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Flight Simulators





Found 24 results

  1. Hi all .. I have been trying to get the Moose code working with the VsCode in fact it does very well (when you work with a started Mission and you make a on tha fly debbuging), but when you want to work stand alone (without a mision started), i have an env problem that i can not resolve yet, for wich i have a nil answer, i assume that the problem would be that you cant access (or you dont have set any kind of route in the json setting file) if some of you got any idea of how can i solve the issue to fully work with moose and vs code otside the DCS i'll be very gratefull. I atach 2 pics to show you what im just saying, i asume i have a good json file for the workspace. thx all Merlin
  2. Hello everyone. I made a small program that allows users to setup their MOOSE CTLD class for their missions without having to code in Lua. The program generates Lua code by itself, based on user’s inputs. >> I am not associated in any way with the development team of MOOSE << Current Version Features: - Add Troops (Troops, Engineers) - Add Cargo (Vehicles, Repair, FOB) - Add Zones (Load, Drop, Move, Ship Zones) - Edit default values of unit capabilities (number of troops/crates that they can carry etc) - Enable Hercules support (adds the respective options) - Enable Chinook support (adds the respective options) - Edit CTLD options Options that can be edited in the current version (any options not listed here will take the MOOSE default values) : - Crate pickup and and packing Distance - Build time - Repair time - Engineers search range - Drop crates anywhere - Drop as cargo crate - Force hover load - Place crates ahead Get the current release here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3343082/ The file you will download contains the installer of the program. Windows will warn you for unknown publisher, just select to continue. Known issues: In dark theme mode on WINDOWS 11 the fonts disappear. PS: I am not an experienced programmer, so all feedback is more than welcome.
  3. This tool allows for automatic detection of weather conditions, visibility, time of day/night, and based on that, it provides you with automatic managment of MOOSE AIRBOSS, with this tool you can automaticaly set recowery window for any weather conditions (except dynamic weather due to DCS limitations). Coastline detection and aviodance. It also manages things like TACAN, ICLS, Link4, EPLRS, Wind Over Deck and other Airboss/Moose features see github page: https://github.com/Bartek16194/DCS-CRT-Carrier-Recovery-Tool You can just simply put carrier in mission set speed to 30, put unit name and enable carrier automation in script, load moose + script into mission and its ready to go.
  4. Easy Stats - A simple solution to add player stats to any DCS Mission or Multiplayer Server EasyStats by Element Brought to you by: The Fraternity Current Version: 1.0.1 Released: 12-09-2020 Features - Highly Customizable with knowledge of Lua and MOOSE Framework. - Tracks Air 2 Air Kills, Air 2 Ground Kills, and even Scenery Obj kills - Easily add basic player stats to any mission or multiplayer server. - Data is stored based on player name(see config section) or client multiplayer name for servers. - Option to store data based in UID IF you can provide it. - Data is stored in json files. - Pilots can use the F10 Menu to display real time stats within game. - View last 10 kills within Mission - JSON Data can be used in websites, discord bots, or even your own MOOSE code/scripts with the included function(s). REQUIREMENTS: - MOOSE - EasyStats.lua (included) Current Data Logged: joinDate (unix timestamp) MostRecentModule last_visit (unix timestamp) visit_count kill_count, view last 10 kills within mission flight_time (in seconds) takeoffs landings ejections crashes deaths _________________________ Easy Installation All Steps are REQUIRED 1. Edit your MissionScripting.lua ("C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Scripts") so EasyStats may create and save data. Comment out sanitizeModule('os'), sanitizeModule('io'), sanitizeModule('lfs'), and require It should look something like this... do --sanitizeModule('os') --sanitizeModule('io') --sanitizeModule('lfs') require = nil loadlib = nil end **make available these functions at your own risk.** 2. Load Moose.lua then EasyStats.lua into your mission at MissionStart via the DCS Mission Editor or in your lua scripts (don't forget the edit user config section in EasyStats) And That's It! Enjoy the live stats! _________________________ Download Easy Stats _________________________ Change Log / Updates 12-5-2020 - removed config option SinglePlayerPilotName as its irrelevant will use Name in Log Book - added config option to display message/notification to pilot after every kill 12-9-2020 - now track static & Scenery Object kills 1-2-2021 - fixed a couple bugs 5-25-2021 Ver 1.3 Fixed a few bugs EasyStats ver 1.3.rar
  5. Hello friends, let's face it - "George" isn't the smartest when it comes to assisting in reconnaissance of targets. So we mostly fly into the unknown. It may look different in multicrew, but what I'm working on here is intended more for the classic single pilot (but it should also work in multicrew). Even if we might soon all be flying around with a radar on our heads, George should actually be able to do “reconnaissance” innately. Take a look at the video and you'll understand better what I mean VIDEO - Apache/George AI DEMO Completely scripted in lua. MOOSE is required. What do you think? Is it worth moving the project forward? Do you have any comments or suggestions? Let me know...
