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Everything posted by will-

  1. in the a10, will we start to see f18's on the tad like in SP?
  2. This training mission is also in game and you can follow the instructions from there for more precise help.
  3. From flying the a10c to the hornet or even the harrier. I do not understand pushing buttons on a mfd.
  4. Please read the mini updates, also check Wags Youtube channel. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3757065&postcount=111
  5. mistake? its called money. maybe you've herd of it. What money do they make from having a female pilot in the game? They make 1 model, move on to the next thing.
  6. Can confirm. Also when issuing commands pressing Mouse 1 (firing arty or MBT) you can flood the server(pressing Mouse 1 multiple times) casing mass disconnects, lag on server.
  7. Yup. But i'd like to remind you that 5 yrs ago DCS was 1 map and Flaming Cliffs 3 was just released. It was fun then also. I do agree w/ the general idea of having to wait this long is intrusive. I'd suggest contacting Wags, someone from ED and explain to them that you have lots of money and wish to hire the best programmers to complete said task. How many games from 5years ago do you still play? Theres just a lot of variables that come into play to think, how will DCS adapt to the future? New game engine; DCS 3.0, does everything go back to beta again? my point being DCS is always evolving, nothing in DCS is "finished".
  8. +1 Me, personally coming from other games, DCS reminds me of how PC gaming once was, great updates from community & dev's. Now AAA games seem to just make a game engine reap the rewards each year w/ the same cookie cut game w/ just a new title. To that point i actually had a friend ask me about DCS wondering if you had to buy and pay for weapons, gas... "2020 Skin pack 5 unique and exciting skins for only the f-18. 24.99" thats how games work now. I'm glad what we have now; its all about perspective.
  9. Thanks for the update. Glad to see your doing well. I remember now last time this year we were both in the hospital, getting our tumors removed. Mine was in the lower left side chest, it just hurts to breathe now but im back to work.
  10. What buckeye posted is not what I’m explaining at all, sorry. Iff does work in mp realiably, sorry your not understanding aspect, but if you go back and read and maybe try these things. Remember this isn’t a perment iff, and will change.
  11. Just repeating myself, the 1st sentence from the OP, was it does not function in MP, as others have stated. It works in MP and will iff correctly. Ive explained how. How it’s modeled in game will change. It’s a placeholder.
  12. And saying it will not iff correctly and causing team kills in MP is incorrect. The way iff implemented in game is wrong. Not sure how your not understanding any of this. I don’t speak German sorry.
  13. Pretty sure your misunderstanding and interpreting it wrong. Iff works.
  14. If the contact is enemy so diamond and hot contact then starts to evade, turn cold or packet loss, high ping/desync the contact will show friendly. I've seen friendlies as diamond cold, then when hot turn square in the ladder. Then when losing lock, turning cold that friendly will return diamond, until hot, clear solution will show correct iff. Multiplayer desync has a lot to do w/ iff also, yes.
  15. Read the 1st sentence of the thread please. He is saying iff is useless; and doesn't work. Which he is incorrect it does work and im telling him how, at least trying. Im sure proper iff have nothing to do w/ aspect also, and i know nothing of how iff works. just trying to tell you how it works in game currently to maybe solve your team killing extravaganza.
  16. That video doesn't explain how the iff works correct. You can try this, if you locked a friendly that flying in front of you, and put him in your ladder he will return as a diamond. Now wait till the contract turns hot, and it will iff to friendly. 100%. with that being said, you can really keep yourself from blue on blue. But there is other quarks to the iff currently. But if you just follow even that rule you'll be safe.
  17. none of you are listening or getting it. It will work if you put the contact in the ladder. Depending on the aspect of the target it will return friendly or enemy. Its not broken and works reliably in game is my point. So if you say its not working for you, maybe you should re read how i explained it does work. There is also more variables to the IFF. Its just not a range/lock. So far no one in here gets it, but thats on them if they don't want to listen. You can identify the contact, yes its broken and not how it should work, but if you follow the rules the IFF will keep you from killing friendlies.
  18. I think you are kneejerking here. I never said how it works IRL. I'm telling how it works in game. Your a shinning example of why im still correct and your still wrong. just trying to help. Probably will not reply anymore, people just don't want to listen.
  19. Put the contact in your ladder, it will IFF based on if the the contact is hot or cold will return different results. If the contact is lagging or losing lock will return friendly(even if enemy). This works both ways so if you lock a friendly cold, it will return a diamond IFF in the ladder. All you told me was you had locked a target at 15nm. that isn't how the iff works.
  20. Never said it couldn't shift back and forth... thats why you have to understand how the IFF is implemented in game...
  21. since radar update the IFF has worked in MP. I have not seen it give back any incorrect reading.
  22. IFF works fine in MP. the problem is between the chair and keyboard. Once you figure out how the IFF works now, maybe you will not shoot down friendlies. In your description of "it turned square and i already fired on a diamond" sorry i cannot tell you what you did wrong. What aspect was the target? hot/cold? did you put it in your ladder?
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