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Everything posted by Mapi

  1. The SCNG liv set it in the description.lua with custom_args 605 to OFF, looks like others not on . custom_args = { [605] = 1.0, -- longbow so 1.0 OFF , 0.0 ON ! i use it on as EYE CANDY since 2022-06-24 in my "Bundeswehr 75+30_CAMO" -> you must set it the missioneditor: on / off !
  2. this mod comes to mind: "ON/OFF Projector" maybe you can use some of it
  3. and for UK too? https://www.seaforces.org/marint/Royal-Navy/Frigate/F-239-HMS-Richmond.htm
  4. add the link to saved games: "autoexec.lua" in "C:\Users\<yourname>\Saved Games\edModelViewerTrunk ...at the End print("scan for textures and liveries") ...add scan_for_textures("C:/Users/<yourname>/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Liveries") scan_for_textures("C:/Users/<yourname>/Saved Games/DCS.openbeta/Mods") and in the Viewer: CTRL+L CTRL+L reload the "LiveriesToolPlugin" to read the extra Folders/Liveries works 4 me and no probs after updates
  5. from my side - no. you need a script. So - long way 4 ED 2 @ a shot/long otion in the key modifer option.
  6. Nutze deine Zeit anders... da ist nicht mehr.
  7. Na wenn der code nicht mehr her gibt... alles beta... Ab 2.9 oder schon "immer" ? Wie ist es dann mit 2 2-ship ?
  8. Hast du mal das "Thustmaster Control Panel" geöffnet? Bei den MFDs geht es.
  9. Artilleriecomputer: Anny way to get/or one can make a Artilleriecomputer, App?. I found this: An with "TheWay" to enter Targaets. And then like this:
  10. Best is to make a WWII map(s)!, and more better: DCS WWII exe install !! If you/me doint like to fly WWII, i have: -no WWII files; -no WWII probs and logs # i save space # i save loading time MBY DCS 3.0
  11. 3 to 4 weeks ;o) man - mby DCS 3.0 ? thy must rework on map then too or?
  12. Wie groß ist denn der 4. Moni? Denke, das K wird rechts unten in der Ecke von der Gesamt Auflösung dargestellt, warum auch immer einer so ein (sry) Blödsin programiert/gescriptet hat. Wie haben 2023. (old LockOn Code?) Ich habe jetzt meinen 2. auch rechts, jetzt sehe ich die LSO Displays wieder .... Must du den 4. weiter nach unten setzen, ev mitte, ev kanst du dann es verschieben, jedes mal ;-/ "Geoge" geht oder ?
  13. "TEST WEEK" FC3: i doin't like the FM,so - i doin't need FC3, save you time, i save my time... :o) null
  14. looks like the Arg: [1002] = 1, -- Kuwait Squadron ( Nose & Tail ) not working now ... old code in?! i put it back in: --KUWAIT -- NOSE NUMBERS -- back in 2023-08 {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_L_100", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_L_10", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_L_01", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_R_100", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_R_10", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_NOSE_kuw_R_01", 3, "empty", true}; --KUWAIT -- VERTICAL STABILIZER NUMBERS -- back in 2023-08 {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_L_100", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_L_10", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_L_01", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_R_100", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_R_10", 3, "empty", true}; {"F18C_BORT_NUMBER_KIL_Kuw_R_01", 3, "empty", true};
  15. yeah! looking for the PNIS too... why not a subfolders with name as a named divider? (we have 2023 :o)
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