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USAF Boneyard


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MemphisBelle, to embed youtube videos, just need the code after the = in your case L1s-1nHdIgs

To whom it may concern,

I am an idiot, unfortunately for the world, I have a internet connection and a fondness for beer....apologies for that.

Thank you for you patience.



Many people don't want the truth, they want constant reassurance that whatever misconception/fallacies they believe in are true..

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Awesome videos guys, thanks for the share.


Though... it is very heartbreaking to see these beautiful machines waste away in the desert.. B-1s especially. I hear their fleet is having some serious issues keeping jets airborne and is having to cannibalize other aircraft.


I wonder how much I'd have to pay the Air Force to let me run through that place with a crowbar and take home some souvenirs.. I'd sure like to have some instruments like an altimeter or something on my desk :)

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I was just at DM last week. Saw the jet I turned in to AMARG, a few years ago. The first operational KC-135R 61-0312. Just last year, it was spray-latted and standing proud. It's now up on wooden pallets, stripped of many parts for the rest of the fleet.


I also saw all of the ex-RAF Harrier GR.9s. They were sitting with wings removed and fuselages wrapped up. I dont know how many actually helped the USMC Harrier fleet though.


Truly an amazing place, with history trapped behind walls.

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  • 1 month later...

During the Reagan Administration - the Goal for the USAF was to build to a 40 Tactical Wing Equivalent.


But Events overtook that Plan:


- Large increases in Budget Deficits & National Debt

- Fall of Berlin Wall

- Breakup of the Soviet Union

- And the anticipated realization of a 'Peace Dividend' by drastically down-sizing America's Military Force Structure


So under Presidents HW Bush and Bill Clinton - America's Combat Force Structure was reduced 40% (saving $1Trillion over the decade of the 1990s based on the Trajectory that the Reagan Defense Budgets were on).


Manpower and Hardware simply went away. :(


So now the DM Bone-Yard has Squadron after Squadron (literally as far as the eye can see) of once proud Aircraft. In fact - if re-constituted - the Bone-Yard might be in the Top 10 of largest Air Force in the World (my Guesstimate).



Edited by Igor4U
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  • 4 months later...

For me the sad part is slowly seeing old friends--fleets of F-4's, A-4's, B-52's etc be there one day, then a year later nothing but a big empty field with "shadows" on the ground. (As seen on Google Earth)


I saw the entire fleet of EF-111A's and the other 111's simply fade away. Don't know which fate was better--ours were scrapped and presumably melted, while the Aussie 111's were stripped and buried in unmarked mass graves.

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