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Players in SPECTATORS can still control units with Combined Arms


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There is seemingly an exploit with Combined Arms and multiplayer, where a spectator can go to Briefing > Fly > F10 Map and can control/command units even if they are not in a Game Master slot.



Apparently, only the units spawned in after the player has joined can be controlled.



This is a huge problem for MP servers since it allows for players to take control of any unit and cause a ruckus.




Our server has seen a few people take control of tanks to drive them to the airfields to shoot at players while they are starting up/taxiing/takeoff/landing

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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As a workaround you can disable F10 view for spectators. Check settings options on server.



I don't see any such options for that on the server options screen


"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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There are no such options in the mission editor.



Also there are no such options in the "options" file in the miz. :






options = 
   ["playerName"] = "New callsign",
   ["miscellaneous"] = 
       ["headmove"] = false,
       ["TrackIR_external_views"] = false,
       ["f5_nearest_ac"] = true,
       ["f11_free_camera"] = true,
       ["F2_view_effects"] = 1,
       ["f10_awacs"] = true,
       ["Coordinate_Display"] = "Lat Long",
       ["accidental_failures"] = false,
       ["autologin"] = true,
       ["force_feedback_enabled"] = false,
       ["collect_stat"] = false,
       ["chat_window_at_start"] = true,
       ["synchronize_controls"] = false,
       ["show_pilot_body"] = false,
   }, -- end of ["miscellaneous"]
   ["difficulty"] = 
       ["geffect"] = "realistic",
       ["padlock"] = false,
       ["compassTape"] = true,
       ["aircraftMode"] = true,
       ["easyCommunication"] = false,
       ["easyRadar"] = false,
       ["map"] = true,
       ["miniHUD"] = false,
       ["controlsIndicator"] = true,
       ["birds"] = 0,
       ["optionsView"] = "optview_all",
       ["permitCrash"] = true,
       ["immortal"] = false,
       ["cockpitStatusBarAllowed"] = false,
       ["cockpitVisualRM"] = false,
       ["easyFlight"] = false,
       ["reports"] = true,
       ["hideStick"] = true,
       ["radio"] = true,
       ["userMarks"] = true,
       ["units"] = "imperial",
       ["avionicsLanguage"] = "english",
       ["spectatorExternalViews"] = true,
       ["tips"] = true,
       ["userSnapView"] = false,
       ["RBDAI"] = false,
       ["externalViews"] = true,
       ["iconsTheme"] = "russian",
       ["fuel"] = false,
       ["weapons"] = false,
       ["setGlobal"] = true,
       ["labels"] = 0,
   }, -- end of ["difficulty"]
   ["VR"] = 
       ["use_mouse"] = true,
       ["hand_controllers"] = true,
       ["custom_IPD"] = "64",
       ["custom_IPD_enable"] = false,
       ["enable"] = false,
       ["prefer_built_in_audio"] = true,
       ["box_mouse_cursor"] = true,
       ["pixel_density"] = 1.3,
   }, -- end of ["VR"]
   ["graphics"] = 
       ["rainDroplets"] = 1,
       ["preloadRadius"] = 82900,
       ["heatBlr"] = 2,
       ["anisotropy"] = 4,
       ["water"] = 2,
       ["motionBlur"] = 0,
       ["outputGamma"] = 1.7,
       ["treesVisibility"] = 6000,
       ["aspect"] = 1.7777777777778,
       ["lights"] = 2,
       ["shadows"] = 2,
       ["MSAA"] = 1,
       ["SSAA"] = 0,
       ["height"] = 1440,
