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Radar broke/got stuck and not sure why.


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I was cycling through mode and went back into RWS and my radar seemingly got stuck or broke or something. Not sure. In the video you can see the sequences I went through that lead to it. I even put the radar back in standby, and turned it off/on again (although not shown), and it still didn't fix anything.



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1 minute ago, Rainmaker said:

Would be outstanding if you have a track.  Looks like it got hung after it dropped a lock. 

How do I obtain a track?

If the radar is hung, is there a known way to get it working again?

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Just now, Onslott said:

How do I obtain a track?

If the radar is hung, is there a known way to get it working again?

After the mission ends, you have the option on the debrief screen to save the track file. Can be found in your saved games DCS folder in the tracks folder. Upload here. 

Unknown if there is a way to fix. Have not seen that bug personally, but I’m only one person. 

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8 minutes ago, Rainmaker said:

After the mission ends, you have the option on the debrief screen to save the track file. Can be found in your saved games DCS folder in the tracks folder. Upload here. 

Unknown if there is a way to fix. Have not seen that bug personally, but I’m only one person. 

Thanks! But the file is too large unfortunately

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1 hour ago, near_blind said:

You're on radar channel A1. What are the odds that your buddies in Enfield 12, 14, or Ford 64 were also using radar channel A1?

iirc, this isnt implemented yet.

Also, I think I remember in some video video that if you crank too hard and the radar dish hits the bump, you can actually break it. I think this is indicated by the "JAM" at the top of the radar. I'm not 100% sure on this, so if anyone knows if this is a thing, please let us all know!

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7 hours ago, near_blind said:

You're on radar channel A1. What are the odds that your buddies in Enfield 12, 14, or Ford 64 were also using radar channel A1?

why would interference make the antenna stop moving?

obviously this is a bug.


also notice the values in top left corner became nonsensical and its walking through bars extremely fast. the scan pattern got stuck at 0 degree width.

Edited by dorianR666

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X


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I had this last night. There wasn't a reproducible sequence I could see, but its characterized by the azimuth bar number moving impossibly fast and the sweep itself disappearing. Off and on didnt fix, I dunno how you managed to get out of it, or what it is yet.



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I'm gonna take a wild guess here, but I feel like it has something to do with losing a lock while in TWS mode.

I had 3 PVP sorties earlier and encountered this exact bug on every single flight when I was about to engage people, exclusively using TWS mode. So, I decided to stick with STT only and I was finally able to unload all my missiles and RTB for the 1st time without the bug.

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I've had this problem and the way I've remedied it was by entering an Auto Acquisition mode like Supersearch or VTS. 

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Discord: @dsplayer

Setup: i7-8700k, GTX 1080 Ti, 32GB 3066Mhz, Lots of Storage, Saitek/Logitech X56 HOTAS, TrackIR + TrackClipPro
Modules: F-14, F/A-18, JF-17, F-16C, Mirage 2000C, FC3, F-5E, Mi-24P, AJS-37, AV-8B, A-10C II, AH-64D, MiG-21bis, F-86F, MiG-19P, P-51D, Mirage F1, L-39, C-101, SA342M, Ka-50 III, Supercarrier, F-15E, F-4E
Maps: Caucasus, Marianas, South Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Syria, Nevada

Mods I've Made: F-14 Factory Clean Cockpit Mod | Modern F-14 Weapons Mod | Iranian F-14 Weapons Pack | F-14B Nozzle Percentage Mod + Label Fix | AIM-23 Hawk Mod for F-14 

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Hi everyone. I don't understand the rave reviews about the F-15E radar. Four Il-76 MDs flying at 25,000 ft towards my F-15E at the same altitude. The radar detects transports at 100 nm. At 50nm it loses contact and there is no way to re-acquire them. At 30nm I see trails ahead of me. The radar sees nothing (!) even though it is set at 40 nm with the same initial elevation (transports go straight ahead at the same initial altitude). At 10nm I decide to use AAQ and finally one gets locked on. Ridiculous. I don't understand what's wrong and what settings I should make with such a trivial situation (I imagine small and maneuvering targets are invisible ... not even by continuously pointing the radar at them! I didn't even have a Mig-21!!!!)

