 aircraft. tried the syntax and could not get more than 1 aircraft to launch. just wondering if you know how to do that? I wont bother you after this...


Here's what I got son far.


A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "Sochi", AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler, { "DF CCCP MiG-21 01" }, 10 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGci( "Sochi", 900, 1200 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGrouping( "Sochi", 2 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromParkingCold( "Sochi" )


The only way I know is to use this..

[color=black][size=2]A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronOverhead( [/size][size=2][size=2]"Sochi"[/size][/size][size=2], [/size][size=2][size=2]2[/size][/size][size=2] )[/size][/color][/Code]

The number 2 is a modifier used with the number of detected planes.


So, in the test mission with the one F5 being detected you get this

1(Number detected planes) x 2 = 2 GCI planes launched.



And don't worry about asking the questions, trust me I have asked many..


Having an issue where my if then statements are not working.

function BatumiResupply()
local side = BatumiFlagS:Get()
-- local supplies = BatumiFlagR:Get()
US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( string.format( "%s is the side", BatumiFlagS:Get() ), MESSAGE.Type.Information )

if ( 1 == 1 ) then
 US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "ROH ****" )

if BatumiFlagS:Is( 1 ) then
	US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "Roger Resupply is on its way" )
	US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "Roger Resupply is on its way22" )



As you can see im just using those messages as a debug. The first message is displayed when called but anything with if then does not work. I even tried doing

if 1 == 1 then 
  my message code

in triggers in the editor but nothing works.

Having an issue where my if then statements are not working.

function BatumiResupply()
   local side = BatumiFlagS:Get()
   -- local supplies = BatumiFlagR:Get()
   US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( string.format( "%s is the side", BatumiFlagS:Get() ), MESSAGE.Type.Information )

   if ( 1 == 1 ) then
    US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "ROH ****" )

   if BatumiFlagS:Is( 1 ) then
       US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "Roger Resupply is on its way" )
       US_CC:MessageTypeToCoalition( "Roger Resupply is on its way22" )


As you can see im just using those messages as a debug. The first message is displayed when called but anything with if then does not work. I even tried doing

if 1 == 1 then 
  my message code

in triggers in the editor but nothing works.


Have a look at this example:


self:GetCommandCenter():MessageTypeToCoalition( self:GetText() .. " has been completed! Good job guys!", MESSAGE.Type.Information )



You miss the second parameter, which uses an enumeration MESSAGE.Type.


I guess you're looking at flags, correct?


In order to ensure that you're understanding the errors that may happen when building your scripts, are you familiar with the tracing and debugging of your scripts? In order to provide some guidance, have a look at this explanation:



hope this helps




Have a look at this example:


self:GetCommandCenter():MessageTypeToCoalition( self:GetText() .. " has been completed! Good job guys!", MESSAGE.Type.Information )



You miss the second parameter, which uses an enumeration MESSAGE.Type.


Thanks for the reply really appreciate it that’s probaly the reason why my if then did not work I’ll have to test it when I get home. If you don’t mind I just have two more questions then I’m done bothering you haha.

1. How do I script waypoints as in add them mid mission. I tried a couple methods in your scripts and looked at some examples but having a hard time understanding. I think I used buildwp function, move to zone function and one more can’t think of it. I get the unit to move to a location but can’t make them go from there as in add another waypoint.


2. How do I have a repeating script. So if I’m checking for a condition I want the script to repeat every 10 seconds and once the condition is met run my code and exit it. In other scripting language it looks somthing like this

While {true} do 
If () exitwith { code }
Sleep 10


Hello, I have a small problem...


I created RED interceptors groups with A2ADispatcher.

It works fine.


I wanted in the same time to have 2 BLUE F16 spawning and patroling a Patrol Zone, with an order to intercept only when RED would enter an Engage Zone.



My problem is that the F16 are landing after spawn... ?


The script for the BLUE separated from the RED A2ADispatcher is as follow:


CapPlane = SPAWN:New( "SQ NATO F-16" ):InitLimit( 2, 10 )
CapPlane:SpawnScheduled( 180,0 )

PatrolZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "PatrolZone", GROUP:FindByName( "CAP PatrolZone" ) )

AICapZone = AI_CAP_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 8000, 10000, 600, 900 )

CapEngageZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "Engage Zone", GROUP:FindByName( "Engage Zone NTO" ) )
AICapZone:SetEngageZone( CapEngageZone )

AICapZone:SetControllable( CapPlane )

AICapZone:__Start( 1 ) -- They should statup, and start patrolling in the PatrolZone.