  6. Hi all! whilst we can use set formations in a waypoint via e.g. ... ["formation_template"]="Ammo Truck Circle" ... the actual references seem only to exists in the mission file in the miz. The setup is relatively simple ["customFormations"] = { [1] = { ["name"] = "Ammo Truck Circle", ["positions"] = { [1] = { ["y"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { ["y"] = 208.17113065999, ["x"] = -24.903908270004, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { ["y"] = -74.07316305011, ["x"] = 173.05023437999, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [3] [4] = { ["y"] = 321.19656048995, ["x"] = 153.25482011, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [4] [5] = { ["y"] = 27.458155269967, ["x"] = 330.13642498999, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [5] [6] = { ["y"] = 223.4966126699, ["x"] = 327.58217799, ["heading"] = 4.4134813168853, }, -- end of [6] }, -- end of ["positions"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["customFormations"] Question: Can these be dynamically added and/or altered via the API with LUA scripting? Thanks
  7. Hi, I've been having issues where AI aircrafts do not fly at the altitude I gave them through the task mission in scripting. I have a mission with two fighter groups (Rafale C), an AWACS (E-3A) and a Tanker (KC-135MPRS). At first, I make them start from parking. I then give them this task : local on_the_way = { id = 'Mission', params = { airborne = true, route = { points = { [1] = { type = "Turning Point", action = "Fly Over Point", x = coordinates_plane.x, y = coordinates_plane.y, alt = args.altitude, alt_type = "RADIO", }, [2] = { type = "Turning Point", action = "Fly Over Point", x = coordinates_racetrack_start.x, y = coordinates_racetrack_start.y, alt = args.altitude, alt_type = "RADIO", } } }, } } local orbit = { id = 'Orbit', params = { pattern = "Race-Track", point = coordinates_racetrack_start, point2 = convertCoords(args.point2), speed = args.speed, altitude = args.altitude, } } local controller = Group.getByName(args.group_name):getController() controller:resetTask() controller:pushTask(on_the_way) controller:pushTask(orbit) The aircrafts all go to their zones and perform their race track orbit so I know that it works. The issue I have is that my AWACS flies close to ground level despite the altitude of 20000 feet I give them (I checked this altitude by printing it). When I change the AWACS plane to any other plane it then works and the AWACS flies at the right level. Things get weirder with the fighters, when starting from parking, my Rafales fly at the right level. But when they start from the runway, they fly at ground level as well. And when I change their type to Mirage 2000C, they work again and fly at the right level, even when starting on the runway. So what I thought to be a plane issue seems to also be an issue with their starting zone. But I tried changing the start of the AWACS and none of my changes made it work. I'm also thinking the issue could come from mission scripting as the altitude works when I set the planes routes from the mission editor and not from scripting. I was wondering if anyone had encountered the same issue in the past. And if so, is there a solution to these issues. Thanks a lot for your help.
  8. I want to achieve a fairly simple task, but something goes awry. SpawnZone = ZONE:New("Spawn Zone") Bandits = SPAWN:New("Bandits") :SpawnInZone(SpawnZone, false, 2000, 4000) :SpawnScheduled(10, 0.1) I assumed this would just spawn new groups of Bandits until the end of times every +- 10 seconds, but it seems to only spawn one group. What am I missing here?
  9. Hi all, My project is to purpose to the pilote with a F10 menu to select the mission who want to do. With several missions files ".miz", with different meteo and training context. I created a script to implement a F10 menu to access to the mission library. To be more easily to maintain, I would like to bypass the legacy ACTION "LOAD MISSION" triggered by a flag in the Mission Editor and use a function lua to do the same thing. Here my sample of lua, MenuTrainingSwitch = MENU_MISSION:New( "Training Switch Mission" ) do local function SwitchMissionFn( Mission2Load ) MESSAGE:NewType( Mission2Load .. " to load", MESSAGE.Type.Information ):ToAll() -- HERE CALL FUNCTION TO LOAD AND RUN MISSION FILE end local MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI = MENU_MISSION:New( "CASE I", MenuTrainingSwitch ) local MenuTrainingSwitch_M1 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Calm" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W06SCT.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Moderate" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W15BRK.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Hard" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W25BRK.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Tempest" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W35OVC.miz") end Do you have any idea about that ? Thanks for your help
  10. I want to start a mission on air or ground at random position, altitude and heading. How can I spawn a non-AI unit like player/client using MOOSE?
