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Su-25T "Viggen"...


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Hi All,


I'm interested in putting this skin on lockonfiles/anywhere else for people to use, but don't know the first thing about how to put it in to an "installable pack" that people can easily just install in to their LOMAC and use.


Any help would be appreciated here so anyone who likes the skin can make use of it (skin version without my number on the back obviously! ;))









You get the idea, more screenies below:








Thanks in advance for the help.

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487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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Nice:thumbup: , it reminds me a little the ukranian air force too.


Make a file for install.................I think you can do it with modman, but you need to choose a skin to remplace with the new( i´m not sure). There must be some way to install it without remplace, I hope anyone here know how to do it, I really want that skin XDDD.

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Thanks for the support, it took about 35 hours or so to create...and yeah, it was a bit of a labour of love....I'm still looking forward to you and Star80s vanilla template ;) Then I can create some nice stuff for that ride as well ;)


Absolutely superb skin! As a fellow skiner i can understand how much work you put in that skin. Congartulation ;)

(by the way it reminds me my unfinished T-skin...)


487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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Hi Thomas


Thanks for the offer - do you need the raw BMP files or is it ok if they're already compressed to DDS/CDDS? Let me know and then I'll pm you the url. If raw bmp, I'll need some time to upload them. I have a slow upload connection and uncompressed they're 36mb!


Thanks again for the kind offer.


Send it as is and I'll pack it for you, and prepare a install, I'll also add it to CAW MEiNit as an add-on to make it compatible.




487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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If it was a Viggen, it wolud land in 400m, reverse, and take off again, without no need for uber long runways. Heck, the goverment in Sweden could just buy some people with a large backyard some 400m stretches of asphalt, and the Viggens would be able to land whereever they want.


PS the brakes are better too on the Viggen, the pads were not stolen by communist plant workers and made into beer mats for vodka ;)

Creedence Clearwater Revival:worthy:

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LOL, sorry for the delay, work getting in the way etc. I need to make some tweaks to the skin (remove the 504 logo for a start!) and when done I'll make a post in this thread and normal forum. Might be 2 weeks (:music_whistling:) yet though, my job is real busy atm.


487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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Magnificent skin! :thumbup: :clap_2:

By far the most beautiful cammo on the plane that deserves it most (naturally, after viggen). I was always a great fan of swedish techies and adored that cammo. Brought some sweet memories about my Viggen model kit (maybe it's still alive).


I usually don't care much about outside look (gotta see my car), but this is one of the very, very few that I like best. Can't wait for dload, dude! Just give us beta!

I'm selling MiG-21 activation key.

Also selling Suncom F-15E Talon HOTAS with MIDI connectors, several sets.

Contact via PM.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I've finally done the final tweaks AND figured out how to make it modman installable etc. I've uploaded to lockonskins and lockfiles....just waiting for those sites to ok the upload. As soon as they do I'll post the links to them ;)


Not long to wait now :o


EDIT: Lockonskins got there first....get it from here :D


487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brewber19, first of all very nice skin.

But, ( :D ) I have a small request. Apparently the "skin" files enters in conflict with the ones used by "ED Aggressor skin".





Could you make a small update or new version or even tell me what to modify to make all skins work? I also Have Akula and Highlander skins and they have different parameter there and is not conflicting.


Thanx for the skin!


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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Hi Zaelu,


Ah, thought this would happen cos of the way LO implements its skins (sigh).


Ok, what you need to do is...in all those '.skins' files, change the 'value' for the Viggen skin to a higher number (like 1.8 or something).


Then open your meint.xml file, search for the FIRST section where it lists the Viggen skin and change the 'ID' in the line below....


<ColorScheme CLSID="{33ADAF63-31E5-45f0-809F-CF2678A29051}" ID="6" Name="VVS504th Splintered/Viggen"/>


...from 6 (which matches '0.6' from the .skins files) to whatever value you chose in the '.skins' files...so in my example I chose 1.8 earlier, so in here you would insert '18'...


You may also need to change the CLSID....in which case just amend the last two digits so it doesn't match any other CLSID listed in the <colorschemes> section...


<ColorScheme CLSID="{33ADAF63-31E5-45f0-809F-CF2678A29051}" ID="6" Name="VVS504th Splintered/Viggen"/>


...next search for the SECOND section in the meint.xml file and you need to amend the CLSID here to match the number you chose when editing just above.


The reason why is the first <colorschemes> section determines what skins LO recognises, and the second <colorschemes> section adds the skin reference so you can choose it in the payload screen.


Rememeber there are TWO places in the meint file and that they need to match! (I always forget the second one and spend ages wondering why a skin doesnt work!).


Hope this works, its kinda hard to (quickly) explain...which would be why no-one explained it to me when I asked at the start of this thread!


If you get stuck give me a shout....sorry installing skins is such a pain but thats LO...why they didn't just do what IL2 does and have folders for skins I don't know....but you'll ALWAYS have a potential conflict when installing skins from the community, because its easy to have conflicting IDs :(


Anyways, hope it all goes well, glad you like the skin.

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487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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Thanx. It worked, though I didn't needed to change the CLSID code as it was already "unique".


If we are about this settings I ask you about another 2 issues:


1. Some of the planes that are using PTB 800 tanks show a nice asorted skin on them but others dont. Namely the Akula Su25T skin, The 4th (the green one) on the Su-25 vanilla, and on some Mig 29 I think. You have any ideea what could be wrong about the configuration files for this ones?





2. It seems that I have a little problem with the Aggressor (US fictional) Su25T skin, when I select one of the two variants when I enter the game and the game is paused I get this picture:




If I move my head in cockpit the "error disapears when I reach almost the maximum right/left turn. However, the error disapears imediately when I press Pause and the game starts.


I dont know if they are related but I'm also missing the "enforced" numbers on those two skins, the plane looking externaly like this:




I remember that the numbers on one plane/skin was enforced by a specific file but I cant remember the exact file.


Do you have any ideeas?




I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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i think its the "nomera.tga" file but then best person to ask is 44th_Deadman or ThomasDWeiss I guess, they'll know more about that...I don't have any issues with numbering etc cos I don't have any custom skins. IIRC the 'poison frog' messes up peoples aircraft numbering :(


487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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Su 25T, Modman 5 with Teka Teka patch.


I will try to check the original meinit.xml and graphics.cfg from the original patch to see any differencies.


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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