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Posted (edited)

Initially I just thought it was a massive coincidence that I was hearing my bort number (I always set mine in the loading screen to 610) on virtually every call the super carrier was making.


However, last night I was on a recovery as No2 in a flight of 2 and when the lead made his ball call I heard the carrier respond with my bort number (610). On asking him what he has set he said he had 068 and that was what he heard. It seems since the super carrier was released you only ever hear your own bort number regardless of who the call was too.


Gets a bit confusing when there a load of recoveries. A new bug maybe?

Edited by <Specter>
Board to Bort!!!!

i7-10700K @ 5Ghz | Asus Z490 Tuf Pro Gaming | RTX 3090 | 64 Gb RAM @3.6Ghz | 1TB Samsung 970 EVO+ SSD | 1TB addlink S70 M.2 SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 EVO | 4TB HDD | Reverb G2 | Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS | Thrustmaster TPR rudder pedals | Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs

It seems since the super carrier was released you only ever hear your own bort number regardless of who the call was too.


I noticed the same thing, yesterday. Buddy was already on deck, ATC was talking to me correctly, yet he heard his Side number in the same comms.

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H


Said buddy here, confirm. It seemed the SC module was always one role-slot-change behind, I heard calls for 414 (Shimmergloom) when I was 414 while he was 415 etc.


No numbers for Bort, only vanity plates:


Same today on a server case3 mission with 5 pilots online:

only difference: I use Vaicom, the rest not, but Vaicom is not queueing commands, I did all inbound calls via keyboard.


The only other difference: when I had to leave the server to re-install SRS I reconnected.


I suspect my client registers with the SC but does not un-register it when the role changes / client leaves.

I got calls for 411 all the time while I *was* 411 but it was 416 actually talking to ATC.


Everybody else was fine, but everybody else stayed in their slot right away, hence my suspicion.


Even with Vaicom not running same result at first respawn. Only me, rest of the squad fine.

Fresh after repair, no mods kept, all moved to backup (was only one in names database)

Specter, do you have any names mods?


I don't know what you mean by names mods.

i7-10700K @ 5Ghz | Asus Z490 Tuf Pro Gaming | RTX 3090 | 64 Gb RAM @3.6Ghz | 1TB Samsung 970 EVO+ SSD | 1TB addlink S70 M.2 SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 EVO | 4TB HDD | Reverb G2 | Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS | Thrustmaster TPR rudder pedals | Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs


I haven't added any.

i7-10700K @ 5Ghz | Asus Z490 Tuf Pro Gaming | RTX 3090 | 64 Gb RAM @3.6Ghz | 1TB Samsung 970 EVO+ SSD | 1TB addlink S70 M.2 SSD | 1TB Samsung 850 EVO | 4TB HDD | Reverb G2 | Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS | Thrustmaster TPR rudder pedals | Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs


My group thought it was because we changed board numbers before launch, but that isn't a factor. CATC appears to be working from the last called board number instead of the actual aircraft board number.


We had the same problem flying with 6 A/C this evening, I kept hearing my number all the time, even though I had not asked for the re-join, others were saying that they heard their number in similar situations.


I was trying to replicate the phenomenon tonight.



- Case 3 training mission (self-made) on dedicated server

- 2 Clients, a buddy (Modex 406) and me (Modex 419)

- no mods on 419, 406 has VoiceAttac and VAICOM installed


Both loaded into the game, I call ATC "inbound", got correct modex number callouts on my side. 406 heard the following, though.


7:47:59.591 [AUTO:] Player: Marshal, 419, Marking mom's 077 for 50, angels 10, state 8.0

7:48:10.715 419, Courage marshal, CASE III recovery, CV-1 approach, expected final bearing 316, altimeter is 30.14, 419, Marshal mother 's 136 radial, 21 DME, angels 6, Expected approach time is 20

7:48:33.415 Player: 406, DME, angels 14, expected approach time is 0, approach button is 15.

7:48:41.623 419, readback correct.


As you can see: even though 419 made the call, 406 suddenly got a readback from HIS modex number, even though he hasn't called inbound yet.

Everything was fine on 419s side.


Shortly after 406 calls inbound, everything seems to be ok for both parties.


A few minutes later both 419 and 406 call ESTABLISHED, communications seem normal for both.