  11. Je mets en place une série de vidéos pour promouvoir l'utilisation de MOOSE pour scripter vos missions. Osez programmer vos missions DCS via scripts lua de façon rapide et facile. Cette formation est accessibles aux débutants complets, aucun prérequis en programmation, il faut juste avoir envie d'essayer. Essayer MOOSE c'est l'adopter ^^ Dans un premier temps je me focalise sur les modules AUFTRAG, les vidéos sont parsemées d'astuces en programmation lua afin de vous amener au code de façon progressive. La Playlist est disponible ici :
  12. I'm trying to save a table to a file, just to analyze it. Path = 'd:\\' Filename = 'table.lua' Data = table UTILS.SaveToFile(Path, Filename, Data) However I get the following log message: I believe the path has to be de-sanitized. But how?
  13. I am trying to find a way to resupply units with MOOSE scripting. The idea is that an airborne infantry would land at an LZ and when it arrives at its destination, the infantry groups and a mortar there would be resupplied. I just need to know if there is any function to resupply these units.
  14. Hi, Does anyone tried RAT with South Atlantic map? Thank you in advance. Best regards, F.
  15. Now Available for Public Download! ⟽ ★ FARP Hollywood Caucasus [Helicopter Sandbox] - All Helo Modules (Single or Multiplayer) by Element ★ ⟾ Tasked based helicopter sandbox mission for the Caucasus Map that will offer hours and hours of flying time with over 100+ LZs for all DCS Helo modules. This can be played in single or multiplayer. From troop transport to ground assault tasks this sandbox has a little of everything! Features: - 100+ LZs - CSAR Tasks - Troop Insertsions - Troop Extractions - Logistical Operations - Attack Chopper Target Area - View Player Stats via F10 Menu (If enabled), plus much more! FARP Hollywood Other FARPS Instructions: Select an assignment using F10 menu. All assignments will vary in difficulty and be within range 12-28nm distance away from home base, logical task can run even further. Runtime could be between 25-45+ minutes depending on distance. Logistical task can take even longer. You must be at FARP Hollywood on the ground to select a task unless its a logistical crate mission. Troops will auto load and unload if doing a troop transport operation such as insertions, extractions, CSARs provided you are landing in the correct LZ. Want to fly with a buddy/friends? No problem. Just have the lead select the mission using F10 menu while the budd(ies) wait for instructions by the flight lead. (Ex. Have an escort for your troop ins ert operation) ⟽ Ambush Attacks⟾ Hueys and Mi8s must always be vigilant while in enemy territory as you may run into enemy ground forces in route to your LZs. You must survive throughout your entire mission even on the return trip. Smaller allied FARPS are also located within the mission to assist you on your journey for repairing, rearming, and refueling. Possible SAM THREAT. Fast and low is the way to go. You have been warned! ⟽ Ground Assault Tasks ⟾ All helicopters can perform ground assault strikes. Selected via F10 Ground Assault menu. Then Select how many players using F10 menu again. A will be taking on the mission. You will be assigned a target area. Fly to this area, seek out and destroy your targets and return to FARP Hollywood. ⟽ Troop Transport Tasks ⟾ Missions for the Uh-1 Huey and Mi8 can be selected via F10 menu. If landing in the correct area/lz troops will auto load and unload. No menu diving. While other FARPs are available to assist you, FARP Hollywood will always be your finial destination UNLESS otherwise instructed. (This does not apply to logistical operations as your finial destination could be away fr om FARP Hollywood). ⟽ Logistical Tasks ⟾ This mission also provides logistical tasks transporting crates and other containers through the campaign.You may be assigned to transport objects to other FARPS and or warehouse/supply depots. Most locations will have an ADF freq to assist with navigation. See below for freqs. Simply Select task using F10 menu. ★ Radio Freqs ★ FARP Hollywood: 40 Mhz FM Homing FARP London & MASH (Rearm, Refueling, & Hospital) Freq: 41 Mhz FM Homing (Hospital for Medivac Use Only) FARP Dallas Camp (Rearm & Refueling) Freq: 42 Mhz FM Homing Pad 1 ATC: 126.3 Mhz AM ★ Warehouses/Supply Depots Freq ★ Muhuri Supply Depot - Freq 49.10 Mhz FM Homing Zugdidi Ammunitions