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Posted (edited)

Release Version list

"*****/END" = first 15 & last to post respectivly.




40 aaron886

42 AdrianK

21 AKA_Clutter

164 Andre92

150 antonio.

146 Archer16

120 Aries144

160 Arjan2856

49 A2597

162 2alpha-down0



100 Bankler

59 Bearfoot

03 BlacleyCole -------*****

44 Bob_Bushman

152 b123cdd



62 Cal.Iber

136 Cap'n Penguin

41 Chic

144 chokko

73 cmeliak

08 cordite *****

71 crazysundog

124 Cthulhus

93 C525



138 Dangerman

16 DayGlow

50 dburne

137 DD_Crash

47 DeadEnd

101 Deano87

89 defygravity

114 DEG

130 desmoflex

105 DigitalEngine

148 djblaen

95 do.st

54 Drakeshoot

134 DutchCoolHand

165 dzubei



94 Elnocho3

19 EntropySG

91 Exikutioner

147 9echo



66 fargo007

09 farmertom ------*****

154 Fennec

143 Finn

61 FireCat

18 FoxDelta

145 frenzon

67 Fri13

37 Fusedspine33

01 FZG_Immel ------*****



83 gianlu320

48 Gladman

161 Gman109

85 Goblin

107 goldzxpg

60 Gruman

142 Guppy-----------This member is no longer interested

39 GVO



112 Habu_69

11 hakjar ----------*****

23 hansangb

125 Harlikwin

116 Haukka81

156 hazzer

43 heloguy

127 Himmselbuster

118 HuggyBear

12 huzar -----------*****



84 iffoif

10 Icebeat ---------*****

25 Iku64-

108 I./ZG15_FALKE



13 Jabbers ---------*****

103 javelina1

29 jnr4817

14 joca133 ---------*****

70 Joe_S

63 jv44bubi



77 kaltokri

57 Kirin

123 Kirk66

129 kongkiat



159 LhuanDula

33 lolof1

05 Los -------------*****

34 lucky-hendrix

121 LuSi_6



153 Macka

97 maducks

87 malamar

133 Manilva

69 mariner3302

90 mars

99 MemphisBelle

75 MetalGear_Honk

76 Metro

58 mr_mojo97



81 neok

122 Nexus-6

65 nobfunt



02 Oesau ------------*****

30 OzWookiee



38 Pac-Man

28 =Panther=

135 panton41

80 pgh2atl

31 Phoenix F

126 Pinello



163 Radial

07 ram0506 ---------*****

06 Ratcatcher ------*****

96 Redeye

119 RedeyeStorm

04 redtail ---------*****

132 reilar

79 RogueSqdn

56 rowdgordypiper

22 rrohde

55 ruskybeaver

64 Rymy

53 R3ddishF0x

109 ///Rage



92 SageOT

82 Salsam

32 schurem

72 SDsc0rch

98 Shadoga

46 Shrike_AU

140 sirrah

24 skunk160

113 Smerlin

15 Snacko ----------*****

35 Snapps

36 Snow51th

151 Solo86

27 sparkchaser2010

157 SpeedyE420-------END

141 Stitch

26 streakeagle

139 souporsoni

158 sydost

51 Sydy

131 Svsmokey



102 TheBamse

128 The Falcon

17 Thick8

20 tibidisdik44

78 tintifaxl

149 Torch

52 tribundf

111 Tripleinside

88 TWC_Alamo



86 Velez

74 VFRHawk

45 VirusAM



106 webweaver40

68 westr

131 WhiskyDelta

115 winkj

104 wolle

155 Wrench



117 y905



110 Zajel

166 Zeroskills-------END


A quick up to date if you are not on the list let me know.

Edited by FireCat
Names added

So are these in the process of shipping then? Also any estimate on how many per week/month will ship?

New hotness: I7 9700k 4.8ghz, 32gb ddr4, 2080ti, :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, HP Reverb (formermly CV1)

Old-N-busted: i7 4720HQ ~3.5GHZ, +32GB DDR3 + Nvidia GTX980m (4GB VRAM) :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, Rift CV1 (yes really).


This will be a small revolution in VR gaming for DCS in my view.

Really great work Miles.


_____________Semper paratus, In hoc signo vinces________________


PC: Intel i7-8700K (4.9 GHz), Aorus Ultra Gaming Z370 MB, Gigabyte RTX 3080, 32 GB DDR3 (3,2 GHz), Samsung EVO 860 M.2 500 GB SSD + Samsung 960 M.2 250 GB SSD Gaming: Virpil T-50 CM2, TM WH Throttle, Crosswind pedals, HP Reverb


I'm on the list. Will the instructions how to order be placed in this thread?



Intel Core I7 4820K @4.3 GHz, Asus P9X79 motherboard, 16 GB RAM @ 933 MHz, NVidia GTX 1070 with 8 GB VRAM, Windows 10 Pro

How do I get on this list?


@Finn. You are on.


I'm on the list. Will the instructions how to order be placed in this thread?