In ME the name "SQ NATO F-16", "CAP PatrolZone" and "Engage Zone NTO" are correct.


Any idea why the F16 do not rejoin their CAP PatrolZone ?


You need to use OnSpawnGroup to catch when the F16 is spawned or respawned and then add to the CAPZONE. In your code you are attempting to add the F16 to the zone before it might even exist. Well, with yours probably the first one will work but any spawned via the schedule or due to InitLimit will not join. There should be examples out there using OnSpawnGroup for things like this.


Hello, I have a small problem...


I created RED interceptors groups with A2ADispatcher.

It works fine.


I wanted in the same time to have 2 BLUE F16 spawning and patroling a Patrol Zone, with an order to intercept only when RED would enter an Engage Zone.



My problem is that the F16 are landing after spawn... ?


The script for the BLUE separated from the RED A2ADispatcher is as follow:


CapPlane = SPAWN:New( "SQ NATO F-16" ):InitLimit( 2, 10 )
CapPlane:SpawnScheduled( 180,0 )

PatrolZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "PatrolZone", GROUP:FindByName( "CAP PatrolZone" ) )

AICapZone = AI_CAP_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 8000, 10000, 600, 900 )

CapEngageZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "Engage Zone", GROUP:FindByName( "Engage Zone NTO" ) )
AICapZone:SetEngageZone( CapEngageZone )

AICapZone:SetControllable( CapPlane )

AICapZone:__Start( 1 ) -- They should statup, and start patrolling in the PatrolZone.


In ME the name "SQ NATO F-16", "CAP PatrolZone" and "Engage Zone NTO" are correct.


Any idea why the F16 do not rejoin their CAP PatrolZone ?


Hi, thank you for the answer.

I'm a noob at coding so I tryied this


CapPlane = SPAWN
   :New( "SQ NATO F-16" )
   :InitLimit( 2, 10 )
   :SpawnScheduled( 180, 0 )
   :InitCleanUp( 300 )
     function( SpawnGroup )
       PatrolZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "PatrolZone", GROUP:FindByName( "CAP PatrolZone" ) )
       AICapZone = AI_CAP_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 8000, 10000, 600, 900 )
       CapEngageZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "Engage Zone", GROUP:FindByName( "Engage Zone NTO" ) )
       AICapZone:SetEngageZone( CapEngageZone )

       AICapZone:SetControllable( CapPlane )
       AICapZone:__Start( 1 ) -- They should statup, and start patrolling in the PatrolZone.


Of course i missed something cause it doesn't work...


Try this. Note, I moved the ZONE and AI_CAP_ZONE to just be defined once ahead of time. And the SetControllable is set on the "group" passed into the function "SpawnGroup".


I also moved the SpawnScheduled to the end of the chain because I think it needs to be there as it will do the spawn. I could be wrong on that one. I'm now wondering if you need to move the __Start() to the top as well. If it doesn't work as is try that.


PatrolZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "PatrolZone", GROUP:FindByName( "CAP PatrolZone" ) )
AICapZone = AI_CAP_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 8000, 10000, 600, 900 )
CapEngageZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "Engage Zone", GROUP:FindByName( "Engage Zone NTO" ) )
AICapZone:SetEngageZone( CapEngageZone )

CapPlane = SPAWN
   :New( "SQ NATO F-16" )
   :InitLimit( 2, 10 )
   :InitCleanUp( 300 )
     function( SpawnGroup )
       AICapZone:SetControllable( SpawnGroup )
       AICapZone:__Start( 1 ) -- They should statup, and start patrolling in the PatrolZone.
    :SpawnScheduled( 180, 0 )


Hi, thank you for the answer.

I'm a noob at coding so I tryied this


CapPlane = SPAWN
   :New( "SQ NATO F-16" )
   :InitLimit( 2, 10 )
   :SpawnScheduled( 180, 0 )
   :InitCleanUp( 300 )
     function( SpawnGroup )
       PatrolZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "PatrolZone", GROUP:FindByName( "CAP PatrolZone" ) )
       AICapZone = AI_CAP_ZONE:New( PatrolZone, 8000, 10000, 600, 900 )
       CapEngageZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "Engage Zone", GROUP:FindByName( "Engage Zone NTO" ) )
       AICapZone:SetEngageZone( CapEngageZone )

       AICapZone:SetControllable( CapPlane )
       AICapZone:__Start( 1 ) -- They should statup, and start patrolling in the PatrolZone.