Depot - Freq 49.50 FM Homing FARP Freq Above ★ SRS and Other Freqs Recommendations for Servers ★ General Comms: 32 Mhz FM (SRS) KA-50 & SA342s Presets: Ch 1 - FARP Hollywood 40.0 Mhz Ch 2 - FARP London 41.0 Mhz Ch 3 - FARP Dallas 42.0 Mhz To Enable LIVE STATS You will need to edit your MissionScripting.lua file. Edit your MissionScripting.lua ("C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Scripts") so EasyStats may create and save data. Comment out sanitizeModule('os'), sanitizeModule('io'), sanitizeModule('lfs'), and require It should look something like this... do --sanitizeModule('os') --sanitizeModule('io') --sanitizeModule('lfs') require = nil loadlib = nil end Things to Know: ADF Homing Audio Signal - Please be aware the morse code audio may come in and out during your mission but signal should remain. Ambush Attacks: Uh1 Hueys and Mi8s will need to stay vigilant as its very possible you may be attacked randomly by insurgents while in Enemy Territory. SAM Threats: SAM Threats are very likely , fast and low is the way to go when performing troop transport ops Download Mission https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313795/ **************************** Change log / Updates 12-15-202 : Fixed issue with Ground Assault Tasks 6-16-2021 - Added the New Mi-24P Hind & Added the latest version of Easy Stats
  16. C-130 Hercules Mod - ReSupply Mission - AIM120C to Mezzeh (Syria) Here is a transport mission you guys may also enjoy. My very first. It includes Moose, Simple Navigation, and Simple ATC Communication and some other goodies. It also includes my EasyStats.lua for those who have setup a customer MissionScripting.lua. Easy stats logs your flight time and data in real time. Enjoy and tell me what ya think. I fly in VR so enjoy the emersion. Download Mission https://thefraternitysim.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Hercules-ReSupply-Mission-AIM120C-to-Mezzeh.miz Download the C-130 Mod by Anubis https://forums.eagle.ru/topic/252075-dcs-super-hercules-mod-by-anubis/ Enjoy! More c-130 missions to come!!
  17. Ahoi, I have a little trainingmission where a carrier spawns randomly around the marianna-island. Some other ships are randomly spawned aroud this carrier, everythings looks fine, see atachment. Now I want for randomly place some Hornets on the deck of the carrier. If the carrier is not "late activation" everything works fine, there appear some Hornets. But without "late activation" I cannot spawn the carrier using MOOSE randomly in one of my placed zones. I spawn the carrier randomly with MOOSE: local carrierSpawn = "CARRIER" .. math.random(1, 999) BRC = math.random(1, 359) local SP = SPAWN:NewWithAlias('CARRIER',carrierSpawn):InitCountry(country.id.USA):InitHeading(BRC):SpawnInZone(spawnZone, true) The code I use to spawn some Hornet on my spawned carrier (it's part of an iteration, i is index, x,y,angle are from a randomized table of available positions on the carrier): CGI = Group.getByName(carrierSpawn) CGI2 = Group.getID(CGI) local staticObj = { ["name"] = "Hornet_"..i, ["livery_id"] = "vfa-37", ["category"] = "Planes", ["offsets"] = { ["y"] = ypos, ["angle"] = angle, ["x"] = xpos }, ["type"] = "FA-18C_hornet", ["groupId"] = 1, ["unitId"] = 1, ["y"] = 0, ["x"] = 0, ["heading"] = 0, ["linkUnit"] = CGI2, ["linkOffset"] = true, ["dead"] = false } coalition.addStaticObject(country.id.USA, staticObj) BUT this only works with a static placed carrier. When I initially spawn my carrier with MOOSE the addStaticObject-function doesn't work. Has anyone a hint for me to use addStaticObject ON a MOOSE-spawned carrier? A dump of all units filtered for the carrier looks like this: 2024-02-19 17:41:25.611 INFO SCRIPTING (Main): #DBG# iterate CARRIER#001 ID:1002638 -- spawned one 2024-02-19 17:41:25.611 INFO SCRIPTING (Main): #DBG# iterate CARRIER ID:1 -- originally "late activation" one Credits, Greetings and Thanks go out to @Adalla for his great dynamic deck templates, I desperately try to use his way of spawning static units in my training-mission! thanks and best regards, Andreas
  18. I'm making a MOOSE scripted mission. But as soon as I start shooting them, they end up stuck and inaccessible inside the buildings most of the time. The ideal solution for me would be to be able to simply move (not spawn) allied ground troops inside buildings like: unit:setPos(x, y, z) How can I achieve this?
