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Everything posted by Harry.R

  1. Harrier is great fun and deffinately worth picking up.
  2. I never saw a vertical takeoff with weapons (with 105 engine), the nearest our guys got was short take off which was pretty impressive. As mentioned above, STO was a unique Harrier party trick, useful for taking off from deployed locations and in the event of war, airfields that had been attacked where the runway(s) was out of action. Aircraft were pretty lightly armed by DCS loadout comparrison, usually some bombs (dumb or PGM), CRV7s or Mavericks, with a pair of fuel tanks, certainly not the 'beast mode' load outs you'll see people using in servers. They did do VTO but only when really lightly loaded, and not all landings were from the hover as there were certain conditions that were suboptimal for this. The newer 107 engine (Same as the 408 in the AV8B+) changed that , and I believe that is the simulated motor in the N/A? Tanking was routinely practiced.
  3. Also avaiable on PG 4YA server!
  4. Very generous, thank you @Reflected! Merry Christmas.
  5. @motoadve how are you liking the Lift AV-1 helmet? I thought they were pretty neat compared to other civilian warbird helmets.
  6. Good luck, can you remember how far to the west from B'dad was the FOB? How far from the railroad? Looking at the railway from Baghdad west to upto Ramadi there are numerous places that could be possibilities. Very interesting, could loose many hours doing this...for example take a look near Abu Gharib and see if you can spot the double decker bus scrap yard ;). The only problem with FOBs as you say, are that they can be pretty much anywhere. I was looking for places near the railway that were either walled compounds or looked likely.
  7. Al Taqaddum Airport?
  8. I found a work around for jester taking ages to any short alignments. After about 3 minutes from making the selection, I press 2 to got to the WSO seat and set the align switch one click right to NAV. Jump back to the pilots seat and jester then says alignment is completed. Otherwise, clear the crewchief away and taxi...
  9. Phantastic, thank you!
  10. Suring the start up sequence once both generators are on, jester will ask what alignment I would like - I think the options are bath, stored headinga and full. I will ask for a bath alignment and usually the jester menu will dissapear and he will do his Nav stuff. Recently I will select bath alignment and the jester menu changes to three circles with random letters inside that 'count down'. Jester will repeat his phrases a few times, then the menu will fade/go. The alignment then takes forever and I end up taxiing before jester is finished. Is this a know bug? I did look back through september and didn't see any reference to this. null
  11. We have the A-7D, Skyraider and A-6 coming at some point, so although I 100% agree on the groundpounding side, the Typhoon will bring the ranks of non-USA swing role jets up to date (you can also hang ground stuff on the hardpoints). Back to the more important question 'When Eurofighter news now?'.
  12. I'm not sure, but it's playable on the AO server with occasional lag spikes not withstanding.Some days it's crystal clear and no lag, otherdays it can 'muddy' very quickly and have some 1 second lag pauses, nearly always near Kob.
  13. That sounds pretty bad. My specs are a little worse than yours, i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 32GB RAM and 1070, Quest 3. I'm using the DCS 'VR' preset, and apart from the glacial wait for textures to load in on loading the aircraft in multiplayer, my experience is then usually pretty smooth (view goes a bit 'muddy' after a while). I'm using 'virtual desktop streamer' rather than a cable connection, this has improved things for me. A friendly streamer by the handle 'Hangman Glenn' gave me some great tips that got me up and running again after some frustrating times moving from the rift s to quest, looking to upgrade soon. Good luck.
  14. Nice find! Hopefully the front doors will become functional along with the ramp controls as the Chinny moves through early access.
  15. I found it very challenging compared to all the other helicopters in the game, lots of spinning around nose high and then ending in a burning heap...but that's what the AO is all about right? Certainly not as easy to operate as the others, the bank and yaw require a hair trigger approach to trim.
  16. Beating the Apache lot to the front line...
  17. Fantastic, that sounds very promising. Pre-ordered the Ch-47F, thanks for the update BN!
  18. Please, post away!
  19. Thanks mate, I redid the installation/calibration and it's now a lot more sensible but needs to be inverted for some reson in the in game menu. Just pitch that seems a bit..overly sensititve now.
  20. I re-did the calibration within the VKB software and then inverted the axis to get left/left, right/right. Boy is this thing twitchy in pitch and roll compared to my old stick (X-55 saitek). I used to enjoy close formation, now I can't even get close without porpoising about. Never had an experience like this with a stick, perhaps I need to change the springs or change the stick as i'm just not gelling with it at the moment.
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