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Everything posted by VampireNZ

  1. Yeah regarding the headstrap I just nip it up so the headset doesn't move and it is much more comfortable now. @some1 yep I understand and am totally going to just use the Rift S for a week and then put the CV1 back on to compare after a good amount of use. Just had a good 3 hour session flying the F-14 and after upping the PD to 1.5 from 1.4 it is looking nicer I have to admit. Still managed a solid 40fps the whole time which is nice, will try 1.6 next. As I said there are benefits over the CV1...just don't seem NZ$700 benefits atm. I am not for or against one headset or the other I just want the one with best performance. I also have a pair of sennheiser headphones with small cups that fits perfectly over/beneath the headstrap so that was a win - sound was MUCH better and actually they are not a pain to use at all - just coil the wire up and secure to the top headstrap, and when you take them off just move them forward over the body of the unit which holds them in place and just remove the headset like normal. No faffing with loose headphones or anything. Regarding glassses I am actually mildly longsighted and have tried both CV1 with prescription inserts (which I don't use as it is in same focus by just moving the HS down a bit) and also the Rift S both wearing and not wearing my glasses - the difference is minimal and taken into account with my assessment. One big plus for the Rift S is wearing glasses is massively easier as you can just slide it fwd, put the headset over your glasses then slide it right back again - so bonus points there. But yea as I mentioned the benefit of me wearing my glasses in the Rift S is pretty marginal being slightly sharper I would say. So yeah - will see how I feel after a week and going back to my CV1. Oh and I have also had the frequent white static flashes....but believe Oculus have a solution for that which they will be releasing soon?
  2. Just trying out a Rift S (rented from local company) after having the CV1 for a few years and I second all your points made above. Will be staying with my CV1 for now. IPD of 60. Res increase is 'OK' but TBH I think with the 50% VR improvement coming for DCS allowing me to run a slghtly higher PD that will be negated. So little more Res and bit less SDE is nice, but not another NZ$700 nice. Sound is absolutely tragic requiring you to faff around with headphones/earbuds compared to just slipping those integrated earphones over your ears with CV1. Comfort - hmm it 'feels' ok when you put it on, but after a while it gets uncomfortable. Probably just cranking the tightening knob at the back too much. Am sure I would find a comfy setup eventually. Unsure how this is related but I actually had quite a sore neck after using it for an hour or so flying the F-14, never even had a twinge before with the CV1 - so that was strange. Can dogfight in my CV1 for hours and feel absolutely fine. Oh and the tighteninig knob on the back stops me from sitting upright in my race rig seat as it hits the headrest, and also catches all the time when moving my head around which was a bit of a pain. Tracking seemed ok, but as above doesn't feel quite as crisp somehow as CV1 - but it is still way better than my experience with the O+ tracking. Same issues with the USB ports - got it to accept a rear 3.0 port after a restart. I have installed the latest Nvidia driver (430.86). So yeah a little disappointing really, was expecting better res increase, particularly after Wags was super excited about how readible the cockpits were now. Nothing against Wags, I believe he was referring to the F/A-18 pit/screens? - which I dont have. I just compared the readability in the F-14 pit, which as I mentioned earlier a notch or 2 more PD would have the same effect.
  3. :cry: Get a Rift S tomorrow to try out for a week.....was hoping for an update.
  4. Tyrell: The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy.
  5. You could 'get your point across' by placing a post in the single ' sticky Rift S thread' you are advocating others to use. Or, by your very own actions, are you submitting that indeed single posts in that thread will not get noticed. Ahhh the plot thickens :music_whistling:
  6. Starts new thread about the Rift S...to request not starting new threads about the Rift S..... :thumbup:
  7. TACAN - tune it (or ask Jester to) and use it. TACAN target indicated on the HSD on the lower screen - outer triangle, and also on the analogue BDHI just to the right along with the distance. Be sure to select TACAN Steer CMD pushbutton on the Pilots Displays Control Panel to the lower right. You can also 'cheat' in the F-14 and lock the tanker up A-A and then switch to the camera display to get a good idea of the tankers aspect (streamline the rendezvous), and also your closure rate and range. Just unlock it as you get close visual.
  8. Tomcat > Aardvark.....literally :lol:
  9. Pretty bad form for HB/ED to have ignored this for so long. I just performed an update after not flying the 'Cat for a while and totally forgot about this...till I was in the aircraft and opened Jester menu - "oh yea....FFS" Obviously for most computer literate people locating and swapping over a file isn't a big deal - but not everyone is comfortable delving into the folders and swapping over files etc on their computers. Whenever I go home I have to do a bunch of stuff so my dad can keep playing his flight sims as he is not comfortable at all doing that stuff. For game breaking bugs like this there really needs to be an official update sorting it out. You literally can't use the Jester menu without the fix.
