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Everything posted by PravusJSB

  1. What Mods do you have installed? If no Mods then perhaps the miz file itself is broken, can you upload that?
  2. If you can try this for me and let me know; Close the server. Go to <WIN>\Users\<YOU>\App Data\Local\... Delete all 'DCS' directories you find. Then go into ...\Temp, and do the same again. Anything DCS, delete. Restart the server.
  3. Yes its certainly possible to do with a bit of magic however, like others have said it's not an in-built feature. You'd have to do it yourself with code (or get someone else to do it for you) essentially making a perfect copy of unit 1, and unit 2 and then destroying them and re-creating them as a group in one swish of the Lua Wand. Humans would never know that they were deleted it would happen so fast. You just need to decide on the trigger, if it's automatic how are they to know they should merge to a group etc.
  4. This is how to fix that... Hope that helps. local identify_terminal = function(object_itter) if object_itter:getTypeName() == 'LARNACA_TERMINAL' then object_itter:destroy() end end world.searchObjects(5, { id = world.VolumeType.SPHERE, params = { point = Airbase.getByName("Larnaca"):getPoint(), radius = 3000, }, }, identify_terminal)
  5. Are you hooking into any onPlayerTry/Connect API's? If so ensure your hooks run faster than frame time (0.015sc) by simple timer profile and log output.
  6. Well something it seems shared to all connected Clients is broken, and the log file should never be more than a MB or 2 tops. There's a sizeable (pun) problem there. Try to do a full repair on the server, maybe a file was corrupted.
  7. The easiest way would be to add a hook on pause, and set the server options to pause if no connected clients. Then you can pop the code in the hook to restart, shuffle, load another etc., 2 min job.
  8. When you speed it up the sim has to go through the 'sim' faster, therefore there will be a limit to how fast a given machine can go. Indicates a bottleneck at the CPU if the GPU is dropping off and that makes sense, youre trying to go to fast!
  9. That log file does not show all the info, what size is the log file? Im curious to know why you cant post it all. Is the server using a mod? Something very odd with the Status Bar
  10. I have not found this happening, do you have custom code running in the server? First port of call would be to check for any functions that might run infinitely if they throw and have no catch, or you have a function doing other odd things that crashes the Lua VM. ED exceptions are good, but they are not a catch all. It's also interesting to note that if you have a poorly written function that blocks ED code and runs significantly longer than frame time it is possible to destroy net-sync, and it will never recover.
  11. I believe that the 'net' Class is available in the mission scripting environment, so you should be able to access the 'DCS' class using net.dostring_in, use it like this; net.dostring_in(<environment>, [[string]]) environment: Env to run the snippet, DCS Class is in 'mission' , if that does not work try 'gui'. string: Actual Lua code as a string for example: "return DCS.setPause(true)" Let me know if that helps, I'm not at home to verify and it's been a while since I tried this in this way.
  12. Here is how I add zone's using the SSE 'addZone' function, hope this helps; local function add_zone(name, x, y, radius) if trigger.misc.getZone(name) then return trigger.misc.getZone(name) end return trigger.misc.addZone { ["name"] = name, ["y"] = y, ["x"] = x, ["radius"] = radius, ["properties"] = { [1] = { ["key"] = name, ["value"] = "", }, }, ["color"] = {0,0,0,1}, ["hidden"] = false, } end local new_zone = add_zone(zone.name, zone_position.x, zone_position.z, zone.size)
  13. I don't think there is an easy answer, and I think you're half way there. (side note, there is a waypoint 'call out' feature but I am neither sure what it does or if it would help failing that...), I would get a position, get the pre-defined waypoints and calculate the closest (as you have said above), then I would take the position of the next WP, the Bearing and Range from your objects reference point, then compare it to the vector of your object to logically determine if he is on course to it. Checking more than once will increase the certainty.
  14. To make it much easier I would create a dedicated log file just for that output.
  15. You could just add a log output line into Scripts/UI/messagesHistory.lua > addMessage function?
  16. Yea the above would work fine but it's been a long time since I played with that and I can't recall how to do it however, you would need to be confident with Lua and to use a Hook on the backend to enable you to do it dynamically with code.
  17. Im almost certain you could do what you wanted in a single player mission, but not in multiplayer.
  18. Yes, I remove a number of Cat'5' items in my server.
  19. make sure you're not setting the altitude too high, other thn that not sure why the airspeed wouldn't be achieved as you set it on the waypoint.
  20. The first line tells you, wherever PatrolZone is being passed, start there. It's nil for whatever reason and it needs to be something.
  21. Yea, so hook into one of the marker events, i'd suggest 'changed' and then have it scan for a keyword of your choosing in the event.msg, then what you can do is a worldSearch on the event.pos for a given range around the marker, 1-200m maybe, then all those units, scan them and save their x, z, type, heading. You'll need to cap the units by group size, is that 10? idk. Delete the unit you collected the info from before you move on to the next. Then with the information you collected build an acceptable table structure for a DCS group, and then slot back in the details of the units you scanned and stored. Send that table to coalition.addGroup. Wa-la.
  22. Add a do script with a loadfile call to an external file, then load all your custom lua from there.
  23. but like you said, if you had no bottleneck then the gains will be small, for me it was vastly different.
  24. Thats positive, thanks for testing. Yea 2 units of data isnt enough to go on, but it does seem like the timings might be a thing. I'm on much older hardware, 6700K@4.6 2080S so every little helps for me.
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