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Project New Su-27 by 3GO WorkGroup


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Well actually he can if he needs to we did at simmod the important thing to do is enlarge all of your unwrapped areas the same amount



The problem is, he already skinned it, meaning he already unwrapped it. So I don't think he's going to go back and add more details.



CNCs and Laser engravers are great but they can't do squat with out a precise set of plans.

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may I ask for some close up screenshots to show just how much detail this model has? Since you're doing it from scratch why not add bit more detail?

After the textures finished, the effect will be much better than now.

I also will add more polys on the details.:smilewink:






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Looks great, its good cause Simmod seem to concentrate on western planes and terrain, its about time someone beefed up a few of the russian planes. And if they knock your efforts its only cause they are jealous or see you as competition.


The Eagle dynamics model has a few floors which needed fixing like the nose, the curve of the cockpit, dorsal region, the nose landing gear which when compared to the real thing were wrong so I am very pleased you guys are making a new model for the game.


Keep up the good work.

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Looks great, its good cause Simmod seem to concentrate on western planes and terrain, its about time someone beefed up a few of the russian planes. And if they knock your efforts its only cause they are jealous or see you as competition.


No, you are wrong


We always encourage people to mod Lock On, there's nothing wrong with giving helpful criticisms to try and improve the model. For you to suggestion that we are "jealous" I think that was pretty low.


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the project Firefly of Sim-Mod WAS a new Flanker..






But it stoped for many reasons and resuming the project was near to nonexistence.


When i see the new Flanker I was happy beyond belief!

Its a very good project with nice details. Its obvious that you guys give so much sweat and tears to it.. It shows..


We as simmod are ready to help in anyway we can..

Real good job guys!


It was about time ppl fly with a decent flanker!

and Jace 11, have a life.. Everyone know that Sim-mod, Ada Team, and every other great modders around did nothing but helping and sharing info

with everyone who asked within reason..That kind of statement was very unfair and uncalled for!



Great job Flanker team..

Cant wait to ride the beast :)





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