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JTAC for KA-50

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Edits for 1.5/2.0 (part 3 / USSR.lua part 2 of 3)


Next, at line 233 (used to be line 70 after the section that ends with Direction = Direction } ) add the following sections:

--start adds by JTAC mod

CallsignJTAC = {
   make = function(self, pComm)
       if pComm == nil then
           return p.start()
       local pUnit = pComm:getUnit()
       local callsign = pComm:getCallsign()
       if isHeavyAircraft(pUnit) then
           local groupName = base.math.floor(callsign / 100)
           return self.sub.UnitCallname:make(pUnit, groupName)
           local groupName, flightNum, aircraftNum = encodeCallsign(callsign)
           return ' ' + self.sub.DigitGroups:make('%d-%d', flightNum, aircraftNum)
   sub = { UnitCallname     = UnitCallname:new({'Air', 'Ground Units'} , false, {'A-10A', 'A-10C'}, 'Callsign'),
           DigitGroups        = DigitGroups}


local SUU25 = {_('SUU-25'),                 'SUU-25'}
local TGP    = {'targeting pod equipped',     'TGP'}

WeaponType = {
   make = function(self, wsType)
       if base.type(wsType) == 'table' then    
           return self:make_(wsType)
           wsTypeTable = {}
           wsTypeTable[4] = base.math.floor(wsType / 256 / 256 / 256)
           wsType = wsType - wsTypeTable[4] * 256 * 256 * 256
           wsTypeTable[3] = base.math.floor(wsType / 256 / 256)
           wsType = wsType - wsTypeTable[3] * 256 * 256
           wsTypeTable[2] = base.math.floor(wsType / 256 )
           wsType = wsType - wsTypeTable[2] * 256    
           wsTypeTable[1] = wsType
           return self:make_(wsTypeTable)
   make_ = function(self, wsType)
       base.assert(wsType[1] == base.wsType_Weapon)
       return self.sub[wsType[2]]:make(wsType[4])        
   sub = {
       [base.wsType_Shell]        = PhraseRandom:new({{_('cannon'),     'cannon'},
                                                   {_('gun'),        'gun'} }, 'Weapon' ),
       [base.wsType_Missile]    = Phrases:new({    [base.AGM_65K]    = {_('AGM-65K'), 'AGM-65K'},
                                               [base.AGM_65E]    = {_('AGM-65E'), 'AGM-65E'},
                                               [base.AGM_65D]    = {_('AGM-65D'), 'AGM-65D'},
                                               [base.AGM_65H]    = {_('AGM-65H'), 'AGM-65H'},
                                               [base.AGM_65G]    = {_('AGM-65G'), 'AGM-65G'},
                                               [base.AGM_114K]    = {_('Radar Hellfire'), 'Radar Hellfire'},
                                               [base.AGM_114]    = {_('Laser Hellfire'), 'Laser Hellfire'},
                                               [base.AGM_45]     = {_('Shrike'), 'Shrike'},
                                               --[base.AGM_84A]     = {_('AGM-84A'), 'AGM-84A'},
                                               --[base.AGM_84E]     = {_('AGM-84E'), 'AGM-84E'},
                                               [base.AGM_88]     = {_('HARM'), 'HARM'},
                                               --[base.Sea_Eagle]= {_('Sea Eagle'), 'Sea Eagle'},
                                               [base.AGM_130]    = {_('AGM-130'), 'AGM-130'},
                                               --[base.ALARM]    =   {_('Alarm'), 'Alarm'},                                                
                                               --[base.Kormoran] = {_('Kormoran'), 'Kormoran'},
                                               [base.AGM_154]    = {_('JSOW'), 'JSOW'},
                                               [base.Vikhr]    = {_('Vikhr'), 'Vikhr'},
                                               [base.Vikhr_M]    = {_('Vikhr'), 'Vikhr'},
                                               [base.X_25ML]    = {_('X-25ML'), 'X-25ML'},
                                               [base.AT_6_9M114]    = {_('Shturm'), 'Shturm'} }, 'Weapon'),
       [base.wsType_Bomb]        = Phrases:new({ [base.Mk_81]    = {_('Mk-81'), 'Mk-81'},
                                               [base.Mk_82]    = {_('Mk-82'), 'Mk-82'},
                                               [base.MK_82AIR] = {_('Mk-82 Air'), 'Mk-82 Air'},
                                               [base.Mk_83]    = {_('Mk-83'), 'Mk-83'},
                                               [base.Mk_84]    = {_('Mk-84'), 'Mk-84'},
                                               [base.CBU_97]    = {_('CBU-97'), 'CBU-97'},
                                               [base.CBU_87]    = {_('CBU-87'), 'CBU-87'},
                                               --[base.CBU_89]    = {_('CBU-89'), 'CBU-89'},
                                               [123045]        = {_('CBU-103'), 'CBU-103'},
                                               [base.ROCKEYE]    = {_('Mk-20'), 'Mk-20'},
                                               [base.GBU_10]    = {_('GBU-10'), 'GBU-10'},
                                               --[base.GBU_11]    = {_('GBU-11'), 'GBU-11'},
                                               [base.GBU_12]    = {_('GBU-12'), 'GBU-12'},
                                               [base.GBU_17]    = {_('GBU-17'), 'GBU-17'},
                                               [base.GBU_24]    = {_('GBU-24'), 'GBU-24'},
                                               [base.GBU_15]    = {_('GBU-15'), 'GBU-15'},
                                               [base.GBU_27]    = {_('GBU-27'), 'GBU-27'},
                                               [base.GBU_22]    = {_('GBU-22'), 'GBU-22'},
                                               [base.GBU_28]    = {_('GBU-28'), 'GBU-28'},
                                               [base.GBU_29]    = {_('GBU-29'), 'GBU-29'},
                                               [base.GBU_30]    = {_('GBU-30'), 'GBU-30'},
                                               [base.GBU_31]    = {_('GBU-31'), 'GBU-31'},
                                               [base.GBU_38]    = {_('GBU-38'), 'GBU-38'},
                                               --[base.Durandal] =   {_('Durandal'), 'Durandal'},                                                  
                                               [base.LUU_2B]    = SUU25,
                                               [base.LUU_19]    = SUU25,
                                               [base.LUU_2AB]    = SUU25,
                                               [base.LUU_2BB]    = SUU25}, 'Weapon', {_('bombs'), 'bombs'}),
       [base.wsType_NURS]        = Phrase:new({_('rockets'), 'rockets'}, 'Weapon'),
       [base.wsType_GContainer]= Phrases:new( {[base.AN_AAQ_28_LITENING]    = TGP,
                                               [base.FLIR_POD]             = TGP,
                                               [base.LANTIRN]                = TGP,
                                               [base.LANTIRN_F14]            = TGP,
                                               [base.LANTIRN_F18]            = TGP}, 'Weapon' )

