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Flight Simulators





Found 17 results

  1. DCS freezes and crashes to desktop in any instant action or (training) mission for the F-4E after pressing the 'FLY' button in the briefing popup window. I have reinstalled DCS and done all the usual fixes to no avail. I have noticed that (re)moving 'Saved Games/DCS/Config' works once. But after restarting DCS the sim freezes again with the same errors in the logs. This isn't a good bandaid however as I have to rebind everything to use the sim once. For me this only happens in the F-4E, all other modules work fine. I've submitted this through the DCS interface and made a Discord topic about it. I also have a video capture of the proces: dcs.log-20240527-094240.zip dcs.log-20240527-133854.zip
  2. Hello everyone, the other day I did a clean installation of DCS, installed a couple of modules, but we were able to play on only one server, on the other servers I catch Net Sim post start crashes. Can someone take a look? Looks like a bug 2024-05-13 19:28:45.061 INFO ANIMATOR (15576): load_basic() started 2024-05-13 19:28:45.386 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl.anim. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl/overrides.lua. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl/overrides/overrides.lua. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR ANIMATOR (15576): can not load override 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR DX11BACKEND (33388): Shader "animator/animation_compute.fx:DIRECTX11=true;MAX_ANIMATIONS_STACK_SIZE=100;MAX_ARGUMENTS_SIZE=3;MAX_NODE_PATH=8;NUM_NODES=33;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;" failed to create. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 INFO EDCORE (33388): try to write dump information 2024-05-13 19:28:45.479 INFO EDCORE (33388): # -------------- 20240513-192846 -------------- 2024-05-13 19:28:45.480 INFO EDCORE (33388): DCS/ (x86_64; MT; Windows NT 10.0.19044) 2024-05-13 19:28:45.481 INFO EDCORE (33388): K:\Games\DCS World\bin-mt\animator.dll 2024-05-13 19:28:45.484 INFO EDCORE (33388): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007ff806d832db 00:00000000 2024-05-13 19:28:45.487 INFO EDCORE (33388): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'K:\Games\DCS World\bin-mt;', symOptions: 532, UserName: 'Borshig' 2024-05-13 19:28:45.488 INFO EDCORE (33388): OS-Version: 10.0.19044 () 0x100-0x1 2024-05-13 19:28:45.490 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x00000000000332db (animator): Animator::AnimationManager::create_gpu_animations + 0x170B 2024-05-13 19:28:45.492 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000034fc9 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0xB49 2024-05-13 19:28:45.493 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000049ff6 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0x15B76 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x00000000000339c1 (edCore): ed::thread::_get_current_thread_id + 0x71 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000021bb2 (ucrtbase): _configthreadlocale + 0x92 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000017034 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 2024-05-13 19:28:45.903 INFO EDCORE (33388): Minidump created. dcs.log-20240513-192846.zip
  3. Привет, на днях чистовую установку сделал DCS, поставил пару модулей, но поиграть смогли только на одном сервере, на остальных краши на Net sim post start. Может кто глянуть? похоже на багу 2024-05-13 19:28:45.061 INFO ANIMATOR (15576): load_basic() started 2024-05-13 19:28:45.386 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl.anim. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl/overrides.lua. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR EDCORE (15576): Can't open file: /animations/typegl/overrides/overrides.lua. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR ANIMATOR (15576): can not load override 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 ERROR DX11BACKEND (33388): Shader "animator/animation_compute.fx:DIRECTX11=true;MAX_ANIMATIONS_STACK_SIZE=100;MAX_ARGUMENTS_SIZE=3;MAX_NODE_PATH=8;NUM_NODES=33;USE_DCS_DEFERRED=1;" failed to create. 2024-05-13 19:28:45.395 INFO EDCORE (33388): try to write dump information 2024-05-13 19:28:45.479 INFO EDCORE (33388): # -------------- 20240513-192846 -------------- 2024-05-13 19:28:45.480 INFO EDCORE (33388): DCS/ (x86_64; MT; Windows NT 10.0.19044) 2024-05-13 19:28:45.481 INFO EDCORE (33388): K:\Games\DCS World\bin-mt\animator.dll 2024-05-13 19:28:45.484 INFO EDCORE (33388): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007ff806d832db 00:00000000 2024-05-13 19:28:45.487 INFO EDCORE (33388): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'K:\Games\DCS World\bin-mt;', symOptions: 532, UserName: 'Borshig' 2024-05-13 19:28:45.488 INFO EDCORE (33388): OS-Version: 10.0.19044 () 0x100-0x1 2024-05-13 19:28:45.490 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x00000000000332db (animator): Animator::AnimationManager::create_gpu_animations + 0x170B 2024-05-13 19:28:45.492 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000034fc9 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0xB49 2024-05-13 19:28:45.493 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000049ff6 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0x15B76 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x00000000000339c1 (edCore): ed::thread::_get_current_thread_id + 0x71 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000021bb2 (ucrtbase): _configthreadlocale + 0x92 2024-05-13 19:28:45.494 INFO EDCORE (33388): 0x0000000000017034 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14 2024-05-13 19:28:45.903 INFO EDCORE (33388): Minidump created. dcs.log-20240513-192846.zip
  4. Short story short, I was playing some DCS Liberation earlier today, wanted to plot a waypoint route to my target and back to base, and after creating the NSEQ, clicking route and switching waypoints my game has crashed. This happened multiple times no matter what I do. Haven't tested if this happens while playing in normal sp/mp. I've included the crash files, and a clip. The moment it crashed is when my cursor appears on screen https://youtu.be/Gqo2vTul3uo dcs.20210611-134247.crash dcs.20210611-134247.dmp dcs.20210611-134247.log dcs.20210611-134247.trk
  5. I was trying to get someone new into playing DCS today, he was frequently freezing in the loading screens while loading instant action or multiplayer. When it did connect, he would get a few minutes into the game before he would get a crash to desktop. Not sure exactly his system specs but he's got a 2070 super and I think 32gb ram. I've got a 2080ti and only 16gb ram and I haven't had a single crash yet.
