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Everything posted by Succellus

  1. What an inglorious way to die....
  2. George Lucas is the last person i want to meddle with starwars, he s show that the universe he created has gone far beyond his intelectual capacity. Leave it to new pople with more understanding. One thing for example that would be awesome would be bringing Grand Admiral Thrawn to the screen.
  3. I so wish damn TM would move their lazy butts and make more handles for warthog hotas.
  4. I had not the stomach... only saw 2 ... and vomited.
  5. lol i ended up with 6 ties, 6 win and 6 loses, this is smelling sulphurous
  6. When you see an unindentified object going up vertical near the highway side, think "F****" and by instinct you pull your motorcycle to the most distant line pressing repeatedly the start up thinking its the chaff dispenser, then your realise your on ground lvl so you re not the target of the "sam" and that your "dispenser" was doing a strange noise.
  7. You can do tighter turns, require practice but it works. Most for fancy, you dont want tight turn over a sam or shrilka
  8. You may ponder to retain your old monitor to set some instruments and gauges there, see SCsimulation (google) with helios which is donationware. See Cockpit building tread for more info.
  9. Well i used to use the trottle to compensate for the turn of the hog on the ground when i had no pedals... so its usefull. I haven t done any precision flyng, but i like it to tight turn too.
  10. Dual throttle isn t that usefull until you start using the diferencial on turns.... I understand your problem Shinigani, i had to pay more than 700 usd to import the thing due to taxation and fret. The only warning i would give is the mumber of complaints about the g940.
  11. Yeah i don tsee mmo DCS coming soon too. I still haveto read bad reviews about DCS beyond the lack of DC. Many who bitches agaisnt its because they haven t the lvl of commitment or interest necessary, we have to convey it ain t mass market anyway, even less than ARMA and ARMA as much more appeal to cortex than DCS. Maybe this will change with Fast Flyers. But my gues is LO will remain for years to come.
  12. Awesome movie problably 1 rst or 2scd on the +10!
  13. Those video are awesome. Ok its short lived doesnt really build on a tale, but anyway, zillion time better in essence than Crap 1,2,3. It seems someone has fallen upon his butt retrieved some brain and done more adolescent/adult oriented plot. Well i couldn t care less about MMO, i m fed up, at the end its all the same. (gather people wait hours i dont have to solve what to do, have an awesome connection (mine is mediocre), grind, grind, grind, and visit. (Anyway i have too many games at the same time as it is, don t need another time sink.) Anyway i m curious...A MMO will stand up in equal proportion to: How much fresh content it can shell, maintaining people with no life in (ie how much time those can stay interested); How stable are the servers; How much exploration you can do; How much diversity it can bring. How much it can stay free of bugs, bots and cheaters (Gold sellers are unavoidable) Jasegill what can you say about ths thing...you call good enought MMO. BUT!!! Bring me DCS- Star wars !!!! :D (no need to be as deeep as DCS, but at least bring some complexity to please the flight sim fans) I want some good single player and small party coop (up to squad, or tripulate a some vessel (12? people))SW space battle, with all we ve come to like. AKa Tie fighter/ Xwing / Bwing. Good plots. Escort ships, attack misisons, defense missions etc... Nothing was more awesome in Tie fighter to discover how the rebellion was just another ant in the honey, and the daily crap the Empire had to shovel out, so sector war wouldn t erupt and send all comerce to hell and the like. They had some serious gameplot scripter at those time it wasn t all only eyecandy...
  14. SOme reading to do ? I m not afraid. :) Thanks
  15. There is... IL2 COD.. just give it some time.
  16. Because i had them in the end 90" (gameport)and there wasn t toe brake at the time, So i bought 3 CH pots, one to replace the center which was beginning to spike. 2 others for toe brake, it worket wonders. The rewiring diagram was caught on the CH forum by the time i had CH hardware. There was also in my late days of ch a diagram how to rewire PORT to USB, but it came to late i was already drolling and licking cougars on the monitor, and CH in my mind was a past thing. All pretty old, maybe cleaning the pots would have worked at the time... don t know. As the too close there maybe a personal factor, i have knee problems (discovered years laters) so it may be it. But i reckon i m not the only one to find them unconfortable . I am 170lbs, 1m80 (5"91 ?)
  17. You can also save a lot of trouble with a 37" to 42" 1900X1200 led FHD TV with time response near to 2ms. (i prefer 37 as the "pixels" aren t that streched" but i ve seen 3 42" on this forum and it was at least in the pictures breathtaking. (cockpit from metalandwood if i remember) And save the monitor for instruments. I agree that 3 WS monitors flatten all and t sucks.
  18. Yes you can, i tried VAC, and i remember the bases a the very GC2 bases. I think the leap is probably the voice recognition software. Another thing i found is the fact that GC2 is more intuitive in its programing than VAC. But in both setting a game with big "repertoire" of sentence will be PITA anyway). You need pacience, lots of pacience. Having a set from someone will cut some work, but you better (must) train each order to your voice.
  19. If anyone want GC2 and as i had bought it i got a valid serial. Since the company bought the farm before Y2k, i guess theres not much problem. But anyway. In both programs, you have to train the program to recogne your voice, more specifically the command. In fact the sentence in itself is irrelevant, you can set the sentence "I want cookies" as: Return to base. or "zoub" as: 3 engage air defences. or for what matters "Atchaaa" as: ready to taxi. Another point at least with GC2, is the fact that it tries to recognize sillabes not the whole sentence. SO, if you have very similar sentences, in the rush of the hour your pronounciation may vary slightly and the VAC/GC2 will interpret this as a diferent command than what you intended command. External sounds MAY interfere with commands too if the MIC get them. So i suggest: 1) Plan well you commands so they can be clearly interpreted by the program, and they are easy to memorize.(try a mindset that would suit all the sims) 2) Train, you voice for all orders (PITA); 3) If some orders work and others not and all seem OK retrain. 4) The shorter the order, the lesser the chances of missinterpretation by the software. And above all have a god MIC!!!! This is paramount.
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