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Everything posted by oldcrusty

  1. I'll be damned... I found one at the bottom of my bookshelf drawer. After 40 years
  2. When I recently got my 13900k with 64gb of DDR5 and finally went back to win11 (with latest updates), someone suggested to give it a shot and leave the bios alone and setup the power management in windows and forget OC'ing... let the damn thing manage clocks and voltages on its own. Yea right... It was worth a try though. In bios, I only did couple of minor changes, disabled HT and reluctantly left all the C-states enabled (including C7... whatever the heck that does). I left the virtualization enabled. In windows, I selected balanced power scheme and modified it a bit, stuff like USB, WIFI, etc. For CPU, I set the limits between 30 and 100% Also, just to see if it makes any difference, I left the memory integrity feature enabled in windows security. It didn't make any difference in performance on my rig. (the recommendation for gaming is to disable it) It's humming along! When I run DCS, the clock is at 5.5 GHz without a hiccup (it starts at 5.8 then for some reason settles at 5.5) The temps are around 50, 55'C. I might try to OC later on. It should be easy to bring it up to 6.2 or so. Pcores, Ecores... , affinities and so on... I'm not going to mess with that. This CPU is a totally different game.
  3. Trilinear and AF were always off but the gamma correction was on, will try with it turned off. So far I've been very successful letting my brain tune the shimmers out . As far as my DCS options go, I've probably tried every combination possible but since I'd been playing SP for the last couple of years, I always end up maxing everything out. Well... not everything. Heat blur, Sec shadows, MSAA, DoF, Motion blur, all SS's are off. I keep the shadows on high though. In cockpit they add up a lot of 'feel', although when looking at external models, in form flying for instance, they look like crap. I stubbornly refuse to compromise on Vis range, always keep it on Extreme. The clouds, I stepped down one notch to high. All sliders to the right, Gamma on 2.0. I like 2.2 or 2.3 at night, during midday hrs I prefer 1.7. I'm still trying to decide on OpenXR since on my current rig, even in SVR I'm getting 90 FPS at high alt and between 55 and 75 when flying over Beirut at low altitude... kinda works for me for now.
  4. First, I don't know what's wrong with me... I'm still on Steam VR. For me, DCS (maxed out for single player) in G2 had only 2 acceptable options: 1. Aniso x16 (in DCS setup), no AA, 200% res. (4472x4364) in SVR. Mid to low FPS but smooth and... shimmers. I know, in MP I'd probably have to stay on the ramp and watch the slide show as a spectator. #2. Aniso x16 in DCS, 100% res. in SVR, AA x 8 in NCP. No super sampling. Looks sharp but shimmering is still there. Yes, AA set in Nvidia panel always worked for me though I'm not sure how it combines with other types of enhancements. Aniso set in NCP never seemed to have any effect on DCS on my rig. I never had a chance to check how SGSS would work in DCS. I'd have to download NV Inspector to find out, I guess. As far as MSAA... I love it on a pancake screen but I hate it in G2. It makes everything look too 'soft' or even blurry, in spite of MSAA mask set to 1, in DCS setup. Currently, I'm on a new rig but the above setup still holds true... everything runs a lot faster though . Still, I'm looking forward to a new graphics engine. Hurry up ED!
  5. Track from the first part of the vid. I switched from the NAV mode to GACQ with the weapons select switch. I this case the 'foresight' is not visible but the pipper is definitely following it. Gun tracking_Offensive1.trk
  6. The reticle seems to follow the FORESIGHT cues, not the predicted rounds impact at target's range based on ownship position at the time of fire. It's fine when the shooter is in the same plane of motion as the target but when the bandit starts maneuvering wildly, the FORESIGHT starts spinning left and right and since the reticle follows it, it spins and jumps all over the place. On top of that, when you factor in exaggerated nose wobble after loaded rolls (very little dampening), the steady aim becomes very difficult. Also, when selecting guns directly from NAV mode, the FORESIGHT is not visible but the reticle dances and jumps like it's still following it. When going to guns after an STT lock, the FORESIGHT is visible. A short footage showing these 2 situations (will provide the track if really necessary):
  7. Yea, it looks like the pipper is following the 'foresight' cues not the ballistics based on your own jet attitude. The range and other factors seem to be calculated correctly so when close enough for a shot, the pipper creeps into correct position, when in the same plane of motion. You can see this when you have the target locked and he starts jinking while you maintain steady path. The pipper is reacting to his maneuvering and is following the 'foresight' indications. Another thing... when you lock the bandit by simply switching to guns, without any previous A/A mode selected (or weapon), you don't get the foresight cues but... the pipper is following these cues anyway ;/. This can be pretty confusing. I think we need to post another detailed report.
  8. I find the reticle quite accurate and being a gunzo freak I put it to use very frequently, although currently in SP only. I'm not saying that there is no problem, perhaps MP adds up more chances of things getting screwed up, I don't know. You might find it a bit OT but for me HMD integration with HUD presents more of a challenge in VR. I always shut it off when HMD symbology gets close to the HUD. Well, I don't want to take this even more OT... One thing to remember when taking snapshots from extremely close distance, other then trying not to wear some of the bandit's parts when doing scissors for instance, use HUD's gun cross and 'drag' the rounds as needed.
