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ME-163B by Komet Simulations

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ME-163B by Komet Simulations






We, from Komet Simulations, would like to present the ME-163B to the DCS World community.


This project is still work in progress, so changes may be made during the process.


Our goal is to bring a authentic simulation of the ME-163B to DCS World. We strive to become a third party developer that will give us the tools to help make a more accurate and authentic aircraft.


You may have seen our previous thread about the ME-163 in the forums. We have decided to re-post the thread so we can clearly lay out what our goals, expectations and progress we are making..


The ME-163B was a interceptor with the main purpose to defend valuable targets which were targeted by enemy bombers. That’s why the role was designated as “Objektschutzjäger” which can be translated to object protecting interceptor. This tail-less rocket powered fighter was unique at that time and is still one of its kind. Even though the Komet has been proven ineffective, over 300 planes were built. Every airframe was unique in its own way. Officially, there are more than 5 versions of this plane. Considering all the modifications that were put into the aircraft, that number greatly increased.


The ME-163 had set up an unofficial speed record of 1140km/h or 700 mph in July 1944 and In level flight, it was able to reach 1000km/h.


Despite its high speed and great climb rate, the early A and B models were not equipped with a pressurized canopy, creating problems for the pilot’s stomach for example.


The Komet did not have a landing gear, instead it had a trolley, which could be jettisoned to allow the skid to extend. Surprisingly, the ME-163 did not slip at touch down despite the lack of the gear. This was the reason why the Germans retrofitted the tractor so it could be used with the ME-163. They took the tractor and fitted two different attachments to it. One was to pull the Komet with a bar, and the other one was for after the landing. The simply lifted the Komet with that attachment and then drove it back to the hangars.


So far, we were able to come to a state where we are able to share what we have created so far.









The ME-163B model used in the screenshot is an older one and has been put into here for testing and showcasing purposes. Until now, that model has been updated. Texture work was also started but wasn’t integrated in the pictures above.


The tractor was called the “Scheuchschlepper” which means in translation “quick pulling”. It was fitted with a 6 or 9 hp engine. A bigger version of this engine was used in the “VW Käfer”, which was very popular, at least in europe.









This variant of the Scheuchschlepper was used for moving the ME-163 after landing on the runway.






The one above was used for bringing the ME-163 into take-off position, which simply placed the aircraft at the beginning of the runway, where the pilots would turn on their engines, roll over the chocks and then take off.


Because there were versions of the Komet without compass or different installation locations, we have our FK 38 right behind the bullet proof glass, where it was most likely installed.


In addition, there were various pieces of informations about which clock it had and where it was placed. Thanks to a lot of research, we have found informations about this to make our mod/module accurate as possible paying attention to every little bit of detail.


The cockpit itself was a special and dangerous working area. The only protection was offered from the 90mm bullet proof glass in front of the pilot, the seat and a steel plate behind the pilot. To each side of the pilot were two tanks containing highly dangerous rocket fuel. The size of the cockpit wasn’t too big, it was actually quite narrow. Luckily for the pilot, he didn’t have had a lot to do as there were few switches and handles to be operated.






This is a showcase with a dummy. You can see how tight the cockpit is, with the canopy in place in there is very limited movement.


The 3D model of the cockpit is close to being finished. Small details are being added and the last corrections are being done. Texture work has also started. Here are a few render of the current progress.


















Before you ask, no! We do not have any release date in mind so far and we won’t share a date until we are 99% sure we can make it to that date. In addition to this, only pictures showcased above are not the final product and subject to change.


If you are interested in helping the team then please message Razo+r or Level.



Komet Simulations

Edited by razo+r
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Contact Us:

You can contact either one of us with queries regarding the ME-163B by sending us a private message or through Discord (Level#5042 or Razor#8274).

Edited by LevelPulse
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Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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Deja vu.


What happened to the existing thread which already had that info and screens in?


Also a lot of the information was buried in the thread and the original post was 2.5yrs old.


Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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My boy razor, it looks great, I will not say if I have or have not been seeing the updates on Discord because I have no idea what I'm talking about... But it's good to see some official posts on the forms keep up the good work to the whole team. I'm glad to see that this became a reality and a reason for me to actually buy the World War 2 pack.

