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Everything posted by Shadoga

  1. But this one also features a similar, very short and sporty final...
  2. Bzgl. A/A-TACAN: IRL können die meisten Tankflugzeuge aufgrund Größe und Gewicht des TACAN-Equipments nur die DME-Komponente (Entfernungsinformation) mitführen. Der einzige Tanker, der auch in DCS vorkommt, von dem ich weiß, dass er auch die VOR-Komponente eingebaut hat, ist die KC-10. Was die neueren Modelle auf dem Markt können, weiß ich nicht (KC-46, A330MRTT). In DCS ist es mWn vom Modell des Client-Flugzeugs (Receiver) abhängig richtig oder falsch programmiert, ob man passend zum Tanker-Typ nur Entfernung oder auch Richtung angezeigt bekommt. So zeigt z.B. die F-14B fälschlicherweise auch die Richtung zu einer KC-135...
  3. Great job, looking forward to it! CU there later this evening, congrats & thanks!
  4. US Viper heute bei Trier abgestürzt: https://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2019-10/kampfjet-us-militaerflugzeug-absturz-rheinland-pfalz-luftwaffe-trier
  5. #metoo(dark) I just hope that it can be implemented latest with a functioning MFD dim control rocker and that the current setting was "not the brightest". In the meantime an early tweak for the current fixed setting would be also appreciated.
  6. Yeah, too bad, I really wish you could live from giving us a Hornet UFC and a Viper ICP...
  7. Happy Viper Day! Uns allen viel Spaß heut' Abend!
  8. Da hat sich jemand einen neuen Nickname erarbeitet...: "Pickle" https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/luftwaffe-zwischenfall-mit-tornado-tanks-war-menschliches-versagen-a-1288805.html
  9. Sadly, there are times on every server with seemingly sufficient client numbers but still nobody on comms. Make shure that someone else is on SRS via Discord or Teamspeak and do your radio checks an tests with that person.
  10. The Hornet is way more popular on this server atm, its superior datalink making it a good platform for competitive PvP - and it got some nice new weapons/gadgets recently to learn and play with. But there‘s usually a few cats flying on the server as well. But it’s true, presence on TS AND willingness to fly multicrew is very rare. I‘d have crewed a cat with you on 104th, but I‘m still on vacation until next Sunday. So see you another time on their Teamspeak maybe! What‘s your timezone?
  11. My way, nothing official: If I can't determine a BRC or if I'm coming in from the heads-on sector towards the boat, I'm flying an overhead at 2000ft and estimate the BRC visually from there. Outbound BRC radial +40 to +50° descending to 1200ft, speed 300-350 KIAS. Left turn to intercept arc 7-10 DME to intercept BRC. All turns 60° bank / 2G, which is standard for clean enroute VFR/VMC ops, the 30° bank limit is for IFR/IMC and for turns in the pattern, closer to stall speed. Descending to 800ft on the arc. When coming from either side or from the rear of the boat, I usually fly straight-in for the break or intercept a 7-10 DME arc directly and skip the 2000ft overhead. In this case I stay at 1200ft once within 10 NM from the boat. When inbound at 800ft I fly 400 KIAS and visually correct BRC OBS. I can see the boat's lineup from ~7 NM in VR with the 1st Gen Rift, not shure what your problem is there. Running in @ 800ft 400 KIAS I call either 5 or 3 NM Initial. ... My items after a successful trap are: Flaps up, wings manually 68°, NWS on, hook up. During taxiing clear I re-check speedbrakes closed, hook up and I open the cover and select wing sweep emergency mode 68°, wait for light out, then select oversweep.
  12. Where does the RIO see AoA? ------------------- What timezone ist the Threadstarter in?
  13. Shadoga


    Preview of what these forums will be like once the high lords of the F4/BMS community descend upon us...
  14. Google "brevity code"! It's a living document, codes are added and dropped or their meaning changed. You might therefore come across misunderstandings because of people using different versions of it. Latest revision as far as I know was 2017, newest publicly available versions are around ten years older.
  15. 5 Meilen oder 3 Minuten bei WTC Light hinter Medium.
  16. Perfect, thank you! Enjoying Abruzzi so far as well.
  17. Hey Krzysztof, thank you for looking into it and your quick reply. It just happened again tonight on GrowlingSidewinder Server, log attached. Let me know if this is not Tomcat-related, I will then repost in the general DCS bug section! Hope it helps, kind regards DCSLogs.zip
  18. Any delaying issues to get LotATC back up and running?
  19. I support that attitude and a commitment to our niche market. So you might be adding me as a customer later, for I require some more input before parting with such an amount of money for a hobby: - initial reviews, tests & experiences - a functioning and stocked EU/world shop for repair/support, tax & short distance shipping fees
  20. I experienced a CTD yesterday around 2200Z on Growling Sidewinder Server the moment I accepted a client RIO to join. dcs.zip
  21. Facebook-link produces error message: "...link expired...or only visible for a group you are not a member of..."
  22. Not for me, might need a LotATC server start.
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