TargetTypes = {
   make = function(self, typeId, column, size, moving)
       return self.sub[typeId]:make(column, size, moving)

   local AAA = {_('AAA'), 'AAA', 'tripple A'}
   local SAM = {_('SAM'), 'SAM'}

   TargetType = {
       new = function(self, name, groupName, columnName, position)
           base.assert(name ~= nil)
           local targetType = {     sub = {    name        = Phrase:new(name, 'Target'),
                                           groupName    = groupName and Phrase:new(groupName, 'Target') or nil,
                                           columnName    = columnName and Phrase:new(columnName, 'Target') or nil,
                                           position    = position,
                                           Number         = Number}}
           base.setmetatable(targetType, self)
           return targetType
       make = function(self, column, size, moving)
           if size > 1 then
               if     column and
                   self.sub.columnName then
                   return self.sub.columnName:make()
               elseif self.sub.groupName then
                   return self.sub.groupName:make()
                   return self.sub.name:make()
               return self.sub.name:make()
   TargetType.__index = TargetType
   TargetTypes.sub = {
       TargetType:new( {_('ground unit'),                 'ground unit'},
                       {_('ground units'),             'ground units'},
                       {_('column of ground units'),     {'column of', 'ground units'},        'column of ground units'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('vehicle'),                     'vehicle'},
                       {_('vehicles'),                 'vehicles'},    
                       {_('column of vehicles'),        {'column of', 'vehicles'},            'column of vehicles'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('armored vehicle'),            'armored vehicle'},
                       {_('armored vehicles'),         'armored vehicles'},
                       {_('column of armored vehicles'),{'column of', 'armored vehicle'},    'column of armored vehicles'} ),

       TargetType:new( {_('infantry'),                 'infantry'},
                       {_('infantry column'),            {'infantry', 'column'},                'infantry column'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('mechanized infantry'),         'mechanized infantry'},
                       {_('mechanized infantry'),         'mechanized infantry'},
                       {_('mechanized infantry column'),{'mechanized infantry', 'column'},    'mechanized infantry column'} ),

       TargetType:new( {_('APC'),                         'APC',                                'A Pe Ce'},
                       {_('APC column'),                  {'APC', 'column'},                    'A Pe Ce column'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('IFV'),                         'IFV',                                'I eF Ve'},
                       {_('IFV column'),                 {'IFV', 'column'},                    'I eF Ve column'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('tank'),                     'tank'},
                       {_('tanks'),                     'tanks'},
                       {_('tank column'),                 {'tank', 'column'},                    'tank column'} ),

       TargetType:new( {_('artillery'),                'artillery'},
                       {_('artillery column'),         {'artillery', 'column'},            'artillery column'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('car'),                        'car'},
                       {_('cars'),                        'cars'},
                       {_('car convoy'),                {'car', 'convoy'},                    'car convoy'} ),
       TargetType:new( {_('car'),                        'car'},
                       {_('cars'),                        'cars'},
                       {_('car convoy'),                {'car', 'convoy'},                    'car convoy'} ), 
       TargetType:new( {_('truck'),                    'truck'},
                       {_('trucks'),                    'trucks'},
                       {_('truck convoy'),                {'truck', 'convoy'},                'truck convoy'} ), 

       TargetType:new( {_('bunker'),                    'bunker'},
                       {_('bunkers'),                    'bunkers'},
                       nil ),
       TargetType:new( {_('radar'),                    'radar'},
                       {_('radars'),                    'radars'},
                       nil ),
       TargetType:new( AAA,
                       nil ),
       TargetType:new( SAM,
                       nil ),

TargetDescription = {
   make = function(self, target_description)

       local targetType = target_description.type[#target_description.type]
       local vel_scalar = target_description.velocity and u.get_lengthZX(target_description.velocity)
       local moving = vel_scalar and vel_scalar > 1.0        
       local result = self.sub.TargetTypes:make(targetType + 1, target_description.column, target_description.size, moving)
       if target_description.on_road then
           result = result + ' ' + self.sub.onRoad:make()
       if moving then
           result = result + comma_space_ + self.sub.moving:make() + ' '   +   self.sub.CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(target_description.velocity))
       return result
   sub = {
       TargetTypes         = TargetTypes,
       moving                = Phrase:new({_('moving'),        'moving'}),
       onRoad                = Phrase:new({_('on a road'),    'on a road'}),
       CompassDirection8    = CompassDirection8,
   directory = 'Target'

TargetData = {
   make = function(self, target_data)        
       return self.sub.TargetDescription:make(target_data) + comma_space_ + self.sub.MGRS:make(target_data.point, 3)        
   sub = {
       TargetDescription    = TargetDescription,
       MGRS                = MGRS

