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Everything posted by Zeus67

  1. Yes. It will be enabled in due time.
  2. The HTC bug is all mine. It has been fixed and should be available on the next update, but not on this Friday's (2018-07-06).
  3. This bug has been fixed. Unfortunately it won't be released this Friday (2018-07-06) but it will be available on the next update.
  4. That is a bug and I will check. DCS (and Russian aircrafts) uses SI units (metric) but American aircrafts use English units, so all calculations are made using metric and converted to English on the gauges.
  5. Because you need a starting point and an end point to create a flight plan. Same reason why the ME creates one with three waypoint when you make a fast mission. I'm just following the same logic. If you make a mission without one, the aircraft will attempt to create at least present position so you only need to add another one.
  6. Folks the problem was a last minute ED update to DCS base code. Any dll built before Tuesday July 3 has the problem. We were told there is going to be a hotfix this Friday. We are rebuilding the dlls today and can confirm that the RWR and Sidearms are operational again.
  7. You need at least 2 waypoints for a flightplan to be considered valid.
  8. The NVG problem is on ED's side of the equation. We are requesting a fix ASAP
  9. Since we have not touched the RWR in a long time, until NAV was ready this problem is on ED's side of the road. We will check and solve it ASAP.
  10. You need at least two waypoints on the flight plan for it to work.
  11. Waypoint add/edit will be enabled on next update.
  12. UTM coordinates are not enabled yet, but they will. As for your question: Easy way: You input the 10 digit grid coordinates (5 for Eastings and 5 for Northings). Hard way: When the location is not in the current grid but in an adjacent one, then you have to input 11 digits. First digit tells to which UTM segment the coordinates belong. The INS always create a grid of UTM segments around the aircraft. You do not need to know the UTM prefix, you only need to select the segment by entering its number. For reference use the UFC keypad. 5 is the current UTM segment where the aircraft is located. The numbers around the 5 are the adjacent UTM segments (1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9). Each UTM segment is a 100 x 100 km square grid.
  13. 60 Waypoints 10 Markpoints 5 Targetpoints (not yet enabled).
  14. I am unhappy with this as well, but it is an underlying DCS process and I can do very little to enhance it.
  15. Here's a short video showing how to add/modify a waypoint or waypoint offset. The same procedure works for editing markpoints.
  16. Yes, that behavior is correct. After you release the bomb in CCIP, the system locks the spot as a Targetpoint, so you can return to it.
  17. I didn't notice it at first either. It is described in a single line never to be repeated again.
  18. I'll have to check on that one. All power is removed to the TPOD as soon as the generators shutdown. It should cool down. How fast? I will find out. If too fast, then no dice. If the cool down is slow. I will reduce the warm-up period.
  19. Hello folks! I think you will like this one: Here is a test of the Waypoint position edit by using the Moving Map and the TDC. I had to use my smartphone because the DCS Video Recorder refused to cooperate.
  20. And last but not the least, the training level of the Lybian pilots was probably below that of the US Navy.
  21. Actually it is a way to quickly select a waypoint/markpoint/targetpoint. By pressing the WP Increment HOTAS Buttton for more than 0.8 Secs you set the UFC to Quicksteer Action (QA). You then select which waypoint you want to use: Waypoint (Flighplan), Markpoint (saved position), Targetpoint (saved target position). You input a number on the UFC and click ENT. The steerpoint will change to the selected one. Waypoints: 1 to 60 Markpoints: 1 to 10 Targetpoints: 0 to 4 Targetpoints are not enabled yet, so there is only one: 0, which is your designated target. If you input a non-existing waypoint/markpoint/targetpoint number, nothing happens. It works like this: You are flying towards Waypoint 3 but due to tactical considerations you need to go direct route to Waypoint 17. Instead of clicking WP Increment 14 times, or advancing the waypoint in the MPCD. You press the WP Increment long enough for the UFC to enter QA mode, select WYPT and then enter 14 and click ENT. The aircraft will now start flying towards Waypoint 14.
  22. So far, the only way to select AG gun is with the MPCD. The manuals say nothing about ACP selection for the gun.
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