At :20 COMMENCING being called by 419, followed by PLATFORM and then CHECKING IN with approach. After this point, ATC stops communicating with 419.


At :21 COMMENCING being called by 406, followed by PLATFORM and then CHECKING IN with approach. ATC continues communicating normally with 406 afterwards


Please ignore our shabby landings, this was just to illustrate the communications - 419 managed to land but without grading, since "no proper communication" (which is a dirty lie! :) )


406 crashed a bit, but ATC was talking to him.


As stated earlier: only used mod was VoiceAttack with VAICOM, though we had a similar situation with a squad member who doesnt use mods, either.


Please find tracks from 419, 406 and the server in this shared onedrive-folder:


i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H

  • 3 weeks later...

Friendly bump, we had that tonight again: I was 303, my wingman was 313 - once I called inbound, his comms menu switched to "1. Abort Inbound 2. ESTABLISHED 3. COMMENCING" etc., just as if he had called inbound, which he didnt.


All futher comms for him were botched, whenever he called, ATC responded with 303.


Something still is borked there, please see the tracks I posted in the previous post. Can repeat test with latest OB, but behaviour is the same.

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H


Same with us. When contacting the carrier with a complete flight (400,404,416,502) 400 called inbound.

404 holding hands with 416, 502 (no mentioning of 400 at all)

The the complete communication system bugged up giving no or false bort numbers and after the first plane (400) made the kiss off for Case I only the 400 has the option to kiss off and got LSO inputs and grading. 404,416,503 did not have the kiss off option and got no LSO / paddles informations.

In thrust we trust :thumbup:


Falls jemand Montags Abends Lust hat mit uns zusammen zu fliegen und Spass zu haben (Anfänger sind auch herzlich willkommen) kann gerne auf unserer Website: https://www.jg-frankonia.de vorbeischauen oder sich direkt bei uns im Discord melden: https://discord.gg/vHEJf3c

Eigene Server und viel Spass sind vorhanden :thumbup:


Thank god it's other people, too - this SEEMS to be somewhat rare, because not all of our flights have that, and not the same people every time, but it generally happens every time, though.


@Bignewy, @Nineline - can you chip in on that?

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H


Absolutely this... Sometimes it works and sometimes it screws up big time. We have tried but can not define the point when it happens...

We tried to put the planes in flights of four - sometimes it works, sometimes not. We tried single planes flying close together when calling inbound. Sometimes it works and sometimes not...

In thrust we trust :thumbup:


Falls jemand Montags Abends Lust hat mit uns zusammen zu fliegen und Spass zu haben (Anfänger sind auch herzlich willkommen) kann gerne auf unserer Website: https://www.jg-frankonia.de vorbeischauen oder sich direkt bei uns im Discord melden: https://discord.gg/vHEJf3c

Eigene Server und viel Spass sind vorhanden :thumbup:


Same here - can't reproduce it 100%, but the track(s) I uploaded earlier are a good example

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H

I think what's happening, is that in MP, if players are in the same group, and a player who is not classified as the flight leader calls Inbound, the script partially thinks the flight leader is calling it.


Can't confirm: I was flight lead, I call in inbound, comms get borked for my flight members. Not always, not always with the same dudes, but time and again (in the way outlined above).

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H

  • ED Team

Hi all.


this is reported,


the team will need to tweak this, from what I can tell the tower is trying to communicate with flight lead only, but it is reported and the team will investigate.


thank you


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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


Thanks for your feedback Bignewy, much appreciated! :)

i7 - 9700K | 32 GB DDR4 3200 | RTX 2080 | VKB Gunfighter Mk II /w MCG Pro | Virpil T-50CM2 Throttle | TrackIR 5 | VKB Mk. IV


AJS-37 | A/V-8B | A-10C | F-14A/B | F-16C | F-18C | F-86F | FC3 | JF-17 | Ka-50 | L-39 | Mi-8 | MiG-15bis | MiG-19 | MiG-21bis | M2000-C | P-51D | Spitfire LF Mk. IX | UH-1H

  • 5 months later...
I think that's a bort number you're referring to there. Though I believe the origin of the word is from "board". Really just means "on the side".


Board number, bort number, modex, side number, they're all the same thing.

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