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Yaw Coupling Wobble During Landing

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The update today seems to have brought back a previously known bug in the flight model.

During landing any roll input induces exaggerated yaw coupling. I haven't tested it yet for slow flight with gear retracted.

This is a critical issue, please fix it as soon as possible, thanks. See the attached track.

landing.trkFetching info...

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Posted (edited)

As soon as you have a bit of turbulence on a server, the Viper becomes a daunting challenge to land. Please, whatever you changed, revert those changes and drop a hotfix.
I already deleted my rant, but please...

It is directly coupled to AOA. As soon as the AOA goes up, any roll will lead to almost full rudder deflection. However, it seems to be worse when having the gear down, and it gets better when you tilt the aircraft a bit to the side and apply minimal rudder, slightly offsetting the FLCS input to one side. Which might help for the time being, but isn't a solution either.
Probably coupled to landing gains. But even thought the landing gains should be applied when opening the air refueling door, opening the door does not have the same bad effect as having the gear down- but that might be my personal control input...

Edited by TobiasA
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Heh yeah i thought my roll axis was accidentally bound to the rudder 😄 Very extreme landings now.

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Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.


Wow. This is really bad.

The plane also feels very sluggish suddenly around the roll axis with gear up and at speed. Almost like CAT III gains in CAT I config.


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As for whether the ARI commands too much rudder into the roll, one can check if the deflection of rudder agrees with the DFLCS block diagram:

Ref 1. Figure 3.3 of DTIC ADA 189675 (https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA189675)

Ref 2. Figure 65 of NASA TP 1538 (https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19800005879/downloads/19800005879.pdf)

From the above references with notes:

F16 ARI.jpg

So when AOA > 10, the rudder deflection can be simplified to 'aileron deflection * AOA * 0.06'.

When AOA is between -10 and 10, the 0.06 ARI gain is reduced so that the rudder won't deflect that much at lower AOA, especially at higher speeds.

0.075 is the wrong value as it's outdated.

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F16 Yaw 1.trkFetching info...

Yupp, providing another track for good luck. Definitely happens more when roll input is exaggerated and you try to over-correct it. Only happens this bad at low speeds with gear down and when making sudden rolls and pitch inputs as you can see when I do a go-around. 

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My PC: GPU-AMD 6800XT OC / CPU- AMD RYZEN 5800X OC / 32 GB RAM 3200Mhz / 1TB SSD / 2TB HDD / 500GB M.2 / Monitor: 34" Ultrawide Samsung 1000R Curve / WinWing F16EX HOTAS / TM Cougar MFDs / TM TPR Rudder Pedals / TrackIR5 / ICP


Maybe related to this, but I noticed while taxiing that whenever I turn the plane, the ailerons and horizontal stabilizers starts twitching, both going full roll deflection.

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Proud member of Master Arms, a Swedish DCS community


Yeah, also noticed this. Same on takeoff. Very heavy yaw/roll oscillations, didn't happen even once before this patch. There was no wake turbulence for sure.

Please look into this.

  • ED Team

Hi all, 

just to let you all know our planned update today the 11th December will not include a fix for this but it is high priority and we plan to have another update as soon as possible before the Xmas break. 

thank you 

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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


Just bringing light to this, I was doing some AAR while making an Iraq showcase video and noticed the aircraft yawing as roll was input with AR door open. I'll make a track when I get home.

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