NineLineBrief = {
   make = function(self, _9_line_brief)
       local IP
       local Heading
       local Distnace
       if _9_line_brief.IP and _9_line_brief.dir then
           IP = self.sub.NamesIP:make(_9_line_brief.IP)
           Heading = self.sub.Digits:make(u.round(u.get_azimuth(_9_line_brief.dir) * u.units.deg.coeff, 1), '%03d')
           Distnace = self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(u.get_lengthZX(_9_line_brief.dir) * u.units.nm.coeff))
       local offset
       if _9_line_brief.offset == -1 then
           offset = self.sub.left:make()
       elseif _9_line_brief.offset == 1 then
           offset = self.sub.right:make()
       local target_location
       if _9_line_brief.target_location then
           target_location = self.sub.MGRS:make(_9_line_brief.target_location, 3)
           target_location = self.sub.NA:make().subtitle
       local laser_code
       if _9_line_brief.code then
           laser_code = self.sub.Digits:make(_9_line_brief.code)
       local location_of_friendlies = self.sub.noFactor:make()
       if _9_line_brief.friendlies then
           location_of_friendlies =   self.sub.CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(_9_line_brief.friendlies.dir))   + ' ' +   self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(u.get_lengthZX(_9_line_brief.friendlies.dir)   * u.units.m.coeff))
           if _9_line_brief.friendlies.troopsInContact then
               location_of_friendlies = location_of_friendlies + ' ' +   self.sub.m:make() + comma_space_ + self.sub.troopsInContact:make()
           location_of_friendlies = self.sub.noFactor:make()
       local egress_to = p.start()
       if _9_line_brief.egress_direction then
           egress_to = egress_to + self.sub.CompassDirection4:make(_9_line_brief.egress_direction)
       if _9_line_brief.egress_control_point then
           egress_to = egress_to + ' ' + self.sub.to:make() + ' ' + self.sub.NamesIP:make(_9_line_brief.egress_control_point)
       local result =     p.start()
       if IP == nil then
           result = result + self.sub.Digits:make(1) + comma_space_ +   self.sub.Digits:make(2) + comma_space_ + self.sub.Digits:make(3) + ' ' +   self.sub.NA:make() + CR_
           result =     result +
                       p._S(_('1. IP: '))                + IP + CR_ +
                       p._S(_('2. Heading: '))         + Heading + ' ' + p._S(_('Offset: ')) + (offset or '') + CR_ +
                       p._S(_('3. Distance: '))        + Distnace + ' ' + self.sub.nm:make() + CR_
       result =     result +
                   p._S(_('4. Elevation: '))            +   self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(_9_line_brief.target_elevation, 1)) + '   ' + self.sub.m:make() + ' ' + self.sub.MSL:make() + CR_ +
                   p._S(_('5. Target: '))                +   self.sub.TargetDescription:make(_9_line_brief.target_description) + CR_  +
                   p._S(_('6. Coordinates: '))            + target_location + CR_ +
                   p._S(_('7. '))                        + self.sub.markType:make(_9_line_brief.mark_type + 1)
       if laser_code then
           result = result + comma_space_ + laser_code
       result = result + CR_
       result =     result +
                   p._S(_('8. Friendlies: '))            + location_of_friendlies + CR_ +
                   p._S(_('9. ')) + self.sub.egress:make()    + ' ' + egress_to
       return result
   sub = {
       NamesIP                = NamesIP,
       NA                    = Phrase:new({_('N/A'),                 'NA',                 'eN A'}),
       left                = Phrase:new({_('left'),                 'left'}),
       right                = Phrase:new({_('right'),                 'right'}),
       troopsInContact        = Phrase:new({_('troops in contact'),    'troops in contact'}),
       noFactor            = Phrase:new({_('no factor'),             'no factor'}),
       to                    = Phrase:new({_('to'),                     'to'}),
       nm                    = Phrase:new({_('nautical'),             'nautical'}),
       m                    = Phrase:new({_('meters'),                 'meters'}),
       feet                = Phrase:new({_('feet'),                 'feet'}),
       MSL                    = Phrase:new({_('MSL'),                 'MSL',                'eM eS eL'}),
       egress                = Phrase:new({_('Egress'),                 'Egress'}),        
       Digits                = Digits,
       Number                = Number,
       TargetDescription    = TargetDescription,
       MGRS                = MGRS,
       CompassDirection8    = CompassDirection8,
       CompassDirection4     = CompassDirection4,
       markType            = Phrases:new( {{_('No mark'),             'No mark'}, 
                                           {_('Marked by WP'),     'Marked by WP',     'Marked by Double U Pete'},
                                           {_('Marked by IR'),     'Marked by IR',     'Marked by infrared pointer'},
                                           {_('Marked by laser'),     'Marked by laser'}} )


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Edits for 1.5/2.0 (part 4 / USSR.lua part 3 of 3)


continued from previous post

NineLineBriefRemarks = {
   make = function(self, _9_line_brief_remarks)
       local result = p.start()

       if _9_line_brief_remarks.laser_to_target_line then
           local ltl_azimuth_deg =    base.math.floor(u.get_azimuth(_9_line_brief_remarks.laser_to_target_line)    * u.units.deg.coeff)
           result = result + CR_ + self.sub.LTL:make() + self.sub.Digits:make(ltl_azimuth_deg, '%03d')
       if _9_line_brief_remarks.ordnance then
           result = result + CR_ + self.sub.use:make() + ' ' + self.sub.WeaponType:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.ordnance)
       if _9_line_brief_remarks.threats then
           result = result + CR_ + self.sub.GroupThreats:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.threats)

