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SP. Never tried online...just haven't gotten to it yet. Never tried a campaign...just haven't gotten to it yet...or I'm afraid to get my butt kicked all the time because I'm not good enough, ha ha. I can't bear the thought of a smart teenager or a man with a gray beard and a beer putting 20mm through me from 4 different ways while I'm trying to find the Master Arm switch. :) I like learning the aircraft and making my own missions that go at my pace...where I usually survive. The detail of the aircraft, scenery and the versatility and freedom of the simulation are what keeps me. I would really, really love AI that knew how to fly the various aircraft, though. AI that flew correctly and realistically in formation flight, too. That's one of the most painful-to-watch parts of the sim, when a pair of AI planes in formation makes a turn or approaches an airport for landing. Anyone ever heard of the overhead break to the landing pattern? If you were bingo fuel, would you light off the afterburner to get home quickly? So many basic rules are needed in the AI...and it would seem so simple to implement compared to the systems and flight models of aircraft. If paid-for modules are what drives excellence in the sim, then I'd pay money to get some real intelligence in AI. We need an Enhanced AI module.

Posted (edited)


If you operate your sim on a study level (and I love to study) your approach will be different as if you fly online primarily. On this level you have to deal with the objective on a intellectual degree, you have to knead and think different issues, new stuff, and so on... . Very similar like doing a workshop or something like that.



Yea but I'm guessing to just even start to be a decent online crew member one have to do to a lot of those single player workshops and intellectual homework, so that one can adapt instinctively n instantly to any of the unpredictably moving situation... at least that's how they proceed in real life before becoming operational




And another aspect is: i grew up in the 70's and 80's.


We had no smartphones, no cellphones, no internet or social media, even no personal-computer.


Just a telephone at home. Did we miss this modern stuff of today, which degrades us more and more to become slaves of our own hamster-wheel ? No! Back then the world was stressful enough already, but nowadays :cry: ????



gotcha I'm from 71, but all technologies depends on what you do with it no? e.g. lot of people of those years was tv slaves, n a lot still are but at least now with the numeric we can choose what we want to put in our head. Wanna learn Buddhism it's all there for free, wanna learn flying jet fighters (!) it's all there for free, got some shitty windows error google it for some help, etc... clearly a tool that would have greatly helped my solitary childhood.


As for the present state of the world this must have a lot to do with all the shit coming in our head for decades when we passively let our sense open to the surrounding noise, rather than filtering the noise or becoming active like internet is allowing us now, but yes for sure even internet can become this passive consumption of stuff. But yea I've also learned that there is nothing better than going out for a walk in the wild to peace my mind, I was lucky enough to have my eyes wide open to the nature in my childhood, and I'm very sad that this kind of transmission about 'feeling alive in a alive world' tends to fade away under concrete...






And there are other points too, but I'm shure you would'nt understand it.





Edited by Jetsun

I prefer MP, but honestly MP in DCS is not that great. Super unrealistic scenarios, missions are usually very basic with no randomness (enemies are always in the same exact place), no AI performing other tasks throughout the theatre. Rarely even have SAM coverage over friendly territory. The ones that you spawn missions with F10 are the worst, you know exactly what is coming your way.




I like campaigns better in DCS lately, Baltic's being the best. I just finished mission 10 of the Mirage Red Flag.



Looking forward to the Gulf Mirage Campaign!


Hey guys!


I don't really want to get into the whole MP vs SP discussion too deep here - obviously being a SP guy. But I do have a few coop MP missions in the making, especially one I'll need to refresh for 2.5 that should be fun to play over multiple runs... should come later on.


M-2000C campaign in the Gulf returns quite often as a request, I'll think about it. Was leaning towards Harrier and F/A-18 first, of course following the Red Flag storyline.

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

I prefer MP, but honestly MP in DCS is not that great. Super unrealistic scenarios, missions are usually very basic with no randomness (enemies are always in the same exact place), no AI performing other tasks throughout the theatre. Rarely even have SAM coverage over friendly territory. The ones that you spawn missions with F10 are the worst, you know exactly what is coming your way.




I like campaigns better in DCS lately, Baltic's being the best. I just finished mission 10 of the Mirage Red Flag.



Looking forward to the Gulf Mirage Campaign!


just try the DDCS server, CA should be one of your modules when playing there

Hey guys!


I don't really want to get into the whole MP vs SP discussion too deep here - obviously being a SP guy. But I do have a few coop MP missions in the making, especially one I'll need to refresh for 2.5 that should be fun to play over multiple runs... should come later on.


M-2000C campaign in the Gulf returns quite often as a request, I'll think about it. Was leaning towards Harrier and F/A-18 first, of course following the Red Flag storyline.


