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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC

Something I have scratching my head on

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I can only second SNAFU:


The environment changed from the IL2 days. Warthunder pretty much grabbed those people who just want their quick fix, airquake a bit and put it away after 15 minutes or so to do something else.


That whole crowd is more or less gone. What remains are those crazy types who go to bed with the manual of their preferred craft and learn to know it better than their own wives. And those, understandably, are rarer than the airquake crowd.


That's why a hyperlobby thing for DCS in my opinion won't change much. The environment changed. What needs to happen has already been said often enough: We need the scenario stuff. Planes that fit into an era, a map and AI units to fill it with objectives. Once that is in place, you'll get the rarer but more concentrated events (like ACG campaign or Storm of War to a degree). That also caters better to the older folk who seem to enjoy the harder sim aspects more. That way, flight activity and attendance gets focussed around defined time points and people can plan ahead for those.


The "Bomber nights" will come... once we have the maps and some bombers to work with proper. The ball is in your yard, ED:)

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In terms of ED problem here is DCS is spread over wide era of aviation, and they have A load of work everywhere. Hope the things speed up littel bit ED dont say in 5 years bring to less money we skip this.

Edited by BIGNEWY
1.1 profanity

Once you have tasted Flight, you will forever walk the Earth with your Eyes turned Skyward.




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I think it's due to:


- lack of content - p-51 vs 109 is only exciting for a while, then it gets old.

- Price - DCS is not the cheapest way to get in the virtual air

- inadequate DM - often makes me say "F-it, I'll just jump into an F-15".

- bad visibility against the ground.


I wanted to write a comment, but I would have written what you wrote.


[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]In 21st century there is only war and ponies.


My experience: Jane's attack squadron, IL2 for couple of years, War Thunder and DCS.

My channel:


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For me.....#3. IMHO maps for various theaters are badly needed (Korea, Viet Nam, WWII Pacific, etc.). I own the P51 and enjoy flying it from time to time. I can't see myself purchasing any additional WWII aircraft until there is a WWII map.

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]WIN 10, i7 10700, 32GB DDR4, RTX 2080 Super, Crucial 1TB SSD, Samsung EVO 850 500GB SSD, TM Warthog with 10cm extension, TIR5, MFG Crosswind Pedals, Wheelstand Pro, LG 40" 4K TV, Razer Black Widow Ultimate KB[/size]

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In terms of ED problem here is DCS is spread over wide era of aviation, and they have A load of work everywhere. Hope the things speed up littel bit ED dont say in 5 years bring to less money we skip this.


From what I have read, they are comiited to the Straight of Hormuz map before the WW2 era. I wouldnt expect to see any new WW2 map from them for a long while.

Edited by BIGNEWY
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I think the WWII combat flight community grew in total, thanks to War Thunder, but splitted up.


That I think is the key problem. We have some of the community in War Thunder SB ... I used to be active in that community but Gaijin kept making increasingly stupid decisions and I lost interest


Then we have the people doing things in CloD. That community seems to be still going strong despite the fact that CloD is essentially a dead engine, partly due to the amazing work of Team Fusion.


Then we have IL2 BoS, which should be "the next big thing" ... and some people love it, but some of us find it misses the mark.


Then we have the WWII planes in DCS. Which have a simply amazing fidelity and feel, and the DCS engine which seems to be getting better and better in a way the others just can't match. But no WWII maps, no WWII ground units, so no WWII scenarios.


So IMO the DCS WWII community should start to organize events, like "Bomber Night" '(ok, bad example for DCS) to get the maximum ammount of players together and built up some online experience, which could get existing players together at the same time, on the same server.


That sounds fun :-)


From what I have read, they are comiited to the Straight of Hormuz map before the WW2 era. I wouldnt expect to see any new WW2 map from them for a long while.


Are there tools available for modders to build their own maps and ground units and such like? Currently the only mods I see in the mods channel are graphics mods.

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I think if there WWII missions, but,in specialized squads, not public servers BoS type, CoD





for example:






Tras la última misión es preocupante, muy preocupante el avance conseguido en Poti por los alemanes, sorprendentemente mantuvieron su posición y es de esperar que en la jornada matutina próxima empiecen a avanzar hacia Poti.


El resto del frente es una incognita, los aliados hemos tomado los puentes al Sur de El Kutaisi y hemos asegurado la estación de tren próxima.


Lanchkuti sigue en manos enemigas......


Es de esperar que los alemanes hagan algún movimiento de contraofensiva en la zona central y Este del frente...., o al menos desplazar tropas para consolidar sus posiciones mientras operan en Poti.....


Proximamente se completará este post con más información.




Nota: la zona de Al POTI, se ha considerado extremadamente peligrosa para reconocerla, hay bombardeos constantes desde el mar y desde el aire. Este recon se ha centrado en la posición de máximo avance en el frente ESTE (puentes y estación), en Lanchkuti y la ciudad de Chokhatauri




Fin de reportaje.....