       ["forestDistanceFactor"] = 0.3,
       ["cockpitGI"] = 0,
       ["terrainTextures"] = "max",
       ["multiMonitorSetup"] = "1camera",
       ["shadowTree"] = false,
       ["chimneySmokeDensity"] = -100,
       ["fullScreen"] = false,
       ["disableAero"] = false,
       ["DOF"] = 0,
       ["clouds"] = 1,
       ["flatTerrainShadows"] = 1,
       ["width"] = 2560,
       ["textures"] = 2,
       ["effects"] = 3,
       ["SSAO"] = 0,
       ["useDeferredShading"] = 1,
       ["sync"] = false,
       ["LensEffects"] = 2,
       ["visibRange"] = "Ultra",
       ["clutterMaxDistance"] = -15000,
       ["scaleGui"] = false,
       ["civTraffic"] = "",
   }, -- end of ["graphics"]
   ["plugins"] = 
       ["Su-25T"] = 
           ["CPLocalList"] = "english",
       }, -- end of ["Su-25T"]
       ["F/A-18C"] = 
           ["abDetent"] = 2,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "Clean and Dark Cockpit",
           ["F18RealisticTDC"] = true,
           ["hmdEye"] = 2,
       }, -- end of ["F/A-18C"]
       ["AV8BNA"] = 
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["INS_Alignment"] = 0,
           ["INS_GYROHasNAV"] = false,
           ["MPCD_EXPORT"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["AV8BNA"]
       ["TF-51D"] = 
           ["assistance"] = 100,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["autoRudder"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["TF-51D"]
       ["FC3"] = 
           ["CPLocalList_Su-25"] = "English",
           ["CPLocalList_Su-27"] = "English Gray",
           ["CPLocalList_A-10A"] = "default",
           ["CPLocalList_Su-33"] = "English Gray",
           ["CPLocalList_MiG-29S"] = "Fixed",
           ["CPLocalList_MiG-29A"] = "Fixed",
           ["CPLocalList_J-11A"] = "default",
           ["CPLocalList_MiG-29G"] = "Fixed",
           ["CPLocalList_F-15C"] = "casper hd",
       }, -- end of ["FC3"]
       ["M-2000C"] = 
           ["UNI_ALIGNED"] = true,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "EN by gospadin",
           ["PPA_TOTPAR"] = false,
           ["UNI_NODRIFT"] = true,
       }, -- end of ["M-2000C"]
       ["UH-1H"] = 
           ["UHRudderTrimmer"] = false,
           ["autoPilot"] = true,
           ["UH1HCockpitShake"] = 50,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["weapTooltips"] = true,
           ["UHTrimmingMethod"] = 0,
       }, -- end of ["UH-1H"]
       ["CaptoGlove"] = 
           ["enable"] = false,
           ["armBending"] = 60,
       }, -- end of ["CaptoGlove"]
       ["NS430"] = 
           ["bf109k4_enabled"] = true,
           ["mi8_3D_enabled"] = true,
           ["mig29g_enabled"] = true,
           ["fw190d9_enabled"] = true,
           ["miraj_enabled"] = true,
           ["a10c_enabled"] = false,
           ["su27_enabled"] = true,
           ["SpitfireLFMkIX_enabled"] = true,
           ["mi8_common_enabled"] = true,
           ["fa18c_enabled"] = false,
           ["SpitfireLFMkIXCW_enabled"] = true,
           ["c101cc_enabled"] = true,
           ["f86f_enabled"] = true,
           ["j11a_enabled"] = true,
           ["su25t_enabled"] = true,
           ["mig29a_enabled"] = true,
           ["c101eb_enabled"] = true,
           ["ajs37_enabled"] = true,
           ["i16_enabled"] = true,
           ["av8b_enabled"] = true,
           ["f15c_enabled"] = true,
           ["f5e3_enabled"] = true,
           ["tf51d_enabled"] = true,
           ["mig21bis_enabled"] = true,
           ["mig29s_enabled"] = true,
           ["su33_enabled"] = true,
           ["a10a_enabled"] = true,
           ["p51d_enabled"] = true,