Of course i missed something cause it doesn't work...


It's better with the __start at the top.


The first F16 land after patrolling one or 2 random waypoints.

The 2nd F16 does it better, with a longer stay airborne.


Then i watched the 3rd and the 4th, and they did a nice patrol.


This is still a little buggy with the first plane, but it doesn't matter cause the CAP is done all the time at least by one plane.


Thks a lot!


I am working on a training mission for myself and trying to learn the ME and MOOSE at the same time. But I have some problems I just cant figure out. I want to have some tankers and awacs that are always in the air. I have been looking at some tutorials and came up with the following.




 local SpawnTankerKC130_001 = SPAWN:New("Tanker KC-130W"):InitLimit( 1, 0 ):InitCleanUp( 60 )
 local SpawnTankerKC130_002 = SPAWN:New("Tanker KC-130E"):InitLimit( 1, 0 ):InitCleanUp( 60 )
 local SpawnTankerKC135_001 = SPAWN:New("Tanker KC-135"):InitLimit( 1, 0 ):InitCleanUp( 60 )
 local SpawnAWACS_001 = SPAWN:New("AWAC"):InitLimit( 1, 0 ):InitCleanUp( 60 )
 SpawnTankerKC130_001:SpawnScheduled( 30, 0 )
 SpawnTankerKC130_002:SpawnScheduled( 30, 0 )
 SpawnTankerKC135_001:SpawnScheduled( 30, 0 )
 SpawnAWACS_001:SpawnScheduled( 30, 0 )




The groups are each set to late activation


When I run this mission.

- All four spawn and when they die only two aircraft respawn and after they die nothing more happens.

- I have noticed that if the group name is "Tanker KC-130W" the script adds #001 in the end. So if I try to add escort from the ME they cant find the group they are supposed to escort because of the #001 added.


I also wanted to have a message display when the support aircraft arrive on station so I tried

local SupportGroup = GROUP:Find(...)
SupportGroup:MessageToAll( "On station", 20, "Arco" )


in do script on the waypoint but it wont work, it has worked before. Maybe adding CTLD and mist did something.


And I have different zones on the map where I have some enemy ground targets using



-- Find the Vehicle and create a GROUP object.
 Vehicle = GROUP:FindByName( "AG-Ground #006" )
 Vehicle1 = GROUP:FindByName( "AG-Ground #001" )
 Vehicle2 = GROUP:FindByName( "AG-Ground #002" )
 Vehicle3 = GROUP:FindByName( "AG-Ground #003" )
 -- Setup RespawnZone1 linking to the trigger zone ZONEVEHICLE1.
 RespawnZone = ZONE:New( "Zone10")
 RespawnZone1 = ZONE:New( "Zone1")
 RespawnZone2 = ZONE:New( "Zone2")
 RespawnZone3 = ZONE:New( "Zone3")
 -- Prepare the spawning to be done in RespawnZone1.
 Vehicle:InitZone( RespawnZone )
 --Vehicle:InitRandomizePositionZone( true )
 Vehicle1:InitZone( RespawnZone1 )
 --Vehicle1:InitRandomizePositionZone( true )
 Vehicle2:InitZone( RespawnZone2 )
 --Vehicle2:InitRandomizePositionZone( true )
 Vehicle3:InitZone( RespawnZone3 )
 --Vehicle3:InitRandomizePositionZone( true )
 Vehicle:HandleEvent( EVENTS.Dead )
 function Vehicle:OnEventDead( EventData )
   self:E( { "Size ", Size = Vehicle:GetSize() } )
   -- When the last vehicle of the group is declared dead, respawn the group.
   if Vehicle:GetSize() == 1 then
     -- Respawn the vehicle in RespawnZone1.
     MessageToAll("Enemy Respawned", 20,"Traning Mission")
  Vehicle1:HandleEvent( EVENTS.Dead )
 function Vehicle1:OnEventDead( EventData )
   self:E( { "Size ", Size = Vehicle1:GetSize() } )
   -- When the last vehicle of the group is declared dead, respawn the group.
   if Vehicle1:GetSize() == 1 then
     -- Respawn the vehicle in RespawnZone1.
     MessageToAll("Enemy Respawned", 20,"Traning Mission")
  Vehicle2:HandleEvent( EVENTS.Dead )
 function Vehicle2:OnEventDead( EventData )
   self:E( { "Size ", Size = Vehicle2:GetSize() } )
   -- When the last vehicle of the group is declared dead, respawn the group.
   if Vehicle2:GetSize() == 1 then
     -- Respawn the vehicle in RespawnZone1.
     MessageToAll("Enemy Respawned", 20,"Traning Mission")
  Vehicle3:HandleEvent( EVENTS.Dead )
 function Vehicle3:OnEventDead( EventData )
   self:E( { "Size ", Size = Vehicle3:GetSize() } )
   -- When the last vehicle of the group is declared dead, respawn the group.
   if Vehicle3:GetSize() == 1 then
     -- Respawn the vehicle in RespawnZone1.
     MessageToAll("Enemy Respawned", 20,"Traning Mission")