@wolle. Keep checking the post for instructions from MilesD.


Cheers FireCat.

Posted (edited)
Count me in too!

Guppy, Great Pit, the whole feel of the room is very zen, I felt calm and enlightened just looking at pictures of it. Do you have jet fuel scented candles burning out of frame. But seriously, I can't let my wife see that or she will say "why can't your pit area look like Guppy's"


So are these in the process of shipping then? Also any estimate on how many per week/month will ship?

I just checked tracking and the latest revision of the PCBs should be here Monday. I am concerned though, because the size of the package can’t include the solder past stencil required for scaled production. I am using an in-house (literally) re-flow oven and implementing the pick and place machine. Even without the pick and place, it’s still a short cycle for PCB production. The bottleneck is 3d printing of the enclosures, but I am addressing that. I am concerned about Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ, term for you Six Sigma guys), especially with the international market, so international shipments will be slightly delayed until local customers have confirmed product satisfaction.

Thanks Harlikwin


This will be a small revolution in VR gaming for DCS in my view.

Really great work Miles.

Thanks hakjar, I don’t know if I would go that far, but it does simplify cockpit interaction. Joe S, who has a prototype had a great way of summing it in one sentence, but I can’t remember how he put it. No pressure, but I am looking at you Joe. After working through this list, I really can’t see more than 3 or 4 orders a per week for PointCTRL. I plan on fixed monitor implementation PointCTRL after this.


I'm on the list. Will the instructions how to order be placed in this thread?

Hi Wolle, I will have instructions, videos and online purchase on the web site and posted here. I just want to keep this within this community first, which is why I have not updated the web page and why I have put my efforts here instead. I know it does not make business sense but that is not my focus.


Here is the link to the post with a PDF start of the instructions ( a whole page just to turn the damn thing on).




Thanks everyone for your patience,


Edited by MilesD

Now shipping up to website Pre-Order Form date 2022/11/15

Pre-Order  Form Submission https://pointctrl.com/preorder-form/

PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ

PintCTRL Website https://pointctrl.com/



Miles, your time to bring this forward has been extremely fast and you are doing this on the side. You have been amazingly transparent in communicating milestones and set backs as this product has gone thru development. A lot can be learned from you by some of the “leaders” in this industry. Two years we have been waiting for an add-on stick from a certain company which refuses to communicate with their customer base. Bravo to you, I am sure you see the goal post now and are looking forward to finishing it off and getting them out the door as we are to get them. Thank you!


looking forward to get this great device, i guess there are several people on that list owning a 3d printer themselves.

i would be completly fine printing the enclosures myself if u are willing to ship without


Thanks for the update Miles.


Any idea on a ballpark shipping dates for the first batch of 100 or so (I'm #125 on the list and I'm in the US. 1 month, 3months?

New hotness: I7 9700k 4.8ghz, 32gb ddr4, 2080ti, :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, HP Reverb (formermly CV1)

Old-N-busted: i7 4720HQ ~3.5GHZ, +32GB DDR3 + Nvidia GTX980m (4GB VRAM) :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, Rift CV1 (yes really).


Please put me on the list of buyers if possible. This looks awesome, Miles! Just have to +1 all the great feedback from others in this thread. I do not have VR yet, I decided to hold off until a solution like this made it into the market. Hats off to you!

SYSTEM: Mainboard MSI B360M Bazooka | CPU i7 8700k @ 3.2 GHz | RAM 2x8GB GDDR4 @ 2400 MHz | GPU Gainward GeForce RTX 2070 Dual Fan | 256GB SSD | Win 10 x64

DEVICES: MSI Optix 24" LED Curved | Thrustmaster Warthog | MFG Crosswind | TableMount MonsterTech

MODULES: A-10C | F-14 | F/A-18C | Spitfire | P-51D

I agree, and I think there will be a gloveless solution also. Essential a really good Leap Motion. Which I am surprised has not advanced.


The first prototypes of PointCTRL tracked finger motion with a gyro and accelerometers as well as XY position with the same HMS sensor we now use. It read whether you moved you finger up, down, forward and backward. Down, Forward, or Backward = left click, Up = right click. The sensing worked well, but their was just something missing when you moved your finger in mid air. The tactile feel of the real button really made it feel right. I guess the ultimate solution could be gloves that squeezed your fingertips when you touched something. Capto-glove is doing some really cool stuff with heat sensing.


Just some thoughts




Yes, future is full of possibilities. When big developers decide on the technology, I am sure it will be amazing. Until then, PointCTRL is here, and it looks amazing too. Leap Motion I used for about three weeks and returned. It works, with accurate hand movements digitalization and tracking, but had no interface with any software I used. Also, the camera was of terrible resolution. If it had a better camera I would have kept it just to be able to check my surroundings and use a real keyboard whith VR on. An IR camera like that of the Leap, activated by a simple head movement is awesome and Oculus Rift certainly lacks a camera. Looking forward for your solution, Miles :thumbup:.

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