       if _9_line_brief_remarks.final_attack_heading then
           result =     result + CR_ + self.sub.finalAttackHeading:make() + ': ' +
                       self.sub.Digits:make(u.round(_9_line_brief_remarks.final_attack_heading.min * u.units.deg.coeff, 5.0)) +
                       ' - ' +    self.sub.Digits:make(u.round(_9_line_brief_remarks.final_attack_heading.max    * u.units.deg.coeff, 5.0), '%03d')
       if _9_line_brief_remarks.weather then
           local wind = Wind:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.weather.wind)
           if wind ~= nil then
               result = result + CR_ + wind
           if _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds then
               --cloudy level http://meteoweb.narod.ru/amn/spotters_guide.html
               if _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds.density > 3 then
                    result = result + CR_
                   if _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds.density > 9 then
                       result = result +  self.sub.overcastSky:make()
                   elseif _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds.density > 7 then
                       result = result +  self.sub.cloudySky:make()
                   elseif _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds.density > 3 then
                       result = result +  self.sub.partlyCloudySky:make()
                       result = result +  self.sub.clearSky:make()
                   result = result +      ', ' + self.sub.cloudBase:make() + ' ' +
                                          self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(_9_line_brief_remarks.weather.clouds.min_height,    1)) + ' ' +self.sub.m:make() + ' ' + self.sub.MSL:make()
           if     _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.fog and
               _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.fog.density > 0.1 then
               result = result + CR_ + self.sub.fog:make()
           if     _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.visibility and
               _9_line_brief_remarks.weather.visibility < 10000 then
               result = result + CR_ + self.sub.visibility:make() +
                                      u.adv_round(self.sub.Number:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.weather.visibility    * u.units.nm.coeff), 1)
       if _9_line_brief_remarks.TOT then
           result = result + CR_ + self.sub.tot:make()  + p._S('(TOT)')    + self.sub.Time:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.TOT.min) + ' - ' +    self.sub.Time:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.TOT.max)
       elseif _9_line_brief_remarks.TTT then
           local minuntes = base.math.mod(_9_line_brief_remarks.TTT, 60.0)
           local seconds = _9_line_brief_remarks.TTT - minuntes * 60        
           result = result + CR_ + self.sub.ttt:make() + p._S('(TTT)') +    self.sub.Time:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.TOT.min) + ':' +    self.sub.Time:make(_9_line_brief_remarks.TOT.max) +   self.sub.hack:make()
       return result
   sub = {    LTL                    = Phrase:new({_('Laser-to-target line: '), 'LTL' }),
           use                    = PhraseRandom:new( { {_('use'), 'use'},
                                                   {_('request'), 'request'} } ),
           finalAttackHeading    = PhraseRandom:new( {    {_('Final attack heading'),     'Final attack heading'},
                                                       {_('make your attack heading'), 'make your attack heading'} } ),
           Wind                = Wind,
           overcastSky            = Phrase:new({_('overcast sky'), 'overcast sky'}),
           cloudySky            = Phrase:new({_('cloudy sky'), 'cloudy sky'}),
           partlyCloudySky        = Phrase:new({_('partly cloudy sky'), 'partly cloudy sky'}),
           clearSky            = Phrase:new({_('clear sky'), 'clear sky'}),
           cloudBase            = Phrase:new({_('cloud base'), 'cloud base'}),
           m                    = Phrase:new({_('meters'),                 'meters'}),
           feet                = Phrase:new({_('feet'), 'feet'}),
           MSL                    = Phrase:new({_('MSL'), 'MSL', 'eM eS eL'}),
           fog                    = Phrase:new({_('fog'), 'fog'}),
           visibility            = Phrase:new({_('visibility'), 'visibility'}),
           tot                    = Phrase:new({_('Time-on-Target: '), 'TOT', 'Time-on-Target'}),
           ttt                    = Phrase:new({_('Time-to-Target: '), 'TTT', 'Time-to-Target'}),
           hack                = Phrase:new({_('READY, READY, HACK'), 'HACK', 'READY, READY, HACK'}),
           WeaponType            = WeaponType,
           TGPrequired            = Phrase:new({_('TGP'), 'TGP'}, 'Weapon'),
           GroupThreats        = {
               make = function(self, threats)
                   local result = p.start()
                   local firsTthreatInCluster  = true
                   for threatClusterIndex, threatCluster in base.pairs(threats) do
                       if not firsTthreatInCluster then
                           result = result + CR_
                       local typesQty = 0
                       local typesCounter = {}
                       for objectIndex, pThreat in base.pairs(threatCluster.objects) do
                           if pThreat:isExist() then
                               local typeName = pThreat:getTypeName()
                               if typeName ~= nil then
                                   local displayTypeId = self.displayTypeIds[typeName]
                                   if displayTypeId == nil then
                                       base.error('Warning: Index for airdefence unit \"'..typeName..'\" is missed !')
                                   if typesCounter[displayTypeId] == nil then
                                       typesQty = typesQty + 1
                                       typesCounter[displayTypeId] = 1
                                       typesCounter[displayTypeId] = typesCounter[displayTypeId] + 1
                       local counter = 0
                       for displayTypeId, count in base.pairs(typesCounter) do
                           counter    = counter + 1
                           if     counter == typesQty and
                               counter > 1 then
                               result = result + ' ' + self.sub.pand:make() + ' '
                           elseif counter > 1 then
                               result = result + comma_space_
                           if count > 1 then
                               result = result + self.sub.Number:make(count) + ' x '
                           result = result + self.sub.displayTypeName:make(displayTypeId)
                       if counter > 0 then
                           result = result +     ' ' +    self.sub.CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(threatCluster.direction))   +
                                               ' ' +    self.sub.Digits:make(u.adv_round(u.get_lengthZX(threatCluster.direction)    * u.units.nm.coeff)) +
                                               ' ' + self.sub.nm:make()
                           firsTthreatInCluster = false
                   return result                    
               displayTypeIds = {    ['2S6 Tunguska']                = 1,
                                   ['SA-11 Buk LN 9A310M1']        = 2,
                                   ['Osa 9A33 ln']                    = 3,
                                   ['Tor 9A331']                    = 4,
                                   ['Strela-10M3']                    = 5,
                                   ['Strela-1 9P31']                = 6,
                                   ['Gepard']                        = 7,
                                   ['Vulcan']                        = 8,
                                   ['M48 Chaparral']                 = 9,
                                   ['M6 Linebacker']                 = 10,
                                   ['M1097 Avenger']                = 11,
                                   ['Kub 1S91 str']                 = 12,
                                   ['S-300PS 40B6M tr']             = 13,
                                   ['Hawk tr']                     = 14,
                                   ['Patriot str']                 = 15,
                                   ['Roland Radar']                 = 16,
                                   ['snr s-125 tr']                 = 17,
                                   ['ZSU-23-4 Shilka']             = 18,
                                   ['ZU-23 Emplacement Closed']     = 19,
                                   ['ZU-23 Emplacement']             = 19,
                                   ['ZU-23 Closed Insurgent']         = 19,
                                   ['Ural-375 ZU-23 Insurgent']     = 19,
                                   ['ZU-23 Insurgent']                = 19,
                                   ['Ural-375 ZU-23']                 = 19,
                                   ['SA-18 Igla manpad']            = 20,
                                   ['SA-18 Igla-S manpad']            = 20,
                                   ['Stinger manpad']                = 20,
                                   ['Stinger manpad dsr']            = 20,
               sub = {    Number                = Number,
                       pand                = Phrase:new({_('and'), 'and'}),
                       CompassDirection8    = CompassDirection8,
                       Digits                = Digits,
                       nm                    = Phrase:new({_('nautical'),     'nautical'}),
                       displayTypeName        = Phrases:new( {{_('SA-19'),    'SA-19'},
                                                           {_('SA-11'),    'SA-11'},
                                                           {_('SA-8'),        'SA-8'},
                                                           {_('SA-15'),    'SA-15'},
                                                           {_('SA-13'),    'SA-13'},
                                                           {_('SA-9'),        'SA-9'},
                                                           {_('Gepard'),    'Gepard'},
                                                           {_('Vulcan'),    'Vulcan'},
                                                           {_('Avenger'), 'Avenger'},
                                                           {_('SA-6'),        'SA-6'},
                                                           {_('SA-10'),    'SA-10'},
                                                           {_('Hawk'),        'Hawk'},
                                                           {_('Patriot'),    'Patriot'},
                                                           {_('Roland'),    'Roland'},
                                                           {_('SA-3'),        'SA-3'},
                                                           {_('Zeus'),        'Zeus'},
                                                           {_('ZU-23'),    'ZU-23'},
                                                           {_('MANPADS'),    'MANPADS'}}, 'AirDefence') }
           Digits                = Digits,
           Number                = Number,
           Time                = Time,
           artillery            = Phrase:new({_('artillery'), 'artillery'}),
           GTL                    = Phrase:new({_('GTL'), 'GTL', _('gun-to-target line') }),
           stay                = Phrase:new({_('stay'), 'stay'}),
           gridLine            = Phrase:new({_('of grid line'), 'of grid line'}),
           remain                = Phrase:new({_('remain'), 'remain'}),
           above                = Phrase:new({_('above'), 'above'}),            
           below                = Phrase:new({_('below'), 'below'}),
           takingFireFrom        = Phrase:new({_('target is taking fire from our'),    'target is taking fire from our'}),
           fighting            = Phrase:new({_('target is fighting with our'),     'target is fighting with our'}),
           engagedBy            = Phrase:new({_('target is engaged by our'),         'target is engaged by our'}),
           firingOn            = Phrase:new({_('target is firing on our'),         'target is firing on our'}),            
           burningVehicle        = Phrase:new({_('of the burning vehicle'),             'of the burning vehicle'}),
           burningVehicles        = Phrase:new({_('of the burning vehicles'),         'of the burning vehicles'})

