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About jnr4817

  • Birthday 11/19/1982

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  • Interests
    Flight Medicine
  • Occupation
    Flight Nurse

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  1. He had to resend me the updated firmware file, when I did the same thing.
  2. Awesome work by all, as usual. Appreciate the hard work. This is a top mod for DCS for sure.
  3. Won't be disappointed. Love both of mine.
  4. What are your controls, are you in VR and have hand controllers connected, did you check the FFB box in the special settings?
  5. I found in the advanced updater options, updater extra settings. Purge Shader Cache (sim and user profile) after update Launch repair after shader purge to re-compile. What shader cahce is this purging besides the fxo and metashader2 folders? It wanted to delete at least 4 folders. Thanks
  6. I use a mod that taz made that reduces reflections on glass surfaces. Works well.
  7. I suggest starting with the UH 60 L mod it’s free and pretty easy to fly. They have a Discord after you’ve tried that and if you like it pick up the Huey, the gazelle has a new flight model and it’s really fun to fly now you’ve got options as long as you have a joystick and a throttle and pedals, it becomes pretty intuitive. There’s all kinds of videos online that can get you started.
  8. Ok. Understood. How did you setup your g2 controller? I’m about to switch over to g2 from rifts.
  9. Where did you find this info? Have you tested it? What is meant be native WMR support?
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