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Dynamic Template country selection doesn't work, I set it for USA for example and when spawning at a certain airport with that group template set, it spawns as Abkhazia (Blue) with russian language. Tried with USA, Combined Joint Task Forces and other blue countries, always spawns in Abkhazia. Also it spawns with DCS assigned callsign "1", "2".... instead of something like "Enfield 1-1". 

On other maps like Syria, template is set to "Combined Joint Task Forces" and it spawns as "Australia".






On 7/11/2024 at 11:38 PM, BIGNEWY said:

Please note:


using this single farp can create issues currently, swap it out for the other single farp as a work around 

the issue is reported

thank you 

Tested with all the other farps, still not working


Do some of the FARPs have size limits or something? I'm finding I'm not able to spawn on many of them in the Mi-8MTV2 or the Mi-24P, all other helicopters work fine.

On 7/19/2024 at 12:55 PM, shaji said:

Dynamic Template country selection doesn't work, I set it for USA for example and when spawning at a certain airport with that group template set, it spawns as Abkhazia (Blue) with russian language. Tried with USA, Combined Joint Task Forces and other blue countries, always spawns in Abkhazia. Also it spawns with DCS assigned callsign "1", "2".... instead of something like "Enfield 1-1". 

On other maps like Syria, template is set to "Combined Joint Task Forces" and it spawns as "Australia".






Same for me, but I think I have a solution. You have to throw out those countries, I left only the USA in the mission.


Specialization A-10C


On 7/12/2024 at 10:30 AM, DD_Friar said:

How do I limit which planes can be picked at an airfield?

I have followed these steps

  1. Clicked on Full Info for the airfield.
  2. Set all planes to 0 and then just put 5 against the helicopter I want
  3. When in the arming screen I can still select a helicopter from the list, despite setting them to 0 they appear in the as 99+

Happy to stand in the corner if this is another case of me having a little bit of dangerous knowledge !




I have tried this multiple times and I don't get the +99 and I can still select and spawn a plane that I set to 0. Could there perhaps be a missing step?

Posted (edited)

Now that the update has been out for awhile and people have used it a bit I think the new spawn system is great but it has one major flaw.

There needs to be some way to coalition lock planes even when an airbase changes hands. In many missions players can capture enemy airbases and when this happens with the current spawn system they gain access to the enemy's equipment. It would be preferable for each aircraft template to have an assigned coalition and only accept spawning if the airbase coalition matches the template coalition.

A simple way to do this now would be to use the already existing aircraft country flag in the template file and check it against the coalition of the airbase. This would also have the benefit of keeping liveries consistent as dynamic spawns currently don't work well with missions that wasn't specific countries and liveries.

I think this small change would make a big QOL impact on mission making and unlock some of the full potential of the new slot system.

(also can dynamic spawns be included in the role select / slot select api, it seems they don't have many exposed functions in lua right now)

Edited by gepset
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On 7/26/2024 at 10:37 AM, jubuttib said:

Do some of the FARPs have size limits or something? I'm finding I'm not able to spawn on many of them in the Mi-8MTV2 or the Mi-24P, all other helicopters work fine.

Confirmed that they indeed do. "Helipad Single" allows for just about anything to spawn, while "PAD Single" only allows the smaller ones.

  • ED Translators
On 7/12/2024 at 12:55 AM, Maverick87Shaka said:

@BIGNEWY we're trying to switch to dynamic spawn system our PvE servers featuring a persistence conquest, but actually we can't prevent people to join red coalition and pick up a red plane from the airfield not yet captured.
So we should be able to have an option somewhere in the mission editor, to disable the Dynamic Spawn for a specific coalition, and leave it available just for the other.

That is a must have feature for PvE server that want to use this feature in a "conquest environment"

A possible workaround is to script all the warehouse to set 0 plane and resources if the airfield is of the "forbidden" coalition side, but since you can't change on the fly from unlimited to restricted and vice/versa it's a bit time consuming activity.

A simple option on mission editor will be much appreciated 😉



You can close any coalition with password. It is server setting.

AKA LazzySeal

4 hours ago, Foka1 said:

You can close any coalition with password. It is server setting.

It's a good workaround but it will not allow you to have something like "moderator" for your server...
For example we do have some RED slot observer blocked by password, and "moderator" can access to verify that everything is working fine on server, like see what RED AI is doing or access RED coalition menu with admin functions.

This method have some drawback/issue, first since it's a server settings rather than a mission option, you can't have map/mission rotation with different coalition logic in it.
Then your "moderator" can abuse and pick up any plane and fly as red from the dynamic slot airport. Sure they will not do that..but any reason why we have to allow it if is not required?

Definitely an in mission option to expand current dynamic system will be a long term better solution than lock down a coalition from server settings, at least to me make more sense. But thanks for advice, I'm sure someone can evaluate to use this settings in the meantime.

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Do you think they will go back to their plans and put the old red coalition and blue coalition screen so that server admins can see all the pilots in the various slots without going crazy?


This is a great feature, however it has introduced a lot of other issues with it ex: the extremely laggy lobby when in Slot spawn, solution as of now, disabling Super carrier module fixes the issue and when Dynamicly spawning you won’t be able to add fly members, at least in the F18.

  • ED Translators
On 8/4/2024 at 2:25 AM, Yuma said:

This is a great feature, however it has introduced a lot of other issues with it ex: the extremely laggy lobby when in Slot spawn, solution as of now, disabling Super carrier module fixes the issue and when Dynamicly spawning you won’t be able to add fly members, at least in the F18.

This laggy lobby you mentioned, happens for you in VR? So far, I did not see non-VR users complain about it. So, I'm trying to see if it depends on VR or not.

