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Everything posted by Katmandu

  1. Many thanks to the author! Does Mission 1 work with DCS 2.9? It crashes every single time for me while loading this mission. The Civil Aircraft Mod is installed and is working fine - I checked. I just want to save Yeltsin!
  2. Same here, even several minutes after the second launch the controls are still frozen. Tested with F/A-18 and Forrestal, no mods.
  3. F-15 should be fine also. The F/A-18 grip has the opposite angle problem.
  4. Yes and no. There is a mod that solves the wrong angle part, but at the cost of increasing the gap between the handles.
  5. The Server.lua, View.lua and SnapViewsDefault.lua overwrite user adjusted cockpit view settings, please remove them. Deleting them does not affect intros to the missions, so they can be safely deleted forever. I do that myself , but its a chore to redo every time DCS updates. Every single mission has them, eg Mission 7 here:
  6. I've lost count how many times I've reflown the whole campaign, or some of its missions. Keiki Kobayashi' s music, the ambiance, the intros, the characters, the voiceovers, combined with DCS visuals and physics of course... As someone who grew up adoring Ace Combat before growing out of it, and playing Rising Squall is like Ace Combat grew up WITH me. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for this! PS I still think that Rising Squall set with FC3 modules would convert many-many-many more AC fans. I know for a fact that some/many actually tried Rising Squall but the jump from AC to full fat DCS module was too much for them.
  7. Перенесу из ветки вопросов. Полностью теряется управление после повторного взлета с авианосца. Треки прилагаю. https://app.box.com/s/u4jy6lpozgsdkyiyutdhn9gfnb56hhtu https://app.box.com/s/htkgomz4mo1dnvgxvd9rdq7b9e3f72ex
  8. Все сделал - от чистки и ремонта, до свежей папки Saved Games, статтеры в этом треке не ушли (если не перезапускать игру/трек). У меня интерес не только шкурный, этот простой короткий трек стабильно воспроизводит статтеры - может и вам поможет найти корни этой штуки? Пишите если еще чем-то смогу вам в этом помочь. DxDiag https://app.box.com/s/brb0xzqe3d3vfqvqmecjom8o5qq04vym Сам трек еще раз вот: https://app.box.com/s/u4jy6lpozgsdkyiyutdhn9gfnb56hhtu Видео: С более тяжелыми Марианами и Апачем статтеров нет (настройки те же, плюс мой любимый ограничитель фпс Нвидия:)) :
  9. Спасибо еще раз за участие! Сделал по инструкции, вот csv: https://app.box.com/s/wxhqe65ie8ozjjkz773zikunw1crx1t2 https://app.box.com/s/ubf4pdftft04gc07g208xlsjx06yqxy7 И видео со статой РиваТюнера (извиняюсь за голос за кадром в одном моменте - семейные дразнилки :))
  10. Тоже спасибо! Записал видео этого же трека в Single Threaded, причем выкрутил MSAAх4 вместо дешевого DLSS который был в видео выше с MT ибо DLSS в ST нету. Графики памяти и остального тоже добавил. Статтеров практически нет.
