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Everything posted by Hekktor

  1. Hey Folks, in the advent of new modern DCS models we might find more discussions about modern radar technique and it's capabilities. So - what are the basics? You know about RADAR in principle - but what the heck is this phased array radar, how does it work? At least that I for myself questioned g...gle/Utoobe ( :) ) and found these cool video's I like to share with you: Short and very nice: And the more in depth geek version (it even has mathematical formulas in it - be warned :) - some commercial, too...) There is of course a lot more stuff on tube and in the net, but I thought I share these two. Now simulate this for a consumer flight sim... I bow my head to eagle dynamics! Best regards, Hek
  2. And? I know that you got fadec, but what parameter you tell the computer to change for you if you adjust the throttle? In the end it is fuel flow you set.
  3. If you don't alter the thrust lever position you don't alter the fuel flow. No matter what hight you fly.
  4. And standard german keyboard keys are ß and ´right left to the back key... (think + and - on the standard keyboard - without right shift btw..)
  5. Tnx, that was fast. While they call the axis "MFD Reichweite erhöhen/verringern" The corresponding key command is called: "Display zoom erhöhen and Display zoom verringern" That's why I couldn't find it. Now I got it, tnx alot!
  6. In the settings I can define an axis to control the mfd range (2, 5, 10, ...km) Using the german version in axis settings it is called MFD Reichweite - mfd range. Now the strange thing is - I don't find a KEY binding... Can not find 'MFD Reichweite' as a key command, thus I am not able to define a key combination to switch between different ranges. Is that intentional? Or a bug? Just the german version? Tnx, Hek
  7. As often the problem was in between the ears... Just didn't ever used realistic radio, so I didn't realized the difference since the menu's look the same - just one has to check if one is on intercom, vhf fm, uhf or vhf am... Working! Tnx for quick response!
  8. Using simple radio I can't use my #radio menu. I do can use the scripted (everything involving #10 radio) but I am not able to call Kutaisi ATC taxi clearance, or even control my wingman. I just tested a very simple 4ship mission with the mission editor - no problems at all... I just had loaded the very last 1.5.4 version (155 at the end.) I was able to finish the 2nd mission but lost my wingmen due to the fact that they simply run out of fuel and ejected (bingo fuel and I could not send them rtb)... Should your campaign run with simple radio? I'd really like to advance with that campaign - but loosing 3 of 4 ships for nothing kills all the immersion you just created with these superb missions. Tnx for any suggestions, Hek
  9. Actually you are still able to download BS1 via https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/previous_versions/ That for the rare occasion, you do have the updater module but (like me) uninstalled BS1.
  10. I bought the Russian version of bs1, the English of bs1 and the upgrade to bs2. I don't have bs1 installed, nor do I have a CD. I can not download BS1 anymore. How do I get my BS2 module running?
  11. sry, did it the wrong way - should have searched the net to find the answer: http://computerstepbystep.com/application_experience_service.html Im deutschen win7 ist es der Dienst "Anwendungserfahrung".
  12. What I really don't get - why is none of the guns stabilized? Is there any modern MBT without stabilized main gun???
  13. Using the A10-C mod in V1.5.1 47025 I am trying to play the Georgian Hammer campaign. Should that work? I am experiencing CTDs while playing the 2nd mission. Tnx, Hek
  14. If you should like me still use a HDD, defragment at least the partition where you have your DCS installed. Helped me a lot!
  15. Possible to 'help' the autoupdater finding the beta files? Or should it be clever enough to find an open beta installation on the same (non c:\) drive as the 'main' installation? With other words - can I 'force' the autoupdater to use open beta files or would that be useless? Current DL is 'somewhat slow'...
  16. I am getting 30KB/s download. Is that normal?
  17. Same here. Should there be any special Links for RRG backers on the DCS page? I remember that item where I was able to select flyables. Just I can't find it anymore... Happy Eastern!
  18. Using the autoupdater it ends up with an error ala 'cant update the updater coz its in use' now starting the updater again it simply starts the 1.26 game. Any ideas?
  19. laser isn't laser... well of course it is BUT one time you only use it for ACCURATE RANGING to get the best target coordinate possible (tank on hill seen from flat angle and some basic trigonometry -> tank is on slight another position than ground 'behind' him... as described in above mentioned well done tutorials) to be used with your JDAM. and than you use your laser no ONLY for ranging but ALSO for GUIDING your LGB's. Thats when you really need to 'illuminate' your target all the way down to impact of your bomb... something else? Ok you can switch over to IR and point to a target for your buddy to find it or the like... Happy Kills, Hek
  20. When I buy a Military Simulation I do expect the weapons modeled in it to give me the immersion that they 'work' as I would expect. HE shells/warheads in DCS don't give me that feeling. I don't care what the problem is, how hard it is to be implemented. I am NOT a programmer. I am just a customer with certain expectations to a product I buy. Sometimes one gets disappointed - that's life.
  21. What I don't get is the fact that this 'problem' exist since?! 6 YEARS? We have a military simulation with I dunno how many weaponconfigs depending on blast/fragmentation dmg. Which simply don't work in a way one would expect. 6 years.
  22. THIS - I am 100% with you. In the real thing you can't move the stick without pressing the brake lever which additionally and logically triggers the signal to the fmc, that the lever is moving to another position. Well with exactly the same logic you can implement this function into the sim logic - Moving collective -> brake lever must be depressed -> AUTOtrigger the button is pressed. Would be nice to have in the next patch!
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