I cant seem to find a way to timeout or pause when the group respawns, now it just resets as soon as the last is killed and I would like some time to be able to get away before the air defense respawns.


I would appreciate all the help I could get :). I really like tinkering with my own mission in the editor

Training Mission.lua

Training Mission.miz


Dynamic Spawning Causing Problems


Trying to understanding how things are working here. Working with the Zone-100 Normal Zone code.


HummerGroup = GROUP:FindByName("Test Inside Polygon")

ZoneA = ZONE:New("testZone")
ZoneA:SmokeZone(SMOKECOLOR.White, 90)

Messager = SCHEDULER:New(nil,
   HummerGroup:MessageToAll((HummerGroup:IsCompletelyInZone(ZoneA)) and "Inside Zone A" or "Outside Zone A", 1)
   if HummerGroup:IsCompletelyInZone(ZoneA) then
 {}, 0, 1)


All works just fine, but if I set the "Test Inside Polygon" vehicle to Late Activation and spawn it dynamically (as seen below) at the top of the page, it no longer works. Why not? How could I fix this?


Spawn_Vehicle_1 = SPAWN:New("Test Inside Polygon")
Spawn_Group_1 = Spawn_Vehicle_1:Spawn()

The State Military (MAG 13)





AV-8B BuNo 164553


Col J. “Poe” Rasmussen



Specs: Gigabyte Z390 Pro Wifi; i9-9900K; EVGA 2080 Ti Black; 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4; Samsung 970 EVO Series M.2 SSD; WIN10; ASUS VG248QE; CV-1 and Index

Modules: A-10C; AV8B; CA; FC3; F-5; F-14; F-18; F-86; HAWK; L-39; P-51; UH1H; NTTR; Normandy; Persian Gulf


I believe the Spawn() returns the group so in your second iteration you need to be using Spawn_Group_1 variable in your scheduler in place of HummerGroup variable. I assume you've made code changes there too otherwise it makes sense this does not work because the GROUP:FindByName is looking for a different name than what was actually spawned.


Trying to understanding how things are working here. Working with the Zone-100 Normal Zone code.


HummerGroup = GROUP:FindByName("Test Inside Polygon")

ZoneA = ZONE:New("testZone")
ZoneA:SmokeZone(SMOKECOLOR.White, 90)

Messager = SCHEDULER:New(nil,
   HummerGroup:MessageToAll((HummerGroup:IsCompletelyInZone(ZoneA)) and "Inside Zone A" or "Outside Zone A", 1)
   if HummerGroup:IsCompletelyInZone(ZoneA) then
 {}, 0, 1)


All works just fine, but if I set the "Test Inside Polygon" vehicle to Late Activation and spawn it dynamically (as seen below) at the top of the page, it no longer works. Why not? How could I fix this?


Spawn_Vehicle_1 = SPAWN:New("Test Inside Polygon")
Spawn_Group_1 = Spawn_Vehicle_1:Spawn()


Ok. I see that now. Got it working. Thanks.

The State Military (MAG 13)





AV-8B BuNo 164553


Col J. “Poe” Rasmussen



Specs: Gigabyte Z390 Pro Wifi; i9-9900K; EVGA 2080 Ti Black; 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4; Samsung 970 EVO Series M.2 SSD; WIN10; ASUS VG248QE; CV-1 and Index

Modules: A-10C; AV8B; CA; FC3; F-5; F-14; F-18; F-86; HAWK; L-39; P-51; UH1H; NTTR; Normandy; Persian Gulf


Is there a moose for dummies written tutorial?

