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Everything posted by JamesRothwell

  1. I'm enjoying being able to drop those hilarious CBU97 bombs, use the TGP to drop some GBU12 onto a bunker, and then shoot down an enemy with the 120C and follow up on his wingman with a close range 9X tracking off the rail using the helmet display. The sound is fantastic too, is the lack of audible afterburner from the cockpit just because EA or the real jet is like that?
  2. Yes exactly, sorry I should have stated. I remapped the up/down to another switch and removed the axis, I can use it this way.
  3. I've been messing with the pod and GBU, as already mentioned be in A/G and in CCRP, if you press TMS switch down it moves the target pod to whatever your nose is pointing at, I found this quite useful. Maybe obvious but for newbs like me a nice function.
  4. Hi, The radar elevation seems to have a mind of it's own, is moves up and down by itself and trying to control it myself is not very useful it's over sensitive, it's either all the way up or all the way down. I tried adding a curve and a deadzone to the knob on my x56 hotas, that made it more calm when I adjust it but it still decides to move by itself after a while. I changed that knob it was bound to also without an change. If there an auto mode or something that I am fighting with or is it a bug? Or just me being a moron?
  5. Is the torrent crawling along for anyone else? I've been stuck at 35kb/s for nearly an hour.
  6. Everyone has latest drivers I presume? Anyone with an older driver still installed?
  7. You have it on Steam or standalone?
  8. Lot of people having this issue it seems.
  9. I'm stuck on the 'preparing to torrent' screen for 10 mins. I'm envious of your progress! :lol:
  10. I got the F14 on launch and it wasn't a long download at all.
  11. At least the download will be faster by then. It's a torrent system for the patch updates isn't it?
  12. 10/10 ladies would BRRRRT! again.
  13. I imagine there will be several updates for the Tomcat with todays patch? You can check the update thread for exact details for each patch.
  14. I imagine they've still got things to polish and finish off today so we won't get the update until later on this afternoon like usual for the patches.
  15. Just make the mission/server Fox2 only and enjoy until the IFF becomes available.
  16. Everybody is getting autokicked back to spectators for friendly fire. Hopefully it'll be alright but I do recall from the Hornet launch that I got shot down by friendlies a lot.
  17. Excited for Thursday. I can't wait to make my "IT'S 00:01 IN NEW ZEALAND WHERES MAH VIPER" post.
  18. No, I meant will they remain a part of Phase2 or will they come earlier in Phase1 like the GBU bombs have done.
  19. There is a pve server that I fly on often for practice and it alternates the day/night and weather cycle. Often there is quite high winds that make landing a bit tricky. I admit I prefer fair weather flying purely for the visuals, I love how it looks early morning as the sun comes up on a clear day.
  20. That start up video is great, first thing I imagine most of us will do when launched is get it up and running from a cold start on the ramp, get it airborne and just fly around. I'm not going to bother trying to learn how to use it as a weapon until I've understood how to fly it properly. I made that mistake with the Tomcat, tried to use it as a fighter on day one when I should have just spent time learning the airframe and how to fly the thing effectively before trying to launch missiles or drop bombs from it. I'm hoping on release day to find a kind of launch party server to join and we all learn the aircraft together, I'm sure lots of questions and answers over SRS, the community is what makes DCS so great IMHO.
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