           ["su25_enabled"] = true,
           ["sa342l_enabled"] = true,
           ["l39za_enabled"] = true,
           ["ka50_enabled"] = false,
           ["sa342m_enabled"] = true,
           ["hawk_enabled"] = true,
           ["mig15bis_enabled"] = true,
           ["sa342minigun_enabled"] = true,
           ["l39c_3D_enabled"] = true,
           ["uh1h_enabled"] = true,
           ["l39c_common_enabled"] = true,
           ["yak52_enabled"] = true,
           ["sa342mistral_enabled"] = true,
       }, -- end of ["NS430"]
       ["A-10C"] = 
           ["CPLocalList"] = "Ricardo HD",
       }, -- end of ["A-10C"]
       ["P-51D"] = 
           ["assistance"] = 100,
           ["autoRudder"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["P-51D"]
       ["Ka-50"] = 
           ["Ka50TrimmingMethod"] = 0,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "ricardo",
           ["Ka50RudderTrimmer"] = false,
           ["helmetCircleDisplacement"] = 11,
       }, -- end of ["Ka-50"]
       ["MiG-21Bis"] = 
           ["Pitot"] = true,
           ["Engine"] = true,
           ["Shake"] = 0,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "English - Metric",
           ["Reticle"] = false,
           ["Freeze"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["MiG-21Bis"]
       ["F-86F"] = 
           ["landSeatAdjustF86"] = true,
           ["aiHelper"] = false,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["NoseWheelSteeringSimpleBehaviourF86"] = true,
           ["gunCamera"] = 0,
       }, -- end of ["F-86F"]
       ["F-5E-3"] = 
           ["JoystickMode"] = 0,
           ["SightCamera"] = 0,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["aiHelper"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["F-5E-3"]
       ["CA"] = 
           ["kompass_options"] = 1,
           ["ground_target_info"] = true,
           ["ground_aim_helper"] = true,
           ["ground_platform_shake"] = true,
           ["ground_automatic"] = true,
       }, -- end of ["CA"]
       ["AJS37"] = 
           ["CPLocalList"] = "English",
       }, -- end of ["AJS37"]
       ["SpitfireLFMkIX"] = 
           ["assistance"] = 100,
           ["aileronTrim"] = 0,
           ["autoRudder"] = false,
       }, -- end of ["SpitfireLFMkIX"]
       ["SA342"] = 
           ["StickRollCurve"] = 0,
           ["VibrationRate"] = 100,
           ["PreloadWaypoints"] = true,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
           ["EngineBreak"] = true,
           ["EasierControls"] = false,
           ["RudderTrim"] = false,
           ["MiniStick"] = true,
           ["StickPitchCurve"] = 0,
           ["CPLocalListMG"] = "default",
           ["CPLocalListL"] = "default",
           ["ControlsDisplayLocation"] = 0,
           ["CPLocalListM"] = "default",
       }, -- end of ["SA342"]
       ["Christen Eagle II"] = 
           ["SimplifiedRudder"] = false,
           ["CPLocalList"] = "default",
       }, -- end of ["Christen Eagle II"]
   }, -- end of ["plugins"]
   ["format"] = 1,
   ["sound"] = 
       ["hear_in_helmet"] = false,
       ["headphones"] = 27,
       ["cockpit"] = 44,
       ["world"] = 21,
       ["radioSpeech"] = true,
       ["GBreathEffect"] = true,
       ["volume"] = 78,
       ["headphones_on_external_views"] = true,
       ["music"] = 0,
       ["subtitles"] = true,
       ["gui"] = 83,
   }, -- end of ["sound"]
   ["views"] = 
       ["cockpit"] = 
           ["mirrors"] = false,
           ["reflections"] = false,
           ["avionics"] = 3,
       }, -- end of ["cockpit"]
   }, -- end of ["views"]
} -- end of options




