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Everything posted by KillaALF

  1. You can add your own modifiers - from the DCS User manual, pg 25: Modifiers Modifiers usually use a key or button combination with Shift, Ctrl, or Alt (by default) or any custom keys assigned to act as a modifier. For example, you can assign any joystick button as a modifier and use it to expand the available joystick’s commands that can be assigned to your input device (i.e. Ctrl + T). By default, several Modifiers are included in the Modifiers window: LALT, LCTRL, LSHIFT, MOUSE_BTN_3, RALT, RCTRL, RSHIFT, and RWIN. However, by pressing the ADD button below the Modifiers list window, you can also create your own. From the ADD MODIFIER panel, first select the device you wish to set the modifier from. This could range from a keyboard, to a mouse, to a joystick or a throttle. Once the device is defined, select the specific key or button on the device from the Select Modifier Button field. Once complete, press the OK button to save your new Modifier and it will be displayed in the Modifier list window. To remove a modifier, select it from the window and then press the REMOVE button. With at least one modifier in the list, you can now assign a modifier to any Action from the Add Assignment Panel.
  2. I found them by searching for those terms in the controls set up. Also, the pdf manual is located in the folder structure of your installation (also available for download on the main page). That helps, too. Anyway, RTS is short for Radio Transmit Select, so it is used to call up the interactive radio menu and FTR is short for Forced Trim, so that is your trim button
  3. I think it is meant to be a *.bat file instead of a *.bin file, no?
  4. Du meintest sicher die GBU-10.
  5. AFAIK you have to install it via the module-manager, available in the main menu, until they put the last version on their website.
  6. That's the signal light for the AN/APS-13 rear warning radar, shown on pg. 46/47 of the manual.
  7. If you want to overclock that 3570K (and that is pretty much the main reason to get the K-model), the motherboard should be based on the Z77 chipset.
  8. 7deV22aWESc Not a bug!
  9. Regardless if you use TARGET or Foxy, if you want to use those knobs as axes, you have to do so directly in the sim in the "Axis Commands" pulldown of the control menu.
  10. I just see M-60s for the door gunners in the shot, the miniguns are controlled by the co-pilot (=M21 Armament Subsystem).
  11. No problems with alt-tabbing on my system.
  12. Options -> Controls -> UH-1H Sim -> Axis Commands -> "Corrector" - that's the axis you want to map.
  13. Did you install the A-10C module for World?
  14. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1736997&postcount=8
  15. Not to mention that the price for the release version will be $ 50,- opposed to the pre-purchase (=beta) which goes for $ 40,- plus there is not much time left, as the 1.2.4 patch will be out shortly and with it the beta becomes the release version.
  16. i5 2500k (3,3GHz stock) @4,8GHz
  17. Zur kommunikation mit den flügelleuten.
  18. Have a look at post #4
  19. Just shutting down Target will do the trick - once the program is closed, the HOTAS is back in default mode.
  20. The "big" install was DCS: World (as the title implies, it contains the world and everything in it), the modules just plug into it, hence the small file sizes/installation times.
  21. There are no bin files for the modules, they are just single exe files. It does not matter where you safe those as long as you remember where. Once DCS World is installed, double clicking the exe files of the modules will call up an installation routine that will find DCS World and install into that folder. You can have DCS World and any standalones installed together, no harm in that.
  22. As detailed in the quickstart guide a new activation is required if the hardware/software changes exceed 12 points. In theory, your proposed changes should cost you 9 points (RAM = 6/Windows PID = 3) so you should be ok without deactivating it. OTOH you get 10 deactivations for each serial, so as you said, better safe than sorry and use one.
  23. That is not going to work - you have to download the A-10 module for DCS: World and install it. You can uninstall the standalone version or keep it installed, that's up to you.
  24. KillaALF

    Battlefield 4

    Does it really matter? If there is just one server with people you like to play with, who really needs more? Considering that imo >90% of BF players are fullblown idiots anyway and the main reason I turned away from the series in utter disgust, I don't think those numbers really matter all that much, to be honest.
  25. It has been prolonged until April 1st, so you could get all available modules (minus FC3) for just 61$ - that's quite the bargain!
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