Proximamente pasaré el estadillo y posiciones de las unidades y los refuerzos aliados, puedo adelantar que los refuerzos están en El Kutaisi y Al Senaki, concretamente en el complejo de armamento que por defecto tienen todas las bases aéreas en el Cáucaso. Como novedad en Al Senaki habrá 3 piezas de artillería de campaña autopropulsada.


Nota 2: si pulsais sobre las fotos podeis abrirlas en una nueva hoja y hacer zoom.

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Estudio de los factores e idea de maniobra.


La situación ha permanecido estática desde los últimos informes.


La hipótesis más probable es que el enemigo lance un ataque en fuerza sobre la ciudad de POTI, con apoyo de artillería naval y aviación, para establecer una cabeza de puente al norte de POTI y del río RIONI, que le permita una progresión rápida posterior en dirección Este.


La hipótesis más peligrosa es que el enemigo mantenga nuestras fuerzas en POTI fijadas por el fuego, mientras dirige el grueso de sus unidades en dirección al punto BRAVO, tratando de sorprender y envolver a nuestras fuerzas en defensiva ubicadas al Sur de SAMTREDIA.




Para dar cumplimiento a las órdenes recibidas de la unidad superior, me propongo:


1. Mantener los restos del Subgrupo táctico CHIS en su posición actual de POTI, estableciendo una línea defensiva aprovechando el entorno urbano que puede dificultar la progresión de unidades acorazadas enemigas.


2. Mantener a la primera sección del Escuadrón A bloqueando el acceso al puente en BRAVO. Reubicar a la segunda sección de forma que tenga dominio sobre las dos principales vías de acceso posible LANCHHUTI-BRAVO Y CHOTAHAURI-BRAVO.


3. Reforzar el S/GT CHIS con el S/GT RON, con la intención de rebasar las posiciones defensivas propias en POTI y presionar al enemigo para recuperar el objetivo SIERRA, contando con el apoyo de las unidades de artillería de la Brigada.


4. Reforzar el Escuadrón A con el S/GT GIN, para establecerse en defensiva sin idea de retroceso protegiendo el puente (B), o en función de la situación presionar a las fuerzas enemigas ubicadas en LANCHHUTI.



Para llevar a cabo la maniobra prevista se solicitan las siguientes acciones, por orden de prioridad:


A. Protección de las fuerzas propias (S/GT RON) en aproximación por el eje de progresión SENAKI-POTI.


B. Interdicción de las unidades y movimientos enemigos al Sur de POTI hasta el punto SIERRA.


C. Reconocimiento del eje BRAVO-LANCHHUTI e interdicción de los posibles movimientos enemigos sobre ese eje en dirección BRAVO.


D. Reserva de disponibilidad de dos salidas "a petición" para CAS a las unidades en defensiva sobre el punto BRAVO.

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Ok, tomo nota.


Como ya comentamos para los Korean y los Green las unidades del CA, son más operativas :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Estaría genial dedicar más tiempo a los procedimientos de coordinación aire - tierra, me lo apunto y para la siguiente (en cualquier escenario te iré consultando algunos temas) ;) ;) ;) ;)


Dejo algunas imágenes que he podido capturar (justo hasta el primer lance aire-aire).



Vuelo Azul (Pegaso, Viarni y yo) en punto de espera de la pista activa.



Alineados tras grupo rojo (Mirmi, Manowar y Abi) los cuales haría de CAP



Despegue por elementos, en el aire el grupo rojo virando a derechas para ir a Poti.




El Grupo Rojo!!!!!!! ;) ;)



Nosotros nos dirigimos, algo alejados de la zona inicial de recon, hacia Poti. El rarito es Pegaso que no quiso vestir de arena :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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El grupo Rojo, nos notifica fuerte bombardeo naval y terrestre en Poti



Aquí el amigo Abi, algo acalorado durante la patrulla en Poti :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Otros comentan que en realidad detecta antes a los alemanes por el olor a cerveza que desprenden :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:



El estilizado perfil de la máquina de Viarni!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: (nota mental: me acabo de dar cuenta del error de la línea amarillas del esquema :oops: :oops: )



Los dos grupos en zona, nos cruzamos, nos desplazamos a la zona Sur de Poti donde Verde (Dodo) nos canta presencia de blindados...., los spotters en tierra localizan contactos en Poti :shock: :shock: :shock: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


T4rAPDt.jpgLa cortina de fkak de los dos destructores empieza a atizar duro tanto a rojo como a azul...., más adelante (en la segunda parte) veremos que el mayor peligro era bajar al nivel de los panzer :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Y a partir de aquí el grupo rojo se enzarzó en un gran combate aire-aire, apartando a los 190 del grupo azul:


Unzcujk.jpgLos 190 tras soltar su carga empiezan a trepar para interceptar a los elementos rojos.....


--- Por lo que he visto, Abi logra desde un primer momento ponerse a la 6 de un Dora, Mirmi y Man se quedan descolgados y el otro Dora le gana las 6 a Man, consiguiendo tocarle en un plano y perdiendo fuel...., pero se logra librar de él...., creo que en la maniobra Mirmi lo pierde de vista y os quedais solos.....:


JPj7mli.jpgAbi siguiendo a su Dora, mientras el otro Dora se pone a las 6 de Mirmi y Man (el que cruza por detrás de Abi).


