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Everything posted by Gladman

  1. I have a question on the jettison stores setup. Certainly I see the stl files contain the 4 parts. However I don't see the button that would fit inside the outer switch body (not that I can't cad a disk) or honestly how it would work. I'm sure its my ignorance shining through. Any feedback?
  2. JSelf I just want to thank you for your hard work. This is rather exceptional and I'm looking forward to completing the pit with your creations. Just got the landing gear switch printed and assembled (minus the micro switch, its in the mail). Going to cut the hole in the panel this afternoon. Your the kind of guy that keeps this hobby going.
  3. I purchased a Reverb G2. The resolution is not as good in the Pimax, it is a generation older. I honestly love the FOV but its a trade with res. I know I miss the peripheral abilities of the Pimax when using the Reverb and to be honest, I'm not that impressed with the sweet spot of the G2. I don't consider the Reverb a step up in overall immersion, more a lateral move.
  4. Used for DCS only. In excellent condition. Base station included in price. Shipping extra. I've purchased a new headset and no longer use this one.
  5. It could be an extension of the ground crew command lines easy enough I'd think. Could add some immersion.
  6. I have been successfully performing AAR for a number of years now and I rather enjoy having / maintaining the skill to do so. Having said that, given an auto function could easily be made selectable for servers I encourage the implementation. It can only further the reach of DCS to people which in the end makes more maps, more aircraft, and more fun for me.
  7. How about a Banshee.
  8. Yeah more than likely a deadzone problem. Joystick falling out of calibration slightly over time is likely the issue.
  9. I bought my plans from Tejay. https://imgur.com/gallery/SYY58RR Well worth is. Got them cut at a cabinet shop close by.
  10. I water cool because its effective and if I'm honest, I really like the look of it. The computer in my room is a piece of art and I enjoy creating it. Sure, there's air systems just as effective but it doesn't have the wow factor I want when I come into my room.
  11. No. Its not supported.
  12. its a good module. Depends on your MP. If your in a coop squad then its a good buy, if your just doing MP dogfights by yourself, no.
  13. Zuckerberg is pretty much Satan soooo, no, I wouldn't have anything to do with his hardware. And no I don't have a Facebook or Instagram account.
  14. Im aware of the difference between the CD and EF versions. I take my statement from a fellah (actual navy F pilot) we flew with in our squad who said he didn't need a back seater for anything.
  15. I believe (could be wrong) that the back seater in a F really has no function that the front seater can't do. Now, if it were a G, thats a different topic. I guess if you want a second set of eyes maybe. meh.
  16. Gotta agree with that. A super cobra would be epic.
  17. True, but those extra two weapons stations. :)
  18. You are correct. He will continue to argue. Don't waste your time.
  19. Youtube tells all.
  20. If you think its your hotas that may not be functioning properly try RSMapper. It'll allow you to manually program the buttons. There's no FPS hit (in my experience), and there's regular updates.
  21. You could be correct, however it doesn't change the reality of your having little to no control over it and it being very unlikely to change. I like the manual start myself, it helps me get into the mood, but I won't complain about a person spending countless hours to build me a mission or set of mission to fly. Again, you can let the free market work itself out, if you don't like the product, don't buy it.
  22. I'd say jmarso's post sums it up about as good as you can get it. Beyond that, it could be the creator prefers one way to the other. Again, vet the product and choose to support or not. The free market will take care of the rest.
  23. You have the choice to pay or not. If your not going to be happy with the product, don't buy it. You can easily ask if it has your required options.
  24. Those that create have the power. Save the miz and edit.
  25. I wasn't being fasciculus, I was stating the reality of it. Don't be in such a hurry to go negative.
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