  6. Playing a mission on Syria, I dropped 4 JDAMs from my f-16 and right when the 4th impacted I got a crash to desktop. Log zip folder included. dcs.log-20220327-012658.zip
  7. Hi everyone, alway has a lot of crash with DCS for some time I did not play it anymore but now started again because bought Tobii Eye Tracker 5. After a lot of troubles to make it work, since a day the Tobii works but now I got again the CTD of DCS, I start the sim then after few seconds of a mission or just training, it will stop working and crash. Please find attached my Logs, it would be very thankfull if you could help as I cant play it. I have 4 modules, F/A18, F-16, Persian Gulf and Nevada, and I run the stable version. Thanks dcs.log-20220708-120300.zip
  8. Hello dear community. I really want to enjoy the Viggen but it´s the only aircraft that crashes DCS after 15-20 minutes of flying. Can someone help me with this issue? dcs.log-20220718-141805.zip
  9. Hello, I had this problem for several days now WITH OR WITHOUT ANY MOD. I load a mission in the editor and after a while, randomly everything starts to flash in the map and then the game freezes and crashes. I have attached the DCS Log (As there weren't any other files in the log folder) and a simple video I just uploaded on youtube to show you. It's pretty annoying as it happens (as you can see) even after a short while and makes mission making impossible. EDIT: I just realized that this is probably not the best section, I should have posted it in the ME or Chrashes section of the forum, apologies in advance. VIDEO: dcs.log
  10. For some reason, DCS crashes to the desktop whenever I reach the aircraft select menu after a few seconds or before at the "Net Sim Post Start" section when loading. All of my graphics drivers are installed, I meet the minimum requirements, I've tried repairing, cleaning, lowering graphics settings, but nothing seemed to work. I have been using VR and it worked before perfectly fine yesterday, its only today that its not working. I checked the logs and all I could find was a message that stated: Display Tab 3: There is a problem with Virtual Desktop Monitor device. For more information, search for 'graphics device driver error code 22'. But that isn't a graphics driver, its some driver that a program called virtual desktop uses, that I use to connect to my pc from my oculus quest 2. I also tried not using virtual desktop but it still wouldn't work. Any suggestions on what I could do? Thanks. dcs.log dxdiag.txt
  11. Hi all, Started getting random CTD. It can happen when loading into a server or it can happen randomly while I am in a cruise, no real pattern. I've not had CTD for years and my system hasn't changed. Files have been verified. All logs are attached. dcs.log-20230619-182029.zipdcs.log-20230619-170907.zipdcs.log-20230619-162744.zipdcs.log-20230606-184921.zipdcs.log-20230606-180412.zipdcs.log-20230606-162749.zipdcs.log-20230606-161809.zipdcs.log-20230606-155840.zipdcs.log-20230606-155312.zipdcs.log-20230629-135647.zipdcs.log-20230629-135015.zipdcs.log-20230629-125334.zipdcs.log-20230626-170641.zipdcs.log-20230625-210707.zipdcs.log-20230625-210659.zipdcs.log-20230622-234122.zip
  12. Hi guys, I've been experiencing game crashes after F15E release. Basically the game is shutdown and return to my desktop with no error messages. I have reached out to support some days ago. Meanwhile, I am looking for solutions here or someone who is experiencing this issue. I have been playing DCS since year 2019 and never had this issue through the time. I didn't have much crash in the past, too. Also, crash only happens to my DCS world, not other games. My PC spec: GPU 2070s / CPU I9 13900 / RAM 32GB / SDD 1TB / OS WIN10 / Actions taken: 1. Re-install entire game 2. Re-install F15E module 3. Delete Saved/Games/DCS.openbeta 4. Delete E:\DCS World OpenBeta/Mods/aircraft/F-15E/Cockpit & ran repair (Slow & tick Search for extra files after repair) 5. Updated/reinstalled GPU driver (Nvidia Experience) 6. Reverted back to prev version and problem was happening too. I couldn't revert to older versions but I am sure everything was fine before I took a break for Diablo4. As mentioned above, this problem didn't happen in the past years. 7. Attached dcs log & win10 event viewer (Below video is just to show some CPU/GPU utilities with after burner & show how problem occurs. I normally don't play games with after burner, so I guess the overclocking won't matter) Thanks in advance for any help 20230624_190030.mp4 dcs.log event_viewer.evtx
  13. Hello, After only a minute or 2 of flying, the latest version of Open Beta (latest version as of today, 8/16/23) crashes to desktop. I've run the 'slow' file repair a couple of times, scf scannow (no issues), updated my 3090 to the latest driver but the problem persists. Attached is the last log created. If anyone has some suggestions on how I might resolve the issue, I look forward to hearing from you. DCS has been unusable for many months due to this problem.Thank you! dcs.log