  19. Hello everyone, I am trying to create a script that changes the destination of an AI plane group once a specific flag is on but I cannot find the proper action/function for it. The main idea behind it is that once an F10 menu command is selected the previously spawned cargo plane would fly, land and eventually despawn at the selected airbase so that its cargo can be added in the warehouse of the airport. Due to the big amount of different cargoes and destinations it's too time-consuming to add 80 different groups that fly and have different destinations and cargo, so I was thinking that something like that would be easier to manage. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished? I am also accepting suggestions on how to do it differently.
  20. Hi I've been trying to allow myseld to dynamically generate flights from specific airbases to the zone where I need them. I've been able to spawn ground units and set their destination passing the coordinates from a user created marked, but I have failed to do so for air units. My goal is to create one or more markers on the F10 map in-game, and use those coordinates to create a route to be followed by a moose spanwed flight. As an mvp I'm trying to create a simple CAP flight that spawns in Ovda (SinaI) and flies to Ramon Airbase. The flight is spawned as BLUE_CAP_ISRAEL:SpawnAtAirbase(AIRBASE:FindByName(AIRBASE.Sinai.Ovda), SPAWN.Takeoff.Runway) And it is previously defined on the same lua file as BLUE_CAP_ISRAEL = SPAWN :New("Blue CAP F15E") :InitLimit(8, 16) :OnSpawnGroup( function(SpawnGroup) trigger.action.outText("111111",15) local group = Group.getByName(SpawnGroup.GroupName) local initPoint = AIRBASE:FindByName(AIRBASE.Sinai.Ovda):GetZone():GetVec2() local targetPoint = AIRBASE:FindByName(AIRBASE.Sinai.Ramon_Airbase):GetZone():GetVec2() trigger.action.outText("222222222",15) local mission = { ["id"] = "Mission", ["params"] = { ["route"] = { ["points"] = { [1] = { ["alt"] = 807, ["action"] = "Turning Point", ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["speed"] = 550, ["task"] = { [1] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = true, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 1, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "EPLRS", ["params"] = { ["value"] = true, ["groupId"] = 1 } } } }, [2] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 2, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Option", ["params"] = { ["variantIndex"] = 1, ["name"] = 5, ["formationIndex"] = 6, ["value"] = 393217 } } } }, [3] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "EngageTargets", ["number"] = 3, ["params"] = { ["targetTypes"] = { [1] = "Air", }, -- end of ["targetTypes"] ["priority"] = 0, ["value"] = "Air;", ["noTargetTypes"] = { [1] = "Cruise missiles", [2] = "Antiship Missiles", [3] = "AA Missiles", [4] = "AG Missiles", [5] = "SA Missiles" }, ["maxDistEnabled"] = true, ["maxDist"] = EngagementDistance, } }, [4] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 4, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Option", ["params"] = { ["value"] = 3, ["name"] = 1 } } } }, [5] = { ["number"] = 5, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["enabled"] = true, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Option", ["params"] = { ["value"] = 264241152, ["name"] = 10 } } } }, [6] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 6, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Option", ["params"] = { ["value"] = true, ["name"] = 19 } } } }, [7] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 7, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Option", ["params"] = { ["value"] = true, ["name"] = 6 } } } }, }, ["type"] = "Turning Point", ["ETA"] = 0, ["ETA_locked"] = true, ["y"] = initPoint.y, ["x"] = initPoint.x, ["formation_template"] = "", ["speed_locked"] = true, }, [2] = { ["alt"] = 35000, ["action"] = "Turning Point", ["alt_type"] = "BARO", ["speed"] = 550, ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = {} } }, ["type"] = "Turning Point", ["ETA"] = 1744.9128539618, ["ETA_locked"] = false, ["y"] = targetPoint.y, ["x"] = targetPoint.x, ["formation_template"] = "", ["speed_locked"] = true, }, -- end of [6] } } } } trigger.action.outText("33333333",15) group:SetTask(mission) trigger.action.outText("Mission CAP launched",15) end ) The F15Es are spawned correctly by the mission is not attached to them. As you can see, I've set some "logs" to see were exactly it fails. It prints until the "3333" message, so my guess is (which is kind of obvious ) I'm doing something wrong while defining the mission json. Any idea? EDIT: I have no idea at all about how to create the mission object. That definition's code inside the OnSpawnGroup method I used is copied from Operation Scarlet Dawn (https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313323/ ) by Surrexen. If you could point me in the right direction to some documentation, that would be perfect too