  11. Спасибо! Я провел еще эксперимент, и у меня тоже (почти) нет статтеров если перезапускать этот трек, и много статтеров если запуск на свеже включенном компе со свеже включенном ДКС. Системник: 8700к 4.8Ггц, 32гб, 3080ртх, 4к разрешение. DxDiag: https://app.box.com/s/t6mg44woor96y069kcszjuni0eaa3opv Много статтеров: Почти нет статтеров (тот же трек): Трек: https://app.box.com/s/u4jy6lpozgsdkyiyutdhn9gfnb56hhtu
  12. Стабильно много статтеров при пролете мимо и посадке на авик Форрестал в MT версии. При появлении и взлете держатся 60фпс, при развороте и посадке обратно просадки до 11фпс. Трек прилагаю. https://app.box.com/s/u4jy6lpozgsdkyiyutdhn9gfnb56hhtu
  13. В моем случае спасением было отключение внутри игрового ограничителя фпс: от зависаний на полсекунды возле небольших аэропортов в Неваде до обычного плавного полета. Я начал подумывать о режиме ST и парковщиках ядер, но этот небольшой совет спас меня от потери рассудка. Я переключил внутриигровой ограничитель с 65 кадров в секунду на 300 кадров в секунду, в панели управления Nvidia по-прежнему ограничено значением 61 кадр в секунду. Возможно я поторопился, в Заливе на ровном месте большие фризы. На скриншоте карта Залива, сингл плеер, совершенно пустая. Бывают в пустыне каждую пару минут или чаще, но можно и город насквозь пролететь на бреющей и ничего не заикнется... Запутанное дело этот МТ) Система 8700К 4.8Ггц, 32Гб, 3080ти, 4к разрешение. ЗЫ Посоветовали поставить внутриигровой ограничитель фпс на 180 вместо 300. Попробовал тотже прохват над заливом - стало лучше, но может просто эта местность вошла в кэш... Запутанное дело этот МТ)
  14. This was a complete game changer in my case, went from massive spikes and 1/2sec freezes near little airports in Nevada, to buttery smooth flying. I was beginning to consider ST mode, but this little tip saved my sanity. I switched the in-game limiter from 65fps to 300fps, still have fps limited to 61 in Nvidia control panel. ED really needs to remove the in game FPS limiter as it is near game breaking.
  15. Хотелка про более удобную систему настройки детента форсажа: Настройки оси тяги чтоб были не 0%-------------------------------100% как сейчас (и куча маяты с тонкой настройкой форсажа и кривыми), а чтоб была отдельная настройка MIL power и отдельно Afterburner 0%-------------------------------MIL POWER и MIL POWER -------100% AFTERBURNER. То есть, чтоб настройка ограничивалась процессом "толкнул РУД от нуля до детента" для настройки mil power и "толкнул РУД от детента до 100%" для настройки форсажа. С Наступающим Новым Годом!
  16. Чтобы добавить J-11A в список самолетов России, добавляем одну строчку в DCS World OpenBeta\Scripts\Database\db_countries.lua cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "J-11A"); результат: local units = country:get("RUSSIA").Units cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "Su-33"); cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "Su-25"); cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "MiG-29S"); cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "MiG-29A"); --------------------------------------------- cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "J-11A"); cnt_unit( units.Planes.Plane, "Su-27"); Хорошо бы еще мод, чтоб переименовать J-11 в Su-27SK...
  17. No probs and thanks for looking into this! The steps issue is simple: there are 3 settings you can fly with with Winwing FSSB: 1)Displacement + Force. If you draw a Sine wave in joytester with this setting, you will notice a horizontal step in the wave every time you transition from stick movement to force only. In flying this results in a hesitation/dead zone, but not in the centre as with usual joysticks, but during this transition. This is bad. 2) Force Only. Here there is no step, but all of the stick's physical travel is ignored, inputs only begin to register when you move the stick to the end of its travel and where the force sensing starts. So you have a huge massive dead zone in the middle. This is also bad. 3) Real. The guy in the video (RL Tornado pilot in the past) could not understand the point of it as it was hyper sensitive and impossible to draw shallow sine waves. So also bad. He found option 1 to be the least bad of the 3, but still bad. His findings were confirmed by his RL F-16 pilot buddy (John Raahauge, in the comments to the vid), who ended up switching to from Winwing FSSB to Real Simulator FSSB (and was happy with the result). The question is whether this was addressed by Winwing since the video...
