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Everything posted by WildBillKelsoe

  1. +1. I agree. I would like the fire to be represented with a dynamic zone that has a value of 50% fire +/- 10% per hour of start and the values decreasing with bucket in zone in increments of 20% from the initial value. That should really be one aspect that ED should look at. I mean we already have troop transportation and sling loading, wouldn't hurt the bank either. I was about to start a thread using this video about a firefighting mission cold and dark startup procedure that is well documented and shot.
  2. Hello I use TMWH without a spring and the F-5E just wobbles like crazy making takeoffs and landings much more hard. Can ED add the option for joystick without a spring in the special options tab for the F-5E?
  3. and dont forget great white shaarks
  4. can you do a fresh wipe on your system of DCS then reinstall and try this mission with a new track? you can just airstart in the bird no need for cold starts. Also, do not change F1 views keep the whole track in F1 view. This is one of the reasons the tracks get messed up.
  5. Hello, I have installed the Marianas as the default DCS map. Is this why I can't find any training missions for the jets?
  6. thanks for the correction. That I did not know. I am down for testing this bug as its affecting my favorite fw190a8 and causing me to lose interest.
  7. I was also on 4ya and following a very steep dive the instruments froze (the altimeter and airspeed indicator). I turned on the two circuit breakers below the cockpit UV and formation lights (CBs 6 and 7 from the front) and they regained operation. I thought icing but it could be random failures (I have mine set to on and enforced)
  8. read all about it in my blog
  9. OK can I get a written consent @EagleDynamics?
  10. This is a very well structured survey. Although I am not Polish, I was intrigued by its results. I did however found a very important relevant question missing: How long were you involved with DCS This question was essential to correlate the depth of involvement with the sim with the answers in a meta analysis fashion. It is nonetheless a huge undertaking and I am sure it will benefit somebody. Thanks for sharing!
  11. tradecraft is the keyword your SERP is SEOking...
  12. Hi I have the christen eagle and the hawk t1 serial numbers can I share them with anyone I like and have them off my account? I dont want them in my personal section.
  13. Thats my exact feeling too
  14. because I am a sadistic SOB who loves to torment and anger and infuriate your kind self sire.
  15. full video I like the camo colors. Thoughts on the video fellas?
  16. Its the typical half life of Vodka old Stolichnaya decay.. thread Stolich...
  17. thats how I like them young dumb and Ful of crum
  18. I would try with dry hump static thrust (donning on my techno garbage cape here) and report my findings! Get to work, potential base commander!
  19. and also meteo conditions. do they still have their wings? Is base commander cool with the results? important and even critical questions indeed!
  20. dont they know its bad for sales that this offline hurts their sales?
  21. No the sight method does not work with all SC bombs because they are originally not in line with the sight they are pointed away even from the long axis. The best method I found is to skip bomb at a very low altitude at a preset speed. That gives predictable and repeatable results. Do not use dive tables because the sight is 1- fixed 2- not depressible. also do not use 45 and 30 becaue you have no way in the pit or on the etched to perfectly hit said angles. That is just a ruse these guys type to make it more difficult.
  22. I think Sinai is best considering Egypt has alot of assets modeled.
  23. its not about military or not its about the state of being finished is what I am ranting about, mind you as a paying customer.... when it comes to a basic feature like sound which defines fidelity, then I guess yes it is half-finished. And I am not the beta tester or getting paid to test the module and you have the bug reports section to see your list of bugs that I mentioned...
  24. because the sound hasnt been changed since its release. A pretty basic feature that constitutes a module. And many other bugs..
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