  10. How are your deadzones in the stick axis? Possible a small spike is activating pitch or roll. I added like 2% DZ to my VKB Gunfighter just to ensure a reliable 'hands-off' position.
  11. What about RNZAF skin for New Zealand....we 'almost' had them lol :disgust: :bye_3::bye_3: After thousands of hours in Falcon 4:0, experiencing the Viper I am so familiar with in VR with DCS quality is going to be amazing! I am actually quite surprised ED haven't released a high fidelity F-16 aircraft sooner in DCS to entice more 'veteran' Falcon 4.0 pilots..we aint getting any younger! :laugh:
  12. I am not disagreeing with their 'statement'....but just check for yourself and see if there is a problem with the current pilot/seat scale or not. Looking in the backseat and somthing aint right.
  13. I would say not any time soon - as it may expose the inconsistencies in the cockpit/seat scale. You just need to jump out of your seat in VR, walk around and look in the back to see how well the Jester pilot model 'fits' in his seat. Hint - not well. I am hoping it is just a seat-pan height setting for the model....but it doesn't look like it compared to the pan height compared to the cockpit floor.
  14. Obviously you have things like camera settings, lenses etc - but that is the same for all so a interesting comparison anyway. I know as a Rift owner I am sold on the Rift S...just need to try one out first to check fit/comfort and IPD.
  15. Yea - the 'Cat has seemingly been progressively nerfed power-wise since its first release. Entered the vertical with an SU-27 at the same speed & G after the latest patch and it was clearly pulling away from me the whole way uphill (and carried on till about 100 knots...) like I was flying an L-39... Rather interesting as all the RL Top Gun advice is to enter the vertical...
  16. Internal tests? The latest patch made it pretty obvious no internal testing goes on before release to OB.
  17. Not sure - I just confirmed via Tacview showing me wings level-ish 10.7 G pull for approx 2-3 seconds and snapped the wings off. :huh: Perhaps that's the max G Tacview can show and it was more? Maybe a tiny bit of roll in there also? Tacview.rar
  18. And it is a great mod that retains the OEM 'feel' of the cockpit - so thanks! Fingers crossed this IC thing can get sorted for you so more people can enjoy actually being able to read stuff in VR lol.
  19. Agreed, as an ex-airforce a/c tech and FE flying in 1960's aircraft - the level of wear is excessive. I know many people assume that 'old' aircraft must look super worn out, as you say if they were even a little bit illegible etc they were marked unserviceable and fixed/replaced with the old one sent to the bay for repair. Thinking 'old' aircraft must have panels that look like they have been sitting outside down the back of some junk yard for 50 years is incorrect. It is a shame as the texture detail HB put into the F-14, and the cockpit in particular, is incredible and easily the best I have seen (except the labels) in may years of fight simming. Fairly easily fixed also buy just removing/reducing the specific text 'wear' (which I would assume is a layer over the text?) and whiten the text quite a bit. There is a nice subtle mod to the textures available which is great in VR which maintains the OEM feel of the textures, and also a next-level totally-changed-the-appearance-of-the-cockpit mod out there too if that sort of thing grabs you.
  20. +1 We definitely need some sort of consistency with the Jester menu options in general - currently even if you go back to the main menu start display and work from there, you still can't program a lot actions to Voice Attack commands as the option selection order changes depending on circumstances. Altering radar direction options as an example - if A, A, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-3, Ctrl-6 moves the radar scan to the right, that needs to remain the same regardless of if you have a target locked/on scope or not. Would be very nice. Same deal with Radar silent etc. The main drawback with Jester and radar use in the F-14 is that he just doesn't use any common sense at all. No scanning the radar left/right, trying to notch after launch and Jester doesn't sweep the radar to extreme to keep target in sweep area etc. So you constantly selecting multiple Jester menu options while trying to monitor a bunch of other stuff.
  21. Nice one, thanks RVator. I see a lot of 'scale' variables - I wonder how hard it is to reduce the size of the whole thing? Doesn't need to be anywhere near that big in VR.
  22. No everyone is 'putting pressure on the Devs' - personally I would be more than happy for HB to not bother with the A model at all, and just get the B model properly sorted/finished and have a decent carrier to fly it off. :thumbup:
  23. This has been posted in the Bugs section guys - https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=239636
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