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My solution for a flexible and relatively cheap (VR) setup

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Posted (edited)

Now that I've tweaked it to the point that I probably won't change much anymore, I thought I'd share my VR setup.

So far I haven't seen this setup approach being used by anyone else, so maybe it can help others that are searching for ideas.


My custom seat is based on:

  • (33.7mm) aluminium scaffolding pipes
  • some plywood
  • a few sheets of foam rubber (I just used old and worn garden furniture).
  • Several bolts, nuts and screws

All in all it costed me about €200,-



The main advantages of using scaffolding are: 

  • It's slightly cheaper than the widely used 3030 (T-slot) square profile and its mounting accessories
  • I find it far more flexible than square profiles, because you can achieve any inclination angle desired
  • It's easier to create (and far more flexible again) than a plywood only design
  • It's rock solid
  • It's very easy to loosen up, reposition, change angles
  • It builds quite small (footprint of my setup is 180cm x 90cm) (as you can see, I don't use a 4000" curved 8K screen though 😉)


The cons:

  • Well, one could say it might not look as "clean" as one of those square framed setups and from the outside it definitely doesn't look like one of those beautifully shaped cockpits that pass here from time to time... But, as I play VR only, I'm personally not bothered by that, I just want the setup to be a small as possible.



Some pictures:


For pretty much all my fixed wing modules I use this setup


(±75° inclination)



(note that I can fold/rotate the keyboard away, for easy access)



For helo modules I use this setup


(same inclination as above, but throttle mount rotated away)



VIRPIL collective.jpg



For the Viper (side stick) I use this setup


(seat at ±60° inclination and throttle mount mirrored)


(when I'm done arranging my 2nd mortgage or selling a few limbs, next step will be to upgrade my Cougar stick with a force sensor mod) 




And sometimes, when I'm having a one night stand with a racing sim


(Seat in formula 1 (lie down) position) 

(steering wheel can be repositioned depending seat inclination)




Because I build the entire seat and its cushioning myself, it was quite easy to integrate a Gametrix JetPad in there, for just that extra bit of immersion.




Maybe, at some point, a dedicated gear lever would be nice to add, but apart from that I don't use or need any additional button boxes because, well... Pointctrl:




Quite happy with the result and I can't think of anything I'd do differently if I were to build my setup again from scratch.




Oh and here's two pointless but atmospheric photos

(not that I ever play in this kind of darkness, because my Reverb's inside out tracking needs all the light it can have 😋)





Edited by sirrah
  • Like 9

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM - Realsimulator FSSB-R3


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH


VERY nice setup.  Looks like I have a ways to go.


Love the PointCTRLs




Win 10 Pro, Intel i7 12700k @4.6 GHz, EVGA RTX 3080  FTW, Ultra 64 GB G.Skill DDR4 3600 RAM, Acer 27" flat screen, HP Reverb G2, TM Warthog HOTAS with Virpil warBRD base, MFG Rudder Pedals, Virpil TCS Rotor Base with AH-64Dcollective, TrackIR 5 Pro w/Vector Expansion, PointCTRL.

17 minutes ago, AndyPeacock said:

That ALPHA L on the collective base looks slick! How does it feel to use, do the angles feel ok when using a joystick grip rather than the dedicated collective head?


It feels very natural. When I first looked at it, I was afraid the grip radial angle was too far off, but I was wrong. The Alpha-L grip is very ergonomic when mounted on the collective base.

I can't compare it with the Shark grip, because I don't own it, but I'm very happy I changed my order to the Alpha-L. I think it'll be perfect for the Apache

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM - Realsimulator FSSB-R3


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH


That's good to hear. Apache was my main reason for looking at the Alpha (that and I think the combo looks amazing). Its just a shame that Virpil don't do their grip and base offer on the Alpha/Collective combo.


Your setup looks super clean by the way. I never considered using scaffold tubes when I set my rig up, but it does look nice.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, weaselgx said:

Very nice setup! I’m also looking to build a seat. How does your seat change the incline angle?