AKA LazzySeal

  • ED Translators
On 8/2/2024 at 1:10 AM, Karlos said:


Do you think they will go back to their plans and put the old red coalition and blue coalition screen so that server admins can see all the pilots in the various slots without going crazy?

Not sure I fully understood the flow of the issue. But maybe "Score window" can help:

By default, accessed with ' key.

AKA LazzySeal

15 hours ago, Foka1 said:

This laggy lobby you mentioned, happens for you in VR? So far, I did not see non-VR users complain about it. So, I'm trying to see if it depends on VR or not.

This absolutely happens to non-VR users (like me). Had to disable supercarrier to get it better but still laggy. With supercarrier enabled it is close to unusable.

  • Thanks 1

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Il 7/8/2024 at 18:11, Foka1 ha scritto:

Not sure I fully understood the flow of the issue. But maybe "Score window" can help:

I meant how it's always been


with the two coalitions separated in full screen, so that users and administrators can choose the right slot, especially in PVP servers


  • ED Translators
15 hours ago, Karlos said:

I meant how it's always been


with the two coalitions separated in full screen, so that users and administrators can choose the right slot, especially in PVP servers


Ok. But how new interface preventing users and administrators to choose the right slot?

Especially in PvP servers where whole map is covered with slots the slots list is massive with dozens of entries and old interface would need user to scroll through them without any tool for filtering or search. How old interface was better in usability?

On 8/8/2024 at 11:20 AM, Blackfyre said:

This absolutely happens to non-VR users (like me). Had to disable supercarrier to get it better but still laggy. With supercarrier enabled it is close to unusable.

Thanks, there are several optimizations coming for it.

AKA LazzySeal

On 8/7/2024 at 11:57 AM, Foka1 said:

This laggy lobby you mentioned, happens for you in VR? So far, I did not see non-VR users complain about it. So, I'm trying to see if it depends on VR or not.

Yes I’m in VR, I heard people saying that the VRAM goes crazy high.

Posted (edited)
Il 9/8/2024 at 13:43, Foka1 ha scritto:

Ok. But how new interface preventing users and administrators to choose the right slot?

Especially in PvP servers where whole map is covered with slots the slots list is massive with dozens of entries and old interface would need user to scroll through them without any tool for filtering or search. How old interface was better in usability?


Not having a home screen with the two coalitions is a problem for me, I don't think it's just for me.

PVP server: a player enters chooses a coalition, chooses a slot (duel 1 zone 1 red example) and doesn't see who is in the other blue coalition, maybe there is no one and has no way to check except if he uses the " ' Score window " button. Or there is someone in the Blue coalition but in the zone (duel 2 zone 2 Blue), so the two players are flying on separate zones and can't know if they choose the right slot because they should leave the coalition enter the other one and see in which slot the user is positioned.


WW2 Server: I enter the server, I choose the red coalition, but I can't see from which airport the enemies of the blue coalition take off for example.

Balance: I enter a server, I choose the coalition but I have no idea how many players there are so, again I have to use the " ' Score window " button, a button that perhaps not everyone knows, and see how many players there are and choose the coalition based on the balance of the two sides.

Administrator: same thing for the administrator, maybe he is playing on his server in Normandy, he wants to see how many users there are and if it is well balanced and he can't do it, he must always use the " ' Score window " button, which by the way is always silent every time a player disconnects or a new player enters and chooses a free slot.

I'm in my PVP server, I'm in pause between spectators, I see the general situation inside my server with both coalitions and I see if the users are in the right slots or not, in that case I could provide a persistent message on the top right of the screen that user ,"A" is not in the right slot to fight with user "B" in area "X".

These are some examples, probably my point of view and the translation will be confusing.


Acrobatic server? No problem, only one coalition, choose the plane you want and fly!

Edited by Karlos
Posted (edited)

Just tying to verify if i am messing up something, or if this is by design - not all airfields can dynamically spawn all aircraft regardless of "Full Info" setting all aircraft as available? that seems to be the case across the Persian Gulf map anyway.  And seeing similar results with FARPs in that they are not even showing the OH58D(R) as available in the dynamic spawn selection.

Kind of useless for Sandboxing if you can't have ALL platforms available for your users?

Edited by 74DELTA
  • ED Translators
On 8/11/2024 at 3:12 AM, 74DELTA said:

Just tying to verify if i am messing up something, or if this is by design - not all airfields can dynamically spawn all aircraft regardless of "Full Info" setting all aircraft as available? that seems to be the case across the Persian Gulf map anyway.  And seeing similar results with FARPs in that they are not even showing the OH58D(R) as available in the dynamic spawn selection.

Kind of useless for Sandboxing if you can't have ALL platforms available for your users?


Need to see which airfields are affected and how mission is created, maybe bug but also can be that airfields do not have parking spaces with appropriate size

AKA LazzySeal

On 7/11/2024 at 7:00 PM, BIGNEWY said:

No, the supercarrier decides where you spawn on deck. 

Super late to this, but could you point me to a place where the logic is described? I'd like to understand how the supercarrier decides that and if I can customize my setup in the mission editor with some smart placement. Or if it's just random or chronologically or however. Thanks!

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Great addition to DCS. Well done ED!

We also need API scripting functions to set those flags at airfields: dynamicSpawn = true, allowHotStart = true and dynamicCargo = true.
When FARPS are spawned, they are useless without those flags being set to true and it would also allow controlling coalitions ability to spawn at airfields.

Best rgds

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Other think, we need to be able to control coalition stock. There is no way to limit airfield to blue helicopter ansmd in oher hand keeping all plane for IA red =>player will be able to Spawn in red plane in blue coalition..

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