  18. Well spotted, thanks! I forgot to revert it after the experiment. Edited my prev post.
  19. You're absolutely right! Massive thanks (although the answer was staring me in the face all along )! The following solves the issue with the TrackIR virtual head: add these lines to \Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\View\Server.lua : ViewSettings["FA-18C_hornet"] = { Cockpit = { [1] = {-- player slot 1 CameraViewAngleLimits = {20.000000,110.000000}, CockpitLocalPoint = {3.533,1.156,0.0}, CameraAngleRestriction = {false,90.000000,0.500000}, CameraAngleLimits = {200,-90.000000,90.000000}, EyePoint = {0.16000,0.100000,0.000000}, ShoulderSize = 0.25, Allow360rotation = false, limits_6DOF = {x = {-0.08,0.40},y ={-0.3,0.065},z = {-0.18,0.18},roll = 90.000000}, }, }, -- Cockpit Chase = { LocalPoint = {-5.0,1.0,3.0}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,0.000000}, }, -- Chase Arcade = { LocalPoint = {-21.500000,5.618000,0.000000}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,-8.000000}, }, -- Arcade }
  20. But the camera position is exactly the same - same Server.lua, I reset the view in the beginning, everythin is the same. Opentrack neck transitions the camera so as to avoid the seat, and if this option is disabled (and if using TrackIR) the transition cannot avoid the seat. To be concrete, the question is: how to initiate forward transition of the virtual head sooner without relying on Opetrack?
  21. Thanks for the tip, but it doesnt work even with 0.75 shoulders. Just to be clear, I am trying to make the transition so that there never a view like in the screenshot, with the seat covering view: The weird thing is that if I use Opentrack instead of TrackIR then this option does EXACTLY what I want (and it actually makes this whole thread pointless as it works even with default views). Here is a quick vid (everything is the same as above, but I'm using Opentrack with "Neck" option set to 15cm) The big question is how to achieve the same effect without the Opentrack option (I wish TrackIR hardware supported Opentrack, or that they updated theirs with new features like this neck option!)...
  22. Could someone help me to finetune my settings to avoid the seat corner obstracting 1/3 of my screen when I turn my head? Here is a quick video with what I mean. I'd like to keep the default head position as far back as possible, but to move the virtual eyes' position forward earlier as I turn the virtual head. I tried increasing the shoulder width, but shoulders only kick in once I turn past 90deg by which time I already have seat corner in my face... Here are my current settings in Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\View\Server.lua ViewSettings["FA-18C_hornet"] = { Cockpit = { [1] = {-- player slot 1 CameraViewAngleLimits = {20.000000,120.000000}, CockpitLocalPoint = {3.533,1.156,0.0}, CameraAngleRestriction = {false,90.000000,0.500000}, CameraAngleLimits = {200,-90.000000,90.000000}, EyePoint = {0.05000,0.100000,0.000000}, ShoulderSize = 0.25, Allow360rotation = false, limits_6DOF = {x = {-0.08,0.40},y ={-0.3,0.065},z = {-0.18,0.18},roll = 90.000000}, }, }, -- Cockpit Chase = { LocalPoint = {-5.0,1.0,3.0}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,0.000000}, }, -- Chase Arcade = { LocalPoint = {-21.500000,5.618000,0.000000}, AnglesDefault = {0.000000,-8.000000}, }, -- Arcade }
  23. It's only training, so skip the mission in the main menu and play the next one. Bugs and imperfections are there, but I absolutely LOVE the training campaign by Cothesis, it's such a massive addition not just to the (also brilliant) Rising Squall, but to DCS F-18 in general. It's concise and to the point, funny ("Relax, it's totally scientific that you can rearm in mid-air..."), has nice hand drawn pictures, voiceovers - all set in the quirky Ace Combat atmosphere that Rising Squall also so brilliantly captures. Cothesis, I salute you for your wonderful art!
  24. Танки в ДКС не подходят под движок игры - плоская\скучная рельефная сетка, нет физики взаимодействия танка со стенами домов, заборами, деревьями, колесной техникой и проч. Нет грязи и деформации почвы. Нет окопов и подходящего танкового и пехотного ИИ. Конечно на КАКОЙ-ТО уровень Combined Arms тянет как игра\сим, но до уровня авиации в ДКС -мирового лидера- ей просто не достать Это факт ДНК движка ДКС. Зачем гнаться за вторым зайцем (танко-сим), когда заранее понятно, что он болезный и опустит общую арифметическую планку ДКС?
  25. Yep, that's the email I used. He sometimes replies on the same day, and sometimes you have to email him again after a coup[le of weeks... Just the way it is, but apart from that I have nothing but good things to say about him - nice man and excellent products.
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