I thought the storyline was campaign -> red flag -> pg. Allthe iranian F-14 hints and the fact that we were representing UAE Mirages made it clear in my head that this was the next step. It is the most immersive thing I did on DCS, and it will be a long time until the F/A-18 reaches a useable state (with ag weapons for instance). Plus its a lot sexier than the Boeing. Give us this veterans day gift (or thanksgiving or christmas) lol :joystick:


Well, I will think about it and strive to deliver :) so many good aircraft to build campaigns for and so little time to work on all of them!

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

  • 5 months later...
so many good aircraft to build campaigns for and so little time to work on all of them!


Now add a Top Gun campaing to the Queue !!!! :D

Posted (edited)

Absolutely love your work and wish you could concentrate on the SP campaigns and not spread yourself over numerous training missions :)


Also an idea: perhaps allow the players to experience pure fighter campaigns from the perspective of another fighter jet. Say replay F-15C campaign in an F-14/18 or even M2000 (for added challenge). Similar with the M-2000 campaign and also similar to the mud movers - replay A-10C story in a Harrier and so on. Maybe not every single mission would be possible, but even 80-90% of missions would be great.


There was a mod tool that allowed to easily change campaign plane sets in the old classic IL-2, wish there was this option here as well.

Edited by Katmandu

Thanks Katmandu!


While I love to work on the campaigns, creating in-depth training is also a great way for me to learn the airframe well enough to be then able to work on a good campaign. So this is a win - win.


As for the different perspectives - this is not as easy. You can't simply do it for DLC campaigns and for most part, changes would be quite significant for part of radio chatter, briefings etc. Also the missions usually are aligned with a given airframe - for instance you wouldn't be able to finish most of TEW missions in a Harrier because of its short legs (and if you add AAR then you'd need extra VOs etc). F-15 campaign in F-18 was discussed in another forum too. From my point of view that would require a significant amount of work, so I prefer to focus on dedicated campaigns written from ground up for a specific airplane.


I think you can open each mission in ME and then just swap the airframes and fly from the level of Mission Editor.. as a temporary solution.

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.


I did not realise that your campaign missions are editable, I assumed they were locked. That is plenty good enough, I did not mean to redo the briefings and radio chat for each aircraft.

Thanks again and look forward to whatever campaign you'll be doing next.

Posted (edited)

Having tried changing planes in the editor, I can report that it does not seem to work. F-15C Georgian war campaign, if I change the F-15C to anything else, the game creases on loading the mission :(


EDIT: One or two ED patches later and it is working - happy times:)

Edited by Katmandu
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
Having tried changing planes in the editor, I can report that it does not seem to work. F-15C Georgian war campaign, if I change the F-15C to anything else, the game creases on loading the mission :(


EDIT: One or two ED patches later and it is working - happy times:)


I converted the original Mirage campaign to the Hornet and enjoyed it very much (different feeling to doing it in the Mirage). I also tried this with the Red Flag campaign, enjoyed it in the Mirage but wanted to have a go in the Hornet. However it all seems to be locked out, all the mission logic is in a DLL rather than in the missions. Which is a shame because I would love to purchase some of the other Baltic dragon campaigns and edit them to be in the in the Hornet (e.g. Georgian War and Enemy Within), the campaigns look great but I don’t want to buy/learn another plane to play them.


Baltic Dragon have you considered converting some of your campaigns to work with multi role aircraft (e.g. Hornet or Viper when we get it)?

Edited by Tomsk

Hey, not really - I’d rather build something new. The only semi-convertible campaign would be F-15 one, but even then it would require quite a lot of extra work... and would be cheating in a way :)

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

Hey, not really - I’d rather build something new. The only semi-convertible campaign would be F-15 one, but even then it would require quite a lot of extra work... and would be cheating in a way :)


Well just taking the Mirage campaign and converting to Hornet didn’t take me long: change the plane in the missions and fix a few Mirage specific triggers. Not a very professional conversion but good fun nonetheless.


I can see why the missions in a paid-for campaign are locked, but still it’s a shame ... I’ve had so much fun playing campaigns which I didn’t actually have the aircraft for.

ehehe everyone would love to splash those Gazelles with a couple of AMRAAM in TWS.. :music_whistling:


Hehe, that's a choice though. When I converted the Mirage campaign to Hornet I did it Fox-1 only :)

  • 1 month later...

We need another update on the A-10C training campaign please.

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i9-9900@5Ghz, 32 Gig RAM, MSI RTX 3080 TI, 2 TB SSD, 43" 2160p@1440p monitor.


Sure, will give you more info soon - I am on holidays now but making pretty good progress.

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

  • 4 weeks later...
Sure, will give you more info soon - I am on holidays now but making pretty good progress.


Time flies! Nearly a month gone by again. ;)

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i9-9900@5Ghz, 32 Gig RAM, MSI RTX 3080 TI, 2 TB SSD, 43" 2160p@1440p monitor.


I know it does.. got back from holidays and bogged down in normal work. Promise to do an update this week! Sorry for the delays!

For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel.
Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.

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