RWNh8TP.jpgi1qXmQY.jpgAbi se focaliza en su contacto y consigue un primer impacto determinante para el combate


gWPumnX.jpgEn esta imagen se ve como el segundo Dora, vira por el interior de Mirmi y Man (haciendo de punto) y como consigue un impacto en deflexión sobre él que le daña varios sistemas (desde fuera parece que empieza a perder fuel del plano izquierdo).


TNekaZD.jpgEsta imagen es de un instante después a la anterior, se ve como Mirmi vira cerrado sobre un Dora (que es el que está persiguiendo Abi) y a lo lejos como el segundo Dora dispara sobre Man. Punto álgido del primer combate!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JthIg5d.jpgEl siguiente instante, vemos como Man es alcanzado, Abi cruza detrás del segundo Dora y Mirmi sigue ceñiendo pero en descenso.


qayQpUZ.jpgSiguiente instante; Abi continua con su contacto, Mirmi está en un punto ciego respecto del contacto que ataca a Man.


D2u2JyV.jpgInstantes previos a que Abi derribe a su Dora


l0jmxb3.jpgEl derribo de Abi

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So the pictures in your post look really interesting, but sadly I have no idea what you're saying because it's not in English. Which is probably true for most people here, seeing as these are the English forums ...

Edited by Tomsk
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So the pictures in your post look really interesting, but sadly I have no idea what you're saying because it's not in English. Which is probably true for most people here, seeing as these are the English forums ...


The relevant part is in first post - everything after that is only mission description and screenshots - nice but out of topic:


I think if there WWII missions, but,in specialized squads, not public servers BoS type, CoD




for example:

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I used to play the old il2 and many of the people i used to chat didn't have a really fast PC.Lots of people prefer to play CLoD because would need new hardware to play DCS.

For the same reason i don't play DCS anymore .Too much stuttering .Maybe the stuttering would go away if i buy a new pc(but i can't afford that) .

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  • 3 months later...

For me, it is that I have less than 75 hours of flight sim time, and half of that was War Thunder, which got me interested in a proper sim.


I'm just getting comfortable and able to handle the P-51 competently, have some maneuvers mostly down, am developing my proficiency in air combat maneuvering, so I will be starting to play online.


So, now, remedying number 3 will be absolutely amazing. I am stoked!


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

i7-9700k overclocked to 4.9ghz, RTX 2070 Super, 32GB RAM, M.2 NVMe drive, HP Reverb G2 version 2, CH Fighterstick, Pro Throttle, Pro Pedals, and a Logitech Throttle Quadrant

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3. Lack of supporting infrastructure: after all, we don't have a proper WWII map, no tiger tanks to bounce around, no bombers to escort. We just teleported some WWII fighters over modern day Caucasus region where they can do nothing else but dogfight all day long until eventually people get bored and quit.


5. DCS WWII is still too young. After it matures, its popularity will be totally different. It's still too early to pass on some judgement.


This. (if bugs, stability, lack of some vital features is what you mean by "DCS WWII is still too young", but it's not WWII specific problem but DCS as a whole)

Edited by eekz

Куплю B-17, можно B-24. B-29 не предлагать!

Burning Skies

=Burning Skies= @ Facebook

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I am am member of Air Combat Group- ACG.


We are a large, thriving community of historical squadrons flying in Il2 Cliffs of Dover, which do a solid job for us with Team Fusion patches.


(Everyone with an interested in authentic WW2 combat on a LARGE scale is VERY velcome to check us out:)





Sorry for the shameless promotion, but if you wonder where the large, serious, WW2 population is, we are a big chunk of that pie chart.



We have our eyes on DCS, and many of hour members fly various modules regularly, (For many of us- DCS is THE sim) but the fully fledged theathre is what is keeping us on the sideline... for a little while longer.


Once Racoon and his boys roll out Normandy, the improved damage models and period units, we have a huge playerbase that will use it extensively.

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I am am member of Air Combat Group- ACG.


We are a large, thriving community of historical squadrons flying in Il2 Cliffs of Dover, which do a solid job for us with Team Fusion patches.


(Everyone with an interested in authentic WW2 combat on a LARGE scale is VERY velcome to check us out:)





Sorry for the shameless promotion, but if you wonder where the large, serious, WW2 population is, we are a big chunk of that pie chart.



We have our eyes on DCS, and many of hour members fly various modules regularly, (For many of us- DCS is THE sim) but the fully fledged theathre is what is keeping us on the sideline... for a little while longer.


Once Racoon and his boys roll out Normandy, the improved damage models and period units, we have a huge playerbase that will use it extensively.


I don't doubt this, the DCS mission maker is immense I can't wait to use it to create a theatre :thumbup:

Windows 10 Pro | ASUS RANGER VIII | i5 6600K @ 4.6GHz| MSI RTX 2060 SUPER | 32GB RAM | Corsair H100i | Corsair Carbide 540 | HP Reverb G2 | MFG crosswind Pedals | Custom Spitfire Cockpit

Project IX Cockpit

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