I can easily reproduce this bug, here's how to do it:


Join a MP server with enemy unit set to "uncontrolable"




- If an enemy unit was already there before you joined, you cannot control them in spectators



- If a new enemy unit is spawned in AFTER you joined, even if they are set to "uncontrolable" they can be controlled and told what to do using the combined arms module.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Even these options affect your server! So make sure you set everything correctly up.





Thanks for the info, I now realize this is a good workaround, however it's still a problem for the combined arms module...



If you set a unit as uncontrollable or disable player can drive... then they still should not be able to use combined arms AT ALL, especially from spectators....

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 8 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • ED Team

how can i set this option (disable spectator external views etc.) on dedicated server?





you do it in the mission editor in the mission options, if the mission has external views disabled and is loaded by the server it wont have that view.




Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, HP Reverb G2

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  • ED Team

Does anyone have a small mission which can show this spectator issue happening?


I need some thing small and to the point, I have tried to reproduce with my own server and was unable.




Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, HP Reverb G2

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Does anyone have a small mission which can show this spectator issue happening?


I need some thing small and to the point, I have tried to reproduce with my own server and was unable.




There are certain scripts, like CTLD, that spawn units (NOT late activation) from a database. It seems that these newly spawned units can be controlled by anyone, such as spectators, the opposing team's tactical commanders, and those who are not even in the tactical commander role. This only happens a player is in the server when the unit is spawned, however. Someone who is already present must leave the server and then rejoin to fix it.

Edited by MobiSev

Modules owned:


FC3, M-2000C, Mig-21bis, F-5E, AJS-37 Viggen, F/A-18C, KA-50, Mi-8, F-14A&B, JF-17

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  • ED Team

Thanks MobiSev


If someone can give me a very simple mission with the scripts in place that will replicate this issue I will report it.


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, HP Reverb G2

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I see this happening also, and it can be replicated every time units get spawned via addGroup-scripting and not late/activation (e.g. on the havoc-company server/-s).

I have the feeling that the introduction of the "Game Master Only" option for groups in the ME might play a role here. That option, when inspecting the mission file within the miz file, sets the group variable/attribute ["uncontrollable"] to either true or false.

I do not see anything similar in any of the popular scripts (moose, ctld, mist) when defining group tables for spawning. Also in my scripts, that script-spawn groups/units, I never used it.

I will contact havoc-company or try myself if it makes a difference when adding that attribute to the group's spawn tables.


Edit: moose seems to use deepcopy'd group data, so if it was set in the mission editor, spawned groups should inherit the uncontrolled setting; the same holds true for mist, as I just found out. Hence, the coalition.addGroup-spawning _might_ not be the problem.

Edited by Catweedle
I was wrong.
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you do it in the mission editor in the mission options, if the mission has external views disabled and is loaded by the server it wont have that view.





i disabled external views in the mission option but still can go into spectator view on the server and see everything on the F10 Map (see attached screenshot)



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  • 1 month later...

I haven't been able to test this myself but here is a .miz using MOOSE that will allow you to test it.

It spawns an APC with PLAYER CAN DRIVE deselected 10 seconds after mission start.


Steps to reproduce:


1. Start a server running this mission

2. Join the server from another client


EDIT: It looks like I fundamentally misunderstood the problem and Step 3 is wrong. My .miz file should still work to replicate the issue, though.


3. Use the following substeps to test each of the reported slots and see if they prevent controlling the APC:

a) Use the client to select the JTAC/Operator slot, press F10 and attempt to control the APC south of Senaki-Kolkhi

b) Use the client to select the F/A-18C slot, press F10 and attempt to control the APC again

c) Use the client to select the REDFOR Tactical Commander slot and attempt to control the APC



CA controllability bug example.miz

Edited by Thorimus


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  • 2 months later...

i disabled external views in the mission option but still can go into spectator view on the server and see everything on the F10 Map (see attached screenshot)


Я сам немогу понять как это сделать а на форуме никто нехочет сказать. слов нет бесит

i5 9600k; rtx 2070super 8gb by "gygabite" gddr6; 32gb2(16x2dual) DDR4

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