  14. Hi all, DCS crashes every time i try to load Syria, or shortly after loading in any other map/module. This is happening for about 2 months now, i have tried adjusting the page file, but this did not work (i have 16 gb of ram and set the pagefile to something like 50 gb on an m.2 ssd). I have also tried repairing the client, renaming the savedgames folder, and completely reinstalling the game. Could someone determine what the problem is from the crash logs? Thanks in advance. dcs.20230612-215434.crash dcs.20230612-215434.dmp dcs.20230612-215435.log dxdiag.txt hash
  15. I am reliably crashing to desktop whenever I startup my Hornet on my favorite MP server. By testing I could narrow down that this is triggered by some avionics being powered (generators coming online when engine start). With normal startup procedure the game will crash when the first engine (L or R, both same symptoms) has spooled up. If I switch off the generators before, engines can maintain idle RPM and react to throttle inputs normally. The moment I switch on the generator of the running engine, CTD... Happens also when not starting engines at all and connecting to ground power. After all 4 external power switches are flipped on and MPDs are switched on, crash to desktop. Fellow players experience this as well. latest openBeta and running MT... attached tracks/logs: 1. both engines start with generators off, then generators on SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-114419.trk dcs.log-20231112-104825.zip 2. right engine start with generators on SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-113904.trk dcs.log-20231112-104204.zip 3. no engine start, external power SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-113240.trk dcs.log-20231112-103525.zip dcs.log-20231112-104825.zip dcs.log-20231112-104204.zip dcs.log-20231112-103525.zip SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-114419.trk SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-113904.trk SYRIA_TPE_v1_RUN1-20231112-113240.trk
  16. Hello. I've tried using most weapons with the Viper, and so far they seem to work well enough. But with Cluster bombs CBU-87 and 97, i started noticing problems. #1 - Crash to desktop, if i tried selecting CCRP mode. Solved by removing some Mod Aircraft (no need to remove the excellent A-4 mod though). #2 - Creating a server and trying to play online, with the Viper carrying cluster bombs, after some minutes, during the game, even in just normal flight, without doing anything other than comms, i get huge freezes to the game, even having crash-to-desktop. (only 2 players in server; plays fine with other weapons). Also, when the bombs fragment/explode, i get a very noticable reduction in frames per second, but then goes away when their explosion ends. OTHER UNRELATED(?) BUGS: - VHF radio randomly doesn't work (my wingman can't hear me) for no apparent reason, playing online (server hosted by me). - Menu options and mission editor randomly have HUGE lag when selecting something. Really annoying !!! Sometimes causes crash-to-desktop. My System: DCS Open Beta: OS: Windows 10 22H2 Motherboard: MSI PRO B660M-A WIFI DDR4 CPU: Intel Core i7 127000 (LGA1700) RAM: Corsair Kit 32GB DDR4 3200MHz GPU: Asus GeForce GTX 1650 Super TUF 4GB Throttle: Thrustmaster Viper TQS Stick: CH Fighterstick USB Pedals: Thrustmaster T Flight Rudder I also use DCS-BIOS for a custom box i made
  17. Howdy, When you use trigger.action.circleToAll in Single player DCS is works fine, when you use it on a multiplayer mission hosted on a dedicated server .... It will crash to desktop connected clients API function details: https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_func_circleToAll Attached zip file has: test mission file dcs.log from server trk file from client and crash zip file generated by DCS when it crashed Repo Steps SP test (this works) 1. Load this mission in DCS mission editor 2. run the mission 3. Observe the MAP in F10 view (near the BTR) 4. After 20 seconds a message will appear and also a red circle will be drawn north of the BTR 5. Wait 10 and the circle will dissapear (message will appear) MP DEDICATED SERVER test (this will crash to desktop the client) Make sure server is PAUSED if no client connected!!! 1. Load this mission on YOUR DEDICATED MP server - NOT just host your own MP server , there is a difference 2. Connect to the DEDICATED DCS SERVER as a client 3. Observe the MAP in F10 view (near the BTR) 4. After 20 seconds a message will appear ... and your DCS will crash to desktop If you need anymore information please ask circle_bug.zip
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