  21. Thanks in adv for going through this scripting debugging. I have the below code which is part of the larger code: local targetPoint2d = {} targetPoint2d.x = targetPoint.x targetPoint2d.y = targetPoint.z local fireTask = { id = 'FireAtPoint', params = { point = targetPoint2d, radius = 3000, expendQty = 10, expendQtyEnabled = true } } local groupName = spawnedGroup:GetName() spawnedGroup:OptionROEWeaponFree() Group.getByName(groupName):getController():pushTask(fireTask) local spawnMarkPointText = "RED Artillery has spawned in " .. selectedRedZone:GetName() trigger.action.markToAll(10, spawnMarkPointText, spawnPoint, true) local targetMarkPointText = "RED Artillery is targeting " .. nearestBlueZone:GetName() trigger.action.markToAll(11, targetMarkPointText, { x = targetPoint.x, y = 0, z = targetPoint.z }, true) local redZoneName = selectedRedZone:GetName() local blueZoneName = nearestBlueZone:GetName() MESSAGE:New("Spawning RED Artillery in zone: " .. redZoneName .. " and targeting blue zone: " .. blueZoneName .. " Artillery Group Name is: " .. groupName .. " Target point is: x=" .. targetPoint.x .. ", y=" .. targetPoint.y .. ", z=" .. targetPoint.z, 10):ToAll() The marker appears as well as the messages and arti group, but they dont start firing! and the target point is within a range. any idea how can I debug this ?
  22. Hi everyone, spawning a static C-130 works in my example, spawning a fire with smoke don't. Anyone got a tip for me? Both static objects exist in my mission, no typo in the names. Removing the country.id.USA doesn't work. My Code: crashZone = ZONE:New( 'foobazbar' ) wreckSpawn = SPAWNSTATIC:NewFromStatic('C130', country.id.USA ) fireSpawn = SPAWNSTATIC:NewFromStatic('CrashSmoke-1', country.id.USA ) wreckSpawn:SpawnFromZone( crashZone , 200) :Explode(2,5) fireSpawn:SpawnFromZone( crashZone , 200 ) Thanks and best regards, Andreas EDIT: found this in my dcs.log: 2023-09-30 13:32:10.144 ERROR APP (Main): unknown static shape_name, category , type: big_smoke 2nd EDIT: Method Explode() doesn't work anymore on POSITIONABLE in MOOSE 2.7.22, this Method has vanished.. In 2.7.21 Explode() allready works.
  23. Howdy fellows, I decided to revisit LUA after a few years and, since I'll need some interesting stuff to enhance my self-motivation, I've concluded that tackling MOOSE would be a good choice. I'm following FlightControl's tutorials on youtube and thought that Visual Studio Code would be useful. Looking for instructions on how to implement MOOSE in VSC, I didn't find anything current - only this instructions Does anyone know an up-to-date content that shows how to implement MOOSE in Visual Studio Code? thanks
  24. Can someone help me with this error? 2023-07-19 11:06:35.385 ERROR SCRIPTING (Main): Mission script error: [string "C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00001939.lua"]:19167: attempt to call method 'GetRandomVec2' (a nil value) stack traceback: [C]: in function 'GetRandomVec2' [string "C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00001939.lua"]:19167: in function 'SpawnInZone' [string "C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis0000581A.lua"]:336: in function 'LoadRandomSAMs' [string "C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis0000581A.lua"]:426: in main chunk I'm trying to spawn a unit at a random location in a zone. local randSpawn = math.random(5) BASE:E("Tunguska if 3 or less.") BASE:E(randSpawn) if randSpawn <= 3 then SA19Spawn:SpawnInZone(samZone, true) -- Add Tunguska to SAM Zone BASE:E("Spawning SA-19") end The other units are spawning properly, but I get an error when MOOSE tries to call the GetRandomVec2 function. Any thoughts? Thanks, DM
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