if base._DEBUG then
   local function checkThreatNames()
       local savedDb = base.db
       base.db = nil
       for vehicleIndex, vehicleDesc in base.pairs(base.db.Units.Cars.Car) do
           if     base.findAttribute(vehicleDesc.attribute, 'AAA') or
               base.findAttribute(vehicleDesc.attribute, 'SAM') or
               base.findAttribute(vehicleDesc.attribute, 'SAM TR') then                
               local displayTypeId = NineLineBriefRemarks.sub.GroupThreats.displayTypeIds[vehicleDesc.Name]
               if displayTypeId == nil then
                   base.error('No display id for '..vehicleDesc.Name)
               local phrase = NineLineBriefRemarks.sub.GroupThreats.sub.displayTypeName.phrases[displayTypeId]
               if phrase == nil then
                   base.error('No display name for '..vehicleDesc.Name)
       base.db = savedDb

toJTACHandler = {
   make = function(self, message, language)
       return self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.sender,    language == 'RUS') + comma_space_ + Event:make(message.event)
   sub = { PlayerAircraftCallsign    = PlayerAircraftCallsign }

LeaderToJTACHandler = {
   make = function(self, message, language)
       return     self.sub.CallsignJTAC:make(message.receiver) + comma_space_ + self.sub.thisIs:make() + ' ' +
               self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.sender,    language == 'RUS') + comma_space_ + Event:make(message.event)
   sub = { CallsignJTAC             = CallsignJTAC,
           thisIs                    = Phrase:new({_('this is'), 'this is'}),
           PlayerAircraftCallsign    = PlayerAircraftCallsign }

CAScheckInHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)    
       local result = self.sub.LeaderToJTACHandler:make(message)
       if message.parameters then
           if message.parameters.missionNumber ~= nil then
               result = result + self.sub.asFragged:make() +    comma_space_ + self.sub.missionNumber:make() + ' ' +    self.sub.PhoneticAlphabet:make(essage.parameters.missionNumber) +    comma_space_
           wantLL = message.parameters.aircraft_type[4] == base.KA_50  --Доб Ка-50--
           wantRR = message.parameters.aircraft_type[4] == base.MI_8MT  --Доб Ми-8--
           result = result +    self.sub.Digits:make(message.parameters.flight_size) + ' x ' +    self.sub.aircraftType:make(message.parameters.aircraft_type[4]) + CR_
           if message.parameters.CP then
               result = result +        self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(u.get_lengthZX(message.parameters.dir)   *  u.units.nm.coeff, 1)) + ' ' + self.sub.nm:make() + ' ' +
                                      self.sub.CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(message.parameters.dir)) +    ' ' + self.sub.ofIP:make() + ' ' +
                                   self.sub.NamesIP:make(message.parameters.CP) + ' ' +
                                   self.sub.Altitude:make(message.parameters.alt, message.sender:getUnit():getCountry()) + CR_
               base.assert(message.parameters.point ~= nil)
               result = result + self.sub.MGRS:make(message.parameters.point, 2)
               result = result + ' ' +    self.sub.Altitude:make(message.parameters.point.y,    message.sender:getUnit():getCountry()) + CR_
           if message.parameters.weapon then
               result = result + self.sub.armed:make()    + ': '
               local first_weapon = true
               for weaponIndex, weaponData in base.pairs(message.parameters.weapon) do
                   if weaponData.type[2] ~= base.wsType_GContainer then
                       if not first_weapon then
                           result = result  + comma_space_
                       if     weaponData.qty > 1 and
                           weaponData.type[3] ~= base.wsType_Control_Cont then
                           if weaponData.type[2] == base.wsType_Shell then                            
                               local roundQty = 50 * base.math.floor(weaponData.qty / 50 + 0.5)                            
                               result = result + self.sub.Number:make(roundQty)  + ' x '
                           result = result + self.sub.WeaponType:make(weaponData.type)
                           result = result + self.sub.WeaponType:make(weaponData.type)
                   first_weapon = false
               result = result + CR_
           if message.parameters.time_on_station then
               result =     result + self.sub.playTime:make() + ' ' +
                              self.sub.Number:make(base.math.floor(message.parameters.time_on_station.start    / 60)) + ' ' + self.sub.plus:make('plus') + ' ' +
                           self.sub.Number:make(base.math.floor(message.parameters.time_on_station.duration / 60))+ CR_
           result = result + self.sub.ready:make()
       return result
   sub = {
       LeaderToJTACHandler    = LeaderToJTACHandler,
       asFragged            = Phrase:new({_('checking in as fragged'), 'checking in as fragged'}),
       missionNumber        = Phrase:new({_('mission number'), 'mission number'}),
       PhoneticAlphabet    = PhoneticAlphabet,
       aircraftType        = Phrases:new( {     [base.A_10A] = {_('A-10'), 'A-10'},
                                               [base.A_10C] = {_('A-10'), 'A-10'},
                                               [base.FA_18] = { _('F/A-18'), 'FA-18' },
                                               [base.FA_18C] = { _('F/A-18'), 'FA-18' },
                                               [base.KA_50] = {_('Ka-50'), 'Ka-50'},
                                               [base.AH_64A] = {_('AH-64'), 'AH-64'},
                                               [base.AH_64D] = {_('AH-64'), 'AH-64'},
                                               [base.AH_1W] = {_('AH-1'), 'AH-1'},
                                               [base.MI_8MT] = {_('Mi-8'), 'Mi-8'},
                                               [base.MI_24W] = {_('Mi-24'), 'Mi-24'},
                                               [base.F_16A] = {_('F-16'), 'F-16'},
                                               [base.F_16] = {_('F-16'), 'F-16'},
                                               [base.P_51B] = {_('P-51'), 'P-51'},
                                               [base.P_51D] = {_('P-51'), 'P-51'} } ),
       NamesIP                = NamesIP,
       CompassDirection8    = CompassDirection8,
       nm                    = Phrase:new({_('nautical'), 'nautical'}),
       ofIP                = Phrase:new({_('of IP'), 'of IP'}),
       Digits                = Digits,
       Number                = Number,
       Altitude            = Altitude,
       armed                = PhraseRandom:new( {     {_('Armed with'), 'Armed with'},
                                                   {_('I have'), 'I have'} } ),
       WeaponType            = WeaponType,
       playTime            = PhraseRandom:new( {     {_('Play time is'), 'Play time is'},
                                                   {_('Time on station is'), 'Time on station is'} } ),
       plus                = Phrase:new( { '+', 'plus', _('plus') } ),
       ready                = Phrase:new({_('Available for tasking.    What do you have for us?'), 'Available for tasking', 'Available for    tasking. What do you have for us?'}),
       MGRS                = MGRS

CASReadBackHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       local result =     self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(message.parameters.target_elevation, 1)) + comma_space_ +
                       self.sub.MGRS:make(message.parameters.target_location, 3)
       if message.parameters.final_attack_heading then
           result = result + comma_space_ +    self.sub.finalAttackHeading:make() + ': ' +    self.sub.Digits:make(u.round(message.parameters.final_attack_heading.min    * u.units.deg.coeff, 5.0), '%03d') + ' - ' +    self.sub.Digits:make(u.round(message.parameters.final_attack_heading.max    * u.units.deg.coeff, 5.0), '%03d')
       return result
   sub = {
       Number                = Number,
       Digits                = Digits,
       MGRS                = MGRS,
       finalAttackHeading    = Phrase:new({_('final attack heading'), 'final attack heading'})

CAScontactHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.toJTACHandler:make(message) + self.sub.TargetData:make(message.parameters.target_data)
   sub = { toJTACHandler            = toJTACHandler,
           TargetData                = TargetData}

INhandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.toJTACHandler:make(message) + ' ' +    self.sub.FromCompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(message.parameters.back_dir))
   sub = { toJTACHandler             = toJTACHandler,
           FromCompassDirection8     = FromCompassDirection8 }

AIRCRAFT_BDA_handler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       local result = p.start()
       for weaponIndex, weapon in base.pairs(message.parameters.weapons) do
           result = result + self.sub.Number:make(weapon.qty) + ' x ' + self.sub.WeaponType:make(weapon.wsType)
           if weapon.wsType[2] == base.wsType_Bomb then
               result = result + self.sub.released:make()
               result = result + self.sub.fired:make()
           result = result + CR_
       --Destroyed targets
       if     message.parameters.destroyedTargets ~= nil and
           #message.parameters.destroyedTargets > 0 then
           for targetIndex, target in base.pairs(message.parameters.destroyedTargets) do
               result = result + self.sub.Number:make(target.qty) + ' x ' + self.sub.TargetType:make(target.type + 1)
           result = result + self.sub.destroyed:make()
   sub = { Number        = Number,
           WeaponType    = WeaponType,
           TargetType    = TargetType,
           fired        = Phrase:new({_('fired'),        'fired'}),
           released    = Phrase:new({_('released'),    'released'}),
           destroyed    = Phrase:new({_('destroyed'),    'destroyed'})     }

UseWeaponHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return p.start() + self.sub.use:make() + ' ' + self.sub.WeaponType:make(message.parameters.ordnance)
   sub = {
       use                = Phrase:new({_('use'), 'use'}),
       WeaponType        = WeaponType,

INFLIGHTREP_handler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       local result =     self.sub.toJTACHandler:make()+ CR_ +
                       --self.thisIs:make() + ' ' + self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.sender) +
                       self.sub.missionNumber:make() + ' ' +    self.sub.PhoneticAlphabet:make(message.parameters.missionNumber) + CR_ +
                       self.sub.TOT:make() + self.sub.Time:make(message.parameters.TOT) + CR_
       if     message.parameters.destroyedTargets ~= nil and
           #message.parameters.destroyedTargets > 0 then
           for targetIndex, target in base.pairs(message.parameters.destroyedTargets) do
               result = result + self.sub.Number:make(target.qty) + ' x ' + self.sub.TargetType:make(target.type + 1)
           result = result + self.sub.destroyed:make() + CR_
       result = result +     self.sub.TargetDescription:make(message.parameters.target) + CR_ +
   sub = {
       toJTACHandler        = toJTACHandler,
       --thisIs                = Phrase:new({_('this is'), 'this is'}),
       PlayerAircraftCallsign    = PlayerAircraftCallsign,
       missionNumber        = Phrase:new({_('mission number'), 'mission number'}),
       TOT                    = Phrase:new({_('TOT'), 'TOT', _('Time-on-target')}),
       PhoneticAlphabet    = PhoneticAlphabet,
       Time                = Time,
       destroyed            = Phrase:new({_('destroyed'), 'destroyed'}),
       TargetDescription     = TargetDescription,

toLeaderHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.receiver) + comma_space_ +  Event:make(message.event)
   sub = { PlayerAircraftCallsign = PlayerAircraftCallsign     }

JTACToLeaderHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.receiver) +    comma_space_ + self.sub.thisIs:make() + ' ' +    self.sub.CallsignJTAC:make(message.sender) + comma_space_ +    Event:make(message.event)
   sub = { PlayerAircraftCallsign    = PlayerAircraftCallsign,
           thisIs                    = Phrase:new({_('this is'), 'this is'}),
           CallsignJTAC             = CallsignJTAC    }

TargetDescriptionHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.toLeaderHandler:make(message) + ' ' + self.sub.TargetDescription:make(message.parameters)
   sub = {    toLeaderHandler        = toLeaderHandler,
           TargetDescription    = TargetDescription }

NoTaskClearedToDepartHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.receiver) +    comma_space_ + Event:make(message.event) + self.sub.thanks:make() + ' '   +  self.sub.youMayDepart:make()
   sub = {
       PlayerAircraftCallsign    = PlayerAircraftCallsign,
       thanks                    = PhraseRandom:new({{_('Thanks for the support.'),     'Thanks for the support'},
                                                   {_('Good job!'),                 'good job'},
                                                   {_('Nice work!'),                 'nice work'}}),
       youMayDepart            = Phrase:new({_('You may depart'), 'You may depart'})

NineLineBriefHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return Event:make(message.event) + '\n' + self.sub.NineLineBrief:make(message.parameters)
   sub = {    NineLineBrief        = NineLineBrief }

NineLineBriefRemarksHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.NineLineBriefRemarks:make(message.parameters)
   sub = {    NineLineBriefRemarks = NineLineBriefRemarks }

TargetCorrectionHander = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return     self.sub.toLeaderHandler:make(message) + ' ' +    CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(message.parameters.direction)) + '   '  +
   sub = {    toLeaderHandler        = toLeaderHandler,
           CompassDirection8     = CompassDirection8,
           Number                = Number}

CASfromTheMarkHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return     Event:make(message.event) + ' ' +    self.sub.CompassDirection8:make(u.get_azimuth(message.parameters.direction))    + ' ' +
               self.sub.Number:make(u.adv_round(u.get_lengthZX(message.parameters.direction))) + ' ' + self.sub.m:make()
   sub = {
       Number                = Number,
       CompassDirection8    = CompassDirection8,
       m                    = Phrase:new({_('meters'), 'meters'})

JTAC_BDA_handler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       local result = self.sub.toLeaderHandler:make(message)
       if message.parameters.destroyed_units_qty then
           if message.parameters.destroyed_units_qty > 1 then
               result =     result +    self.sub.Number:make(message.parameters.destroyed_units_qty) + ' ' +    self.sub.units:make() + ' ' +
                           self.sub.destroyed:make() + '. ' + self.sub.reAttack:make() + '.'
           elseif message.parameters.destroyed_units_qty > 0 then
               result =     result + self.sub.Number:make(1) + ' ' +    self.sub.unit:make() + ' ' + self.sub.destroyed:make() + '. ' +
                           self.sub.reAttack:make() + '.'
       return result
   sub = {
       toLeaderHandler        = toLeaderHandler,
       unit                = Phrase:new({_('unit'),                    'unit'}),
       units                = Phrase:new({_('units'),                    'units'}),
       destroyed            = Phrase:new({_('destroyed'),                'destroyed'}),
       reAttack            = Phrase:new({_('Re-attack is authorized'), 'Re-attack is authorized'}),
       Number                = Number

CASabortHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       local result = self.sub.toLeaderHandler:make(message)
       if     message.parameters and
           message.parameters.reason and
           message.parameters.reason > 0 then
           result = result + ' ' + self.sub.abortReason:make(message.parameters.reason)
       return result
   sub = {
       toLeaderHandler         = toLeaderHandler,
       abortReason                = Phrases:new(    {    {_('You have no permission!'), 'You have no permission'},
                                                   {_('You are    attacking a wrong target!'), 'You are attacking a wrong target'},
                                                   {_('BLUE ON BLUE BLUE ON BLUE!'), 'BLUE ON BLUE BLUE ON BLUE'} } )

SAMlaunchHandler = {
   make = function(self, message)
       return self.sub.PlayerAircraftCallsign:make(message.receiver) + '    ' +  self.sub.BearingOClock:make(u.get_azimuth(message.parameters.dir))
   sub = {    PlayerAircraftCallsign     = PlayerAircraftCallsign,
           BearingOClock            = BearingOClock    }
}    --end adds by JTAC mod

Next, at line 1184 (was 110) after the line that reads [base.Message.wMsgAWACSPicture] = AWACSpictureHandler, and before the closed bracket, add the following lines:

    --Player -> JTAC    --start adds by JTAC mod
   [base.Message.wMsgLeaderCheckIn]                 = CAScheckInHandler,                              ------1------ 1
   [base.Message.wMsgLeader9LineReadback]            = CASReadBackHandler,                              -----1------ 2
   [base.Message.wMsgLeaderContact]                 = CAScontactHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgLeader_CONTACT_the_mark]        = EventHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgLeader_IN]                     = INhandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgLeaderBDA]                    = AIRCRAFT_BDA_handler,                            -----1------  3
   [base.Message.wMsgLeaderINFLIGHTREP]            = INFLIGHTREP_handler,
   --JTAC -> Player
   [base.Message.wMsgFACNoTaskingAvailableStandBy]    = JTACToLeaderHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACType1InEffectAdviseWhenReadyFor9Line] = JTACToLeaderHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACType2InEffectAdviseWhenReadyFor9Line] = JTACToLeaderHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACType3InEffectAdviseWhenReadyFor9Line] = JTACToLeaderHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACNoTaskingAvailableClearedToDepart] =    NoTaskClearedToDepartHandler,                                    -----0------5
   [base.Message.wMsgFACNoTaskingAvailable]        = EventHandler,        
   [base.Message.wMsgFACAdviseWhenReadyForRemarksAndFutherTalkOn] = EventHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACReadBackCorrect]            = EventHandler,    
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC9lineBrief]                 =    NineLineBriefHandler,                                                      -----0------1
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC9lineBriefWP]                 =    NineLineBriefHandler,                                                  -----0------2
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC9lineBriefIRPointer]         =    NineLineBriefHandler,                                                  -----0------3
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC9lineBriefLaser]             =    NineLineBriefHandler,                                                  -----0------4
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC9lineRemarks]                = NineLineBriefRemarksHandler,                          -----2------ 5
   [base.Message.wMsgFACFromTheMark]                = CASfromTheMarkHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACTargetDescription]         = TargetDescriptionHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACThatIsNotYourTarget]         = TargetCorrectionHander,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACThatIsFriendly]             = TargetCorrectionHander,
   [base.Message.wMsgFACYourTarget]                 = TargetCorrectionHander,                              -----2------ 4
   [base.Message.wMsgFACTargetPartiallyDestroyed]     = JTAC_BDA_handler,                                     -----2------ 6
   [base.Message.wMsgUseWeapon]                    = UseWeaponHandler,                                      -----2------ 7
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC_ABORT_ATTACK]             = CASabortHandler,
   [base.Message.wMsgFAC_SAM_launch]                = SAMlaunchHandler,       --end adds by JTAC mod

Finally, at line 1230 (was 125), following the closed bracket after the line that reads handler = AWACSToClientHandler, add the following lines:

    --PLAYER -> JTAC    --start adds by JTAC mod
       range = { base.Message.wMsgLeaderReadyToCopy,     base.Message.wMsgLeader9LineReadback },
       handler = EventHandler
       range = { base.Message.wMsgLeaderToFACNull,        base.Message.wMsgLeaderToFACMaximum },
       handler = toJTACHandler
       range = { base.Message.wMsgFACReport_IP_INBOUND,base.Message.wMsgFACThatIsYourTarget },
       handler = EventHandler
       range = { base.Message.wMsgFACMarkOnDeck,        base.Message.wMsgFAC_NoMark },
       handler = EventHandler,
       range = { base.Message.wMsgFACNull,                base.Message.wMsgFACMaximum },
       handler = toLeaderHandler
   },    --end adds by JTAC mod

Individual module code to follow.