  9. Finally... I managed to record a track that played correctly by staging the fight over a flat part of the desert area, away from everything. Well, there's no guarantee the track will play correctly on any other rig. Just in case it doesn't, I'm also posting an unlisted vid recorded from this track. The issue usually shows up when the target closure rate goes from positive to negative or vice versa and the target's crossing angle is high. In this track it starts happening after the second turn in this 2circle fight. ACM break lock problem 1.trk https://youtu.be/cubQiG50sw0
  10. Trust me, I'd rather provide a track but 99.9% of track recording of this type of maneuvers will get out of whack after 1 or 2 turns. The mission was as simple as I could make it: SP, just me and 1 bandit jet 30 nm apart, head on. Guns only load, 80% gas. No wind, no clouds. Well, I could've picked a better area on the map, like featureless desert or water. I'll give it another shot. As far as MP goes, perhaps someone else could try, on some 'abandoned' server with couple of jets only?
  11. Even if ACM lock was very easy to break, the locked tgt symbology should disappear from the HUD and HMD immediately, regardless of what the radar is doing to maintain the lock. Once re-acquired, it should show again. The way it works currently... I's rather turn the radar off and use the funnel ;/
  12. Is this what the devs were referring to? To me this looks more like HACQ getting stuck then 'lagging' and it's still there:
  13. I could swear it did have that authority a (long) while back but... it's all hazy now in my head. All that 'sitting in front of the screen' is not helping either
  14. Yea I know about the paddle, who doesn't these days . If that's what EM charts say them all I can do is... post another tribute to my favorite powerhouse:
  15. Is edmuss the only one that got the fix... anyone else? I didn't bother updating just for the 'mosquito' fix ;/
  16. Until v2.7 I used 2xMSAA with SteamVR res. at 100% on my Reverb G2 with barely acceptable (for SP) performance. After 2.7, for me at least the performance was just slightly lower but the MSAA at 100% masking in DCS setup, just doesn't look the same. It's blurry. Any other combination of AA, whether in Nvidia CP or otherwise produced shimmer. Well, I haven't tried Sparse grid SS but I doubt it would make a difference. So, I said the heck with them all and disabled them, then I doubled the res. multiplier in SteamVR to 4472 x 4364 per eye and it didn't turn out too bad. The performance is roughly the same: FPS between 60 and 18, but it's all quite smooth. (No reprojection). For SP, I can live with it. Yes, there's shimmer but it's only annoying when looking at rooftops when the sun hits them at certain angles and taxiing around the airfields. In my opinion, it's a good trade off for a very sharp contrast at any altitude or distance. Unfortunately, I'm still on RTX3070... waiting for the scalpers to go to hell Short clip recorded directly from VR:
  17. Mine took few more, can't complain. At one point it was showing 108% of dl completed... not bad No extra goodies showing up yet :/
  18. I tested GBU12s, lofting from low alt., against a moving target (around 40 miles/h). First release was at high speed - the bomb hit dead on. The second release at around 340kts - the bomb still hit causing major damage (target: MBT). So... I think there's some improvement there. GBU24's seem to be leading too much (at least visually) but they were 100% effective.
  19. It's not just the light source directly but the lit up area completely jams the IR. Recorded in VR so occasionally my head shakes when I'm cussing
  20. A cool vid by well known RIO 'Mooch' interviewing a Mudhen WSO. Just a few words on capabilities of GBU 24s:
  21. Nah, single player launch cycle was boring. Chaotic but uneventful. I scheduled 16 bots + myself. 12 launched fine, followed by me. The last 4 Hornets popped up on deck but never launched. After launch, I came back around to se if the cats were still working. At least cat2 was. Anyways, your bug report vid was pretty cool. In MP nothing would really surprise me
  22. Dang, it looked like a good start... I'm running to the 'roof' NOW and see what kind of circus I can come up with. I've never spotted more then 2 or 3 bots on the deck so I had no idea... Seems like plenty of entertainment coming up.
  23. Speaking of pitching decks. I was just testing the limits of ACLS (well, I knew it wouldn't couple ) Ended up flying all manual approach with half flaps:
  24. Agreed. I don't mind seeing AI fail or act like absolute rookies, varying levels of randomness, etc. as long as it doesn't look like glitches or 'unfinished' code. I'm not even getting into MP part. I would also get a kick out of 'programming' AI myself... if some day, the devs decided to expand the programmability of AI in some sort of mission editor (just for SP initially)... would be lots of fun... and coding for the devs, before something like this could happen. Well, this was just a thought since I fly SP only, for now. When I flew online in the past, long time ago, the AI was never included as part of our air assets, no matter how few people were online at a time. There were enough net glitches to deal with... OK, now I'm drifting off a bit
  25. I'm not really sure if this was fixed in 2.8 or earlier. Currently, when 'Use DCS Sys Resolution' is checked on my rig, so is 'Crop to Rectangle' and "Mirror Eye Source' is set to 'Right', I get my full screen VR repeater and it works great! Previously, the screen was stretched with the same settings.
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