BlackeyCole 20years usaf

XP-11. Dcs 2.5OB

Acer predator laptop/ i7 7720, 2.4ghz, 32 gb ddr4 ram, 500gb ssd,1tb hdd,nvidia 1080 8gb vram



New FlightSim Blog at https://blackeysblog.wordpress.com. Go visit it and leave me feedback and or comments so I can make it better. A new post every Friday.


Question was trying to get an event handler to work with a scripted spawned helicopter group to execute my code when they land. Was trying to use the event.land or somthing like that and could not for the life of me get it to work. Would someone be able to give me and example and an event handler (land) with a scripted spawned unit.

Posted (edited)



Would like to let you all know that I've posted some new videos as part of the Release 2.4 beta. The first video series is about APC cargo transportation.


Check in the comments of the video the download location of the demo mission.

Ensure you watch all the videos, but if you don't have a lot of time, watch video 4 then...








Edited by FlightControl



Posted (edited)

There is more to come, this is only the start :-)


And these videos are about AI only. There is also a human tasker, the TASK_CARGO_ classes, which handle cargo transportation tasks for human players.

It just is a lot of work to make all these videos and document and make demo mission et all...



Edited by FlightControl




MOOSE for Non-Coders


I am a total coding novice who decided to try using MOOSE to enhance my missions. Despite FlightControl's enormous documentation effort, I encountered many frustrations due mainly to my ignorance of basic coding principles. I documented some of these myself and offer them here. Other coding novices out there may find it useful. I will entertain any suggestions for improvement.

MOOSE for Non-Coders.pdf

I am a total coding novice who decided to try using MOOSE to enhance my missions. Despite FlightControl's enormous documentation effort, I encountered many frustrations due mainly to my ignorance of basic coding principles. I documented some of these myself and offer them here. Other coding novices out there may find it useful. I will entertain any suggestions for improvement.
THIS is fantastic! Though a lot of it, I already learned the hard way, I see this as extremely(!!!) valuable for beginners.

@sven this should be linked or added to the Moose tutorials on GitHub!


Lots of these little misunderstandings and misconceptions pointed out and explained.



- Flying Sims since 1984 -:pilotfly:

Win 10 | i5 10600K@4.1GHz | 64GB | GeForce RTX 3090 - Asus VG34VQL1B  | TrackIR5 | Simshaker & Jetseat | VPForce Rhino Base & VIRPIL T50 CM2 Stick on 200mm curved extension | VIRPIL T50 CM2 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Plus/Apache64 Grip | MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals | WW Top Gun MIP | a hand made AHCP | 2x Elgato StreamDeck (Buttons galore)


Is it possible with MOOSE to set up the fuel status of an AAR Tanker like the S3B or the KC-130?

Playing: DCS World

Intel i7-13700KF, 64GB DDR5 @5600MHz, RTX 4080 ZOTAC Trinity, WIN 11 64Bit Prof.

Squadron "Serious Uglies" / Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/2WccwBh


Is it possible with MOOSE to set up the fuel status of an AAR Tanker like the S3B or the KC-130?
No, you can only access, what the DCS scripting engine offers.



- Flying Sims since 1984 -:pilotfly:

Win 10 | i5 10600K@4.1GHz | 64GB | GeForce RTX 3090 - Asus VG34VQL1B  | TrackIR5 | Simshaker & Jetseat | VPForce Rhino Base & VIRPIL T50 CM2 Stick on 200mm curved extension | VIRPIL T50 CM2 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Plus/Apache64 Grip | MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals | WW Top Gun MIP | a hand made AHCP | 2x Elgato StreamDeck (Buttons galore)


What you can do, is define an AI tanker with fuel set to a certain value and spawn that.



- Flying Sims since 1984 -:pilotfly:

Win 10 | i5 10600K@4.1GHz | 64GB | GeForce RTX 3090 - Asus VG34VQL1B  | TrackIR5 | Simshaker & Jetseat | VPForce Rhino Base & VIRPIL T50 CM2 Stick on 200mm curved extension | VIRPIL T50 CM2 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Plus/Apache64 Grip | MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals | WW Top Gun MIP | a hand made AHCP | 2x Elgato StreamDeck (Buttons galore)

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