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thank you, looking forward to flying her one day.

MSI MAG Z790 Carbon, i9-13900k, NH-D15 cooler, 64 GB CL40 6000mhz RAM, MSI RTX4090, Yamaha 5.1 A/V Receiver, 4x 2TB Samsung 980 Pro NVMe, 1x 2TB Samsung 870 EVO SSD, Win 11 Pro, TM Warthog, Virpil WarBRD, MFG Crosswinds, 43" Samsung 4K TV, 21.5 Acer VT touchscreen, TrackIR, Varjo Aero, Wheel Stand Pro Super Warthog, Phanteks Enthoo Pro2 Full Tower Case, Seasonic GX-1200 ATX3 PSU, PointCTRL, Buttkicker 2, K-51 Helicopter Collective Control

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Question for Komet Simulations and general public: likewise, what is the FM status for the Komet? Being FM certified would be great but there aren't so many Komet pilots left in this world...


There are no subject matters that we can verify the data with, although it is not a requirement if you have seen the criteria that Wags has sent.:


If possible, proof of access to subject matter experts on the aircraft (pilot that have flown the aircraft).


Instead we have multiple reports like this one:



That help us build the EFM needed for this Komet. Additionally there is a lot of airfoil data collected on 163B thanks to NASA. Finally we are in contact with a group that have a ME-163 that is used for gliding.


For the icing on the cake, we have a member that does aerospace engineering who also has a hobby of making real rockets (On a smaller scale of course) that is helping us.


Thanks :thumbup:

Edited by LevelPulse


Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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We would like to introduce CHSubZero to our team who will be working on the liveries for the ME-163B. We are looking forward to showing you some high quality historically accurate liveries.

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Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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@LP, you do realise it's now going to be Swiss skins only from here on, right? :P


We've got a problem then! :helpsmilie:


Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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March 2018 Mini Update


CHSubZero has already started doing research on decal locations for the liveries and has produced this spreadsheet to help show were they go.






We hope to use this research to incorporate the BORT numbers into the ME-163 model. Jone's article he wrote here on how to do this will help us.


Over the couple next days i plan to add clickable elements into the cockpit and have a first version of the HUD.

Edited by LevelPulse
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Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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I built a model of this rocket (not jet) powered aircraft when I was a kid.


These things had a nasty habit of exploding upon landing with remaining volatile fuel still in their tanks.


Sign me up. If I am still kicking upon release, I will purchase it.


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This will be really exciting and provide some very interesting missions. Fighter pilots will have to protect the Komets takeoff and landing fields from enemy fighter aircraft who would try to shoot them down on their glides and landing approaches (similar to Me-262 jet stories).


It looks like it will be really fantastic to fly the simulation. If nothing else, it will be a great 'trophy plane' to add to my aircraft stable and to design offline missions for it through the Mission Editor!


Well done! Salut!

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April Mini Update


Exams are coming up so i'll be on hold with the project for the next 2 months. However there are now several clickable elements that have been added to the cockpit. Here is the safety trigger and oxygenvalve that we have manipulated (Can't show in-game yet):





I've also gone ahead and upgraded my computer (Can see in my bio) to help me with this project, i've been using a Thinkpad that isn't up to the task when exporting EDMs and playing DCS (Only testing).


Animations are placeholders and do not represent the final product.

Edited by LevelPulse
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Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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  • 3 weeks later...
Good work !




shocking.gifmegalol.gif W.G.A. PORT was a funny guy !


Share more info about him! Haven't researched about him.


Director | Team Coordinator

PC Specs:



  • Intel I7 8700k 4.7Ghz
  • Gigabyte Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 Motherboard
  • 16GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3000MHz Ram
  • 500GB Samsung Evo 850 SSD



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I built a model of this rocket (not jet) powered aircraft when I was a kid.


These things had a nasty habit of exploding upon landing with remaining volatile fuel still in their tanks.


Sign me up. If I am still kicking upon release, I will purchase it.


For your information, rocket is a jet engine. Me-163 is a jet-powered aircraft.

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