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@TimSell75thanks for the report.  I just reflew the mission and confirm that something with timing seems to be off with the timing on Cold Start.  I'll have to do some playing around with it, but it'll have to be another time (6am on Christmas Day, and will have to start getting ready for post-Santa arrival).

I didn't get any crashes, do you happen to have your CRASH logs still?  If so, I'd love to see them, it could give me a clue what's going on.

vor 6 Minuten schrieb Sedlo:

@TimSell75thanks for the report.  I just reflew the mission and confirm that something with timing seems to be off with the timing on Cold Start.  I'll have to do some playing around with it, but it'll have to be another time (6am on Christmas Day, and will have to start getting ready for post-Santa arrival).

I didn't get any crashes, do you happen to have your CRASH logs still?  If so, I'd love to see them, it could give me a clue what's going on.

No worries! I will have a look for them. I needed to shut down DCS via task manager as it wasn´t reacting at all.

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🖥️ i5-13600K, 64GB DDR4 3200, RTX4090 24GB, M2 PCIe 1TB   🥽 Pimax Crystal   🕹️ Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Thrustmaster TPR Rudders


Dude, put your campaign up for sale, I'd buy it.  It's EXCELLENT work.

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"You see, IronHand is my thing"

My specs:  W10 Pro, I5/11600K o/c to 4800 @1.32v, 64 GB 3200 XML RAM, ASUS RTX3060ti/8GB.

Posted (edited)
On 12/25/2024 at 2:50 PM, Sedlo said:

Hey @miguelaco.  I doubled checked and tested the mission, all is working well on this end.  Those zones are down there because the mission was made before we could link zones to moving objects.  It used the trigger unit in moving zone, and the carrier is still linked to it, although in a different way.  I've tested the mission twice now and I'm getting good landing comms.   

I'm not sure why you didn't get any comms on your attempt.

Hi again @Sedlo,

Tried the mission once more and got the same result: landing is not acknowledged and therefore, the mission score is not 100 as should be. Find attached the full track of the mission in case you want to take a look. Maybe I'm screwing things up at some point, but honestly I don't know what's going on. One thing that seems strange is that during the mission, the comms dialogue for the CASE III recovery is initiated automatically, even though I'm not in the carrier frequency nor called inbound. I had to request abort a couple of times to reset comms for when I'm actually RTB. I have no mods besides some checklists for the Hornet.


Edited by miguelaco

@miguelacodecided to stay up a bit later and try and tackle this again.

I've also experienced that automatic Case III thing before, in mission 5 of Bold Cheetah.  ED couldn't figure out what that was, so I chalked it up to a weird, random bug that sometimes happens. 

I've fixed the weather on that Cold Start, there was some Dust in addition to the Fog in the mission, which kinda screwed it up.  It's supposed to be Case I weather.  

I also flew the mission myself with the new WX and it seemed to work ok, I got the points for landing.  It may have been that weird automatic Case III thing that did some weird things.

Also, don't worry too much about points, or getting to 100.  If you move on in the campaign, it means the mission was ultimately successful.  

Anyway, I hope this helps!   Off to bed, but if you have any more issues, please feel free to drop me a line.

  • Thanks 1

Hi Sedlo,

I've asked around, but cannot seem to get an answer... On the mission kneeboard cards, I'm still trying to work out what the numbers mean in the 'time' columns...

I don't know what they relate to?

56 minutes ago, JFC said:

Hi Sedlo,

I've asked around, but cannot seem to get an answer... On the mission kneeboard cards, I'm still trying to work out what the numbers mean in the 'time' columns...

I don't know what they relate to?

Estimated minutes to go from one waypoint to the next.

2 hours ago, Sedlo said:

Estimated minutes to go from one waypoint to the next.

Sedlo, you are are gent. Thanks mate!

Am 25.12.2024 um 15:05 schrieb Sedlo:

@TimSell75thanks for the report.  I just reflew the mission and confirm that something with timing seems to be off with the timing on Cold Start.  I'll have to do some playing around with it, but it'll have to be another time (6am on Christmas Day, and will have to start getting ready for post-Santa arrival).

I didn't get any crashes, do you happen to have your CRASH logs still?  If so, I'd love to see them, it could give me a clue what's going on.

Just flew Mission 13 from Push again. No crahes this time. Maybe the last update fixed it whatever it was.

  • Like 1

🖥️ i5-13600K, 64GB DDR4 3200, RTX4090 24GB, M2 PCIe 1TB   🥽 Pimax Crystal   🕹️ Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Thrustmaster TPR Rudders


Hey Sedlo, with mission 8 did you mean for the player to shoot down small boats with non precision visual weapons in full IMC or was it an oversight?

I was using the FLIR, but in the end my wingman got in the way every time and would shoot the boats until none were left. I didn't get any confirmation or any further radio calls when all boats were killed so I just called winchester and were told to land on the carrier. Did that, but no mission success/fail, got 60% and passed on to the next mission. Unfortunately track file is larger than 50mb so can not be attached 😕


Posted (edited)

Just finished the campaign a second time. Still the best one I have played in DCS, and I have about a dozen of them

Extremely varied and well executed. A few highlights that all campaign makers should implement:

Jump to Pushtime. DCS CTD a few times through the 13 missions, and it made it far less tedious and demoralizing. I also replayed a couple that I really wanted to nail down but didn't have much time. With no save state within DCS, this is an amazing feature, and I thank you for it, Sedlo

 Pre-briefing by lead (aka you) to your wingman on things that you, as a player, really should be paying attention to. Aka of course I set my countermeasures cough – let me just quickly flip a switch, nothing important

The way comms are handled is the best out there. Realistic enough to make you use both comms and guard. Understanding enough to just give you the darn channels rather than having you scroll through the kneeboard pages as you try to find your Waldo through 40 lines of frequencies

A campaign that uses actual weather. Even if it means that a couple of missions got a little bit broken – thank you

Small Nitpicks – and they are tiny because the campaign is so good already

QNH is all over the place across the campaign when anything but 1013/2992 is used. Take the last mission as an example: I changed the QNH three times. Once based on the METAR in the PDF, next based on the comms from Magic, and then lastly based on in-game comms, which I believe would be correct. But maybe it's set to change across the map like that?