You simply loosen up a few hex bolts (see photo) and move or rotate the seat into the desired position.


So, although not done by the flip of a switch, swapping between setups as shown in my OP, costs me just a minute or two.






Below my initial design. As you can see I changed it quite drastically over the past year, but the idea/principle of the seat adjustment hasn't changed.










Edited by sirrah

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM - Realsimulator FSSB-R3


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH


Very nice multi functional cockpit!  You could spend a fortune on gaming chairs and pre-built cockpits but there is something very satisfying in designing and building your own..at a fraction of the cost and custom fitted ! Seat looks super-comfy too.


I went down the car seat/MDF route for mine earlier this year ( but managed to post the build in the VR section instead of this one)




  • Thanks 1

RYZEN 5900X | 32GB | ASUS Strix RTX3090 | 500GB NVMe OS 1000GB NVMe DCS | Warthog HOTAS | HP Reverb G2 | VA & ViacomPRO

My DCS Apps:    Radio KAOS for DCS      KB Quick - Quick and Easy Kneeboards


Thank you very much! Going to reuse some of your ideas here! 

Just got the Virpil collective and can’t easily mount to my office chair so it looks like I’ll need to build this soon 🙂

29 minutes ago, weaselgx said:

Thank you very much! Going to reuse some of your ideas here! 

Just got the Virpil collective and can’t easily mount to my office chair so it looks like I’ll need to build this soon 🙂


Glad to read this 🙂 


Oh, and I feel honored that you awarded me with your 3rd post since 2011 🙇‍♂️


  • Like 1

System specs:


i7-8700K @stock speed - GTX 1080TI @ stock speed - AsRock Extreme4 Z370 - 32GB DDR4 @3GHz- 500GB SSD - 2TB nvme - 650W PSU

HP Reverb G1 v2 - Saitek Pro pedals - TM Warthog HOTAS - TM F/A-18 Grip - TM Cougar HOTAS (NN-Dan mod) & (throttle standalone mod) - VIRPIL VPC Rotor TCS Plus with ALPHA-L grip - Pointctrl & aux banks <-- must have for VR users!! - Andre's SimShaker Jetpad - Fully adjustable DIY playseat - VA+VAICOM - Realsimulator FSSB-R3


~ That nuke might not have been the best of ideas, Sir... the enemy is furious ~ GUMMBAH


very interesting. Another pointctrl fan here. I was about to chime in recommending some shakers or jetseat when I saw the gametrix remote; nicely done.
your cable management is very smart.
thank you for sharing your work, happy flying/racing.

i5 8400 | 32 Gb RAM | RTX 2080Ti | Virpil Mongoose T-50 base w/ Warthog & Hornet sticks | Warthog throttle | Cougar throttle USB | Orion 2 throttle base w/ Viper & Hornet grips| VKB T-Rudder Mk IV | Oculus Rift S | Buddy-Fox A-10 UFC | 2x TM MFDs & 1x WW DDI | 2x Bass shakers | SIMple SIMpit chair | WW TakeOff panel | Andre JetSeat | WW Hornet UFC | WW Viper ICP

FC3 - Warthog - F-5E - Harrier - NTTR - Hornet - Tomcat - Huey - Viper - C-101 - PG - Hip - SuperCarrier - Syria - Warthog II - Hind - South Atlantic - Sinai - Strike Eagle - Phantom - Mirage F1 - Afghanistan - Irak

  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

That setup does look very, very cool!!!  Again, though, it's that small thing we call "money" that's stopping me from putting together a setup like that.  I've already got some very simple flight controls (a LogiTech H.O.T.A.S collective and cyclic that a dear friend (who also put together this new computer for me that I'm using to type this message) but as far as the "cyclic" and "collective" flight controls are concerned, I'm waiting to see what a company called MicroHelis.de does with their "cyclic" and "collective" flight controls - especially the pricing.  They're doing pretty good as far as the controls (the 'collective', for right now) go, though, and it looks awesome!!!


Here is MicroHelis Bell 222/230 controls in preparation on the website.  

Bell 222/230


Edited by Tony Trout
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