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Everything posted by Neon67

  1. was the new internal light released ? I can't make them work
  2. He was 34, almost 35, so young , too young to die. He was kind hearted, friendly and a very fun person to be with. He was my wingman, my Goose, and a true friend, I will always remember him. But most importantly he was also a loving husband, a good brother and a great son. He left a big vaccum into our lives , one we will never be able to fill He develloped a rare and violent bone cancer a few months ago. Thank you all for your kind words
  3. Dear friends, I learned today that Lilkiki, an active community modder and strong fan of dcs, but moreover one of my friend, passed away :cry: I wish you farewell my old friend, may you rest in peace whereever you are now. All my thoughts go to your family aswell. RIP Lil, you will be missed :cry:
  4. It looks like the killer dispeared in the air Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. I just played on the beta, while I was at 60 fps on the copilot side, I got 15 on pilot side
  6. Dumb question, why is it stupid? how would you know otherwise ?
  7. Wags, I thought merging 1.5 and 2.0 would mean redo completly the caucasus map from scratch. Can you confirm that this dlc will still be usable on the merged version (2.5) ?
  8. what about pylones g limit ? Should it be like with the mig21 , your ordonance gets rip off when pulling too hard, or should it be the full wing first ?
  9. can we expect cockpit glass animation for rain and snow ?
  10. Mirror ? I deactivated it and fps came back to normal. This happened only with the mirage
  11. I just discovered the rear cockpit is availlable, since when? does it work in mp too ?
  12. nice one :)
  13. For me no alarm sounds at all either in 1.5 or 2.0 since last upgrade
  14. I got a similar issue, I have the key , it is bound to my account according to the website, but the module manager give me the price instead of install button. Did I miss a step ? edit : refreshed ingame and then i got it Thanks
  15. Hi What do kind of software do you use to capture nice 60fps video ingame ? I have the tools of AMD gaming evolve, but the quality is not perfect How can I also get rid of the status bar on the bottom ingame ? the one showing statistics about Alpha speed altitude and time ? thanks
  16. Neon67

    ILS without HUD

    So what is the backup for an ILS approach if the HUD is not working ? I don t see any glide path comming on the ADI ? ?
  17. for me it happens also in single player mission, I can't switch manually to any frequency
  18. I did just a small test when switching the flight profile to AA while having a payload of all possible bombs attached to the wing Started accelerating to 550 Knots then pulled hard on the stick, except the first alarm , the entire aircraft is still brand as new, weapons still attached to the pylons even while pulling up to 9 Gs Flying inverted for a long period of time doesn't kill the engine Doing negative Gs for a short period of time put the pilots into a strong black-out, that he stays asleep until the plane hita the sand minutes after What about wheels brake overheat and overstress ?
  19. Is the police light implemented yet ? or is it considered as a bug at the moment ? Because I don't see anything when turning it on
  20. thanks for the info Zeus :)
  21. I thought it was at least flaperon, and in the command list you still have flaps . That is why i was confused And for the landing ?
  22. So i have been enjoying the M 2000 so far but small question Do we have to play with the flaps with this FBW aircraft ? What are the take off and landing speed approximatly, which AoA also for landing ? thanks
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