Altitude handoff. As an example you're often cleared to FL200, but the flight plan clearly wants you to climb further; however, the limitation is never lifted

0.5) You've set the weather and time of day to a beautiful dusk in some missions. However, DCS (as I understand) doesn't give you full control over the super carrier. When/if they do, consider turning on the lights, as with the new fog/smog simulation and low sun, the super carrier is a black blob in Virtual Reality

The tiny nitpicks show just how high the quality of this campaign is. Sedlo, I've googled but couldn't find your PayPal address anywhere. If you ever consider taking donations, please PM me or leave it at the bottom of your campaigns. I am certain that I won't be the only one

P.S. Mission 12 – Not sure what happened. I shot down a couple of F-4s and then got cleared to engage the Su-24s. Found them in TWS, shot the first one with an AMRAAM and the second with an AIM-9. Then two more spawned directly behind me; I was able to shoot one down but got shot down by the last bandit. On my second replay, only two spawned. I shot both down and got cleared to RTB


Edited by nikoel
  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

I'm pretty sure I have the latest version (new fog etc). For the mission "Bold Cheetah MIssion 12 - Action Reaction_Cold Start" the Player Carrier was not present, had to add it myself to the mission, but I'm sure there were various triggers broken because of that.

Also have to concur with the above this campaign is excellent, quite the sales pitch for your other campaigns 🙂


  • Like 1
On 1/1/2025 at 3:42 AM, nikoel said:

Just finished the campaign a second time. Still the best one I have played in DCS, and I have about a dozen of them

Extremely varied and well executed. A few highlights that all campaign makers should implement:

Jump to Pushtime. DCS CTD a few times through the 13 missions, and it made it far less tedious and demoralizing. I also replayed a couple that I really wanted to nail down but didn't have much time. With no save state within DCS, this is an amazing feature, and I thank you for it, Sedlo

 Pre-briefing by lead (aka you) to your wingman on things that you, as a player, really should be paying attention to. Aka of course I set my countermeasures cough – let me just quickly flip a switch, nothing important

The way comms are handled is the best out there. Realistic enough to make you use both comms and guard. Understanding enough to just give you the darn channels rather than having you scroll through the kneeboard pages as you try to find your Waldo through 40 lines of frequencies

A campaign that uses actual weather. Even if it means that a couple of missions got a little bit broken – thank you

Small Nitpicks – and they are tiny because the campaign is so good already

QNH is all over the place across the campaign when anything but 1013/2992 is used. Take the last mission as an example: I changed the QNH three times. Once based on the METAR in the PDF, next based on the comms from Magic, and then lastly based on in-game comms, which I believe would be correct. But maybe it's set to change across the map like that?

Altitude handoff. As an example you're often cleared to FL200, but the flight plan clearly wants you to climb further; however, the limitation is never lifted

0.5) You've set the weather and time of day to a beautiful dusk in some missions. However, DCS (as I understand) doesn't give you full control over the super carrier. When/if they do, consider turning on the lights, as with the new fog/smog simulation and low sun, the super carrier is a black blob in Virtual Reality

The tiny nitpicks show just how high the quality of this campaign is. Sedlo, I've googled but couldn't find your PayPal address anywhere. If you ever consider taking donations, please PM me or leave it at the bottom of your campaigns. I am certain that I won't be the only one

P.S. Mission 12 – Not sure what happened. I shot down a couple of F-4s and then got cleared to engage the Su-24s. Found them in TWS, shot the first one with an AMRAAM and the second with an AIM-9. Then two more spawned directly behind me; I was able to shoot one down but got shot down by the last bandit. On my second replay, only two spawned. I shot both down and got cleared to RTB

cheetah.trk 20.36 MB · 39 downloads

Hey, sorry, I must have missed this.  Yeah, altimeter got messed up, that's on me.  Next time I have some free time I'll try to clean some of it out.  Good point on Supercarrier, let me see if I can do anything on my end to maybe get it to light up a bit more.

Also, with Mission 12, it's kinda random how many bandits spawn.  You might just get two total or there may be more 😉

11 hours ago, Nate--IRL-- said:

I'm pretty sure I have the latest version (new fog etc). For the mission "Bold Cheetah MIssion 12 - Action Reaction_Cold Start" the Player Carrier was not present, had to add it myself to the mission, but I'm sure there were various triggers broken because of that.

Also have to concur with the above this campaign is excellent, quite the sales pitch for your other campaigns 🙂


Hey Nate!

Do you have Supercarrier installed?   Just checking to be sure.  I've put version 2025-02-02 up now, just tested it and it seems to work ok.  https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3326679/


Hey @Sedlo, I would say this is the best free campaign I ever seen, nice work, I recommend you put it to sell on ED store.

This being said, must share with you that I simply can´t finish mission 6 (Iron Hand), it's score always finish the same (50) despite Hawker battery is destroyed and safe landing on carrier, what can I be missing? Please help.


Best regards

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