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Edits for 1.5/2.0 (part 5 for Ka-50)


For Ka-50 users:

in mods\aircraft\Ka-50\comm.lua:

at line 386 (between the lines that read getfenv()))(6) and getfenv()))( 8 ) ) add the following line:

utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn('Scripts/UI/RadioCommandDialogPanel/Config/Common/AWACS.lua', getfenv()))(7, {tanker = true, radar = true})    --added for JTAC mod

Then at line 388 (after getfenv()))( 8 ) ) add the following line:

utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn('Scripts/UI/RadioCommandDialogPanel/Config/Common/JTAC.lua', getfenv()))(9)    --added for JTAC mod

Note that because the Ka-50 can now do sling loading (F6 menu), JTAC has been moved to F9. AWACS remains at F7.

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Edits for 1.5/2.0 (part 6 for Mi-8)


For Mi-8 users:


in mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\comm.lua:

at line 376 (after getfenv()))( 8 ) ), add the following line:

utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn('Scripts/UI/RadioCommandDialogPanel/Config/Common/JTAC.lua', getfenv()))(9)    --Added for JTAC mod


Note: now that F7 is for Descent, AWACS has been removed from the list of available Mi-8 comms.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Thanks. Just didn't feel right uploading the files because it's not my mod and I haven't received approval.


Can you up it to GitHub..?

Hopefully TurboHog doesnt mind :music_whistling:

met vriendelijke groet,



"умный, спортсмен, комсомолетс"




[TABLE]SPECS: i9-9900K 32gigs RAM, Geforce 2070RTX, Creative XFi Fata1ity, TIR5, Valve Index & HP Reverb, HOTAS Warthog, Logitech G933 Headset, 10Tb storage.[/TABLE]

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  • 2 months later...

Is there any chance these mods can be in a download file? I would like to have a JTAC functional in the KA 50 missions!


The thought of editing the lua files fills me with terror, my editing skills are naff!


Can we ask TurboHog if he agrees?





[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS.

Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky

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I tried with Predator as a FAC in a mission, and it works just fine. :clap_2:



I have installed the original via JSGME.


I have no JTAC in my radio menu? There is no AWACS either:cry:


Shame, I really thought this would work. All the Lua entries seem fine.

Except that Home Fries' Lua files have very many addition entries that are missing from the original work. I tried adding these but messed up my install and had to remove them and revert to the original.




Anyone got this working with 1.5.3 final release?




Edited by Accipiter
messed up Lua files?

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS.

Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky

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Thanks, Turbohog.


I'll get to this in a couple of weeks; my real world experience continues to be busy, and my first priority when things settle down is to get my latest TARGET profile out the door.


looking forward to it!:thumbup: The NTTR map uses -(negative) coords (I think) and I believe the Ka50 system does not currently handle these. ED are aware, via a bug report, and have it on their "to do" list!


However it will be nice to have a JTAC in the Caucuses, even with an American accent!:D





Edited by Accipiter

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS.

Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky

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:doh:OK, here is a shock!


I have got a fully functional JTAC and AWACS in Ka-50 Black Shark in DCS 1.5.3:thumbup:


All I did was remove one letter from TurboHog's (Frett) original package!


In TurboHog's KA-50 JTAC&AWACS 1.5 folder there are three sub folders, Bazar, Mods and Sounds. In the Mods folder there is a folder named "aircrafts". This I amended to "aircraft" and re installed the mod using JSGME. Result....JTAC and AWACS works in Black Shark in my 1.5.3 release version.


I have tried it with two JTACS. A Predator and an infantry man. Both working on separate frequencies! With an AWACS overhead. A couple of replies are missing from our Russian accented pilot, but for the most part he replies completely. Right down to repeating the 9 line!


Thanks again TurboHog, this has really enhanced my Black Shark mission making!:thumbup:


Best Regards



[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS.

Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky

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:doh:OK, here is a shock!


I have got a fully functional JTAC and AWACS in Ka-50 Black Shark in DCS 1.5.3:thumbup:


All I did was remove one letter from TurboHog's (Frett) original package!


It will work, but the differences in the files modified (between versions since the original was released) will break other things. The first thing I am going to do is compare the file changes with the new datafiles, and then apply the changes individually so that it is compatible with 1.5.3.

Thanks again TurboHog, this has really enhanced my Black Shark mission making!:thumbup:

No argument there! BZ, TurboHog! :thumbup:

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  • 3 weeks later...



The JTAC/AWACS mod has been updated for use with DCS World 1.5.3/2.0.2, and includes ProfessorRiders enhancements that allow a "Red" JTAC as well as use of the Mi-8 with the JTAC/AWACS.


Here's the link.

Edited by Home Fries
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello, we have jtac en the M-2000C but it give the target position in MGRS, we need it in L/L as we can set this in our INS


If someone can help converting this mod ^^'

Edited by Harke
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  • 2 weeks later...
Seems like version 1.5.4 broke this mod.


When I have it activated, I can't play any missions or in the mission editor I can't edit any units with advanced waypoint actions.


I think some files changed with the 1.5.4 update. I took Home Fries version and merged some parts that weren't included in his version. I haven't tested it in detail, but seems to be working.


So use his version and apply my fix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vnw4t749ncxf7b3/1.5.4%20fix%20for%20Home%20Fries%20JTAC%20%26%20AWACS%20for%20Ka-50%20and%20Mi-8%20v1.5d.zip?dl=0


Files for Mi-8 are not included as I don't own it. If needed provide me the original DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\comm.lua and I will merge the changes too.

Edited by St3v3f

aka: Baron


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I think some files changed with the 1.5.4 update. I took Home Fries version and merged some parts that weren't included in his version. I haven't tested it in detail, but seems to be working.


So use his version and apply my fix: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58290896/1.5.4%20fix%20for%20Home%20Fries%20JTAC%20%26%20AWACS%20for%20Ka-50%20and%20Mi-8%20v1.5d.zip


Files for Mi-8 are not included as I don't own it. If needed provide me the original DCS World\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\comm.lua and I will merge the changes too.


Thanks! Really missed this one.


I'd appreciate if you could do that for the Mi-8 too, so here goes my comm.lua.


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