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Everything posted by GeorgeLKMT

  1. Resolution of cockpit displays is the setting affecting the TGP. Just be careful as setting it too high might degrade performance.
  2. Thanks, I haven't checked for bugs in ages, but it's now marked as fixed.
  3. You have MSI motherboard right? Because that's Nahimic audio logo, it's some kind of useless audio "enhancement" that runs in the background and this thing on your screen should be a part of its sound tracker utility. Look into your taskbar, you should be able to disable all of it through realtek audio manager.
  4. Looks like I predicted the Tomcat back in 2012 when I set this avatar! ;):pilotfly:
  5. Are you just going to argue ab absurdum? Can pylons be removed on real aircraft? Yes. Then we are asking for them to be removable. ED is already including paints from other countries even though "Hornet is based on USN holy realism manual bible 3000 and surely no USN aircraft ever flown with Swiss cross!", I'm sure they can add one simple animation argument to remove the pylons.
  6. Search function is mostly useless and some threads have so many pages, it's hard to keep track of everything and impossible to read through.
  7. Bundles are useless, this stuff needs to be integrated in the core. Some basic version integrated and a fancy one paid, if they have to monetize it.
  8. The whole problem here was that DCS wasn't automatically recognizing the axis when I moved it (like when you're assigning buttons), so I had to select it manually from the drop down menu. If yours is bound successfully, meaning that you can clearly see it working in the settings, problem is somewhere else. Don't forget your TGP has to be SOI before you slew.
  9. Don't change it. Don't leave it. Add another one, dark as possible, for us night owls ;)
  10. I can't really replicate this. SARPP is off and it's not visible during the replay for me.
  11. It would be best if someone who has flown with that instrument chimed in, whether such inaccuracies are real or not, cause I don't really know.
  12. Yes, it's -5° right after touchdown, but it slowly fixes itself after a while. I did not see this error after a simple circuit, only after maneuvering, so this is probably a normal error these instruments are expect to show after a while. Even the manuals talk about the usage of arresting button in (level) flight if the displayed pitch doesn't match the actual one.
  13. Original movies are overrated, pointless reboots and sequels are in! I feel like some things are just best left the way they are... we'll see.
  14. If you export the texture to 24bit BMP, you'll lose the alpha channel that drives the transparency. Use a format that can handle the alpha or export directly to dds (I think GIMP has dds plugin)
  15. It's definitely a nuisance and it's reported (as a feature request): https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=169085
  16. It's a diagnostic connector and the manual says it's for reading the engine vibration values. I can't find any more specifics but perhaps it was used with the KL-39 control equipment (UAZ-452).
  17. Or maybe we can wait after the real aircraft is painted. Although I'm not going to be doing this one.
  18. Alright, so to sum it up, we have these bugs so far: 1. Machmeter indication should start at 0,5 and turn counter-clockwise when rising. 2. Range indicator should only indicate up to 499KM with the scale turning the opposite way. Hopefully it can get reported and sorted out soon.
  19. Good catch. Your airspeed indicator is little bit different (even if they're all labeled LUN 1170.8 ), but looking at video around 1:50, where the indicator is identical to the one in DCS, you can see it appearing only at higher speeds (which confirms the scale not starting 0.1) while rotating counter-clockwise during a dive. And the range indicator scale is going the wrong way, yes.
  20. Not even edm plugins. Weird.
  21. Yea but I'm not going to restart it every time I need to see some tiny change. Reload model function actually works in standalone.
  22. I'm just here to collect my punishment: ModelViewer v.116871 :)
  23. You're welcome. I promised these like a year ago but that's fine, everybody's used to delays here anyway.
  24. Skin pack for the DCS:L-39C Albatros. Numbers 0113, 0115, 0441 and 0448 belonging to LOM PRAHA Flight Training Center (CLV). Download here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/2559400/
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