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4 hours ago, flavnet said:

Hi everyone. I don't understand the rave reviews about the F-15E radar. Four Il-76 MDs flying at 25,000 ft towards my F-15E at the same altitude. The radar detects transports at 100 nm. At 50nm it loses contact and there is no way to re-acquire them. At 30nm I see trails ahead of me. The radar sees nothing (!) even though it is set at 40 nm with the same initial elevation (transports go straight ahead at the same initial altitude). At 10nm I decide to use AAQ and finally one gets locked on. Ridiculous. I don't understand what's wrong and what settings I should make with such a trivial situation (I imagine small and maneuvering targets are invisible ... not even by continuously pointing the radar at them! I didn't even have a Mig-21!!!!)

Skill issue.

But no really, the radar is absolutely worth raving over. I got a track on a Mig-29 at around 150 miles in 2TWSH. And yes, it dropped relatively quickly, but the fact that this is possible is amazing.

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Hi Kamsa12, do you know the command to switch between targets in TWS as it is for the F-16 or F-18. From the videos on Youtube it seems that it is necessary to bring the cursor of the TDC on the target and to do "TDC press". But it seems to me really poor as a system! Thanks in advance.

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4 hours ago, flavnet said:

Hi Kamsa12, do you know the command to switch between targets in TWS as it is for the F-16 or F-18. From the videos on Youtube it seems that it is necessary to bring the cursor of the TDC on the target and to do "TDC press". But it seems to me really poor as a system! Thanks in advance.

If I remember correctly boat switch aft short will quick step between targets.

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Discord: @dsplayer

Setup: i7-8700k, GTX 1080 Ti, 32GB 3066Mhz, Lots of Storage, Saitek/Logitech X56 HOTAS, TrackIR + TrackClipPro
Modules: F-14, F/A-18, JF-17, F-16C, Mirage 2000C, FC3, F-5E, Mi-24P, AJS-37, AV-8B, A-10C II, AH-64D, MiG-21bis, F-86F, MiG-19P, P-51D, Mirage F1, L-39, C-101, SA342M, Ka-50 III, Supercarrier, F-15E, F-4E
Maps: Caucasus, Marianas, South Atlantic, Persian Gulf, Syria, Nevada

Mods I've Made: F-14 Factory Clean Cockpit Mod | Modern F-14 Weapons Mod | Iranian F-14 Weapons Pack | F-14B Nozzle Percentage Mod + Label Fix | AIM-23 Hawk Mod for F-14 

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  • 1 month later...

I just encountered this issue as well. My WSO was trying to lock a bandit in TWS mode when the issue appeared. It looked a bit like the radar lost the contact an instant after my WSO locked it and resulted in the issue shown by @Onslott

Unfortunately this happened on a big MP server, so no track file 😔

Edited by QuiGon

Intel i7-12700K @ 8x5GHz+4x3.8GHz + 32 GB DDR5 RAM + Nvidia Geforce RTX 2080 (8 GB VRAM) + M.2 SSD + Windows 10 64Bit

DCS Panavia Tornado (IDS) really needs to be a thing!

Tornado3 small.jpg

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  • 5 weeks later...

Reproduced when in TWS and marking a contact, then another nearby contact is jamming. 

Makes the cursor and targeting info disappear. Resettable via unlock and going to ACM mode. 

The behaviour persists also when selecting a different radar channel. 

Track and video attached.

F15E_radar stuck jammer.trk

Edited by de.Impact
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I’ve had similar issues, unfortunately in MP too so no track. It’s hard to reproduce. 
I tried locking someone, gut absolutely bonkers number on range etc. lock dropped and radar became unresponsive (TDC cursor vanished, could not use AG radar anymore, as it said that AA is in use). 
Waiting a bit, switching between modes, pressing auto acq. Nothing worked anymore. at some point it started working again as if nothing happens on its own. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/3/2023 at 11:19 AM, de.Impact said:

Reproduced when in TWS and marking a contact, then another nearby contact is jamming. 

Makes the cursor and targeting info disappear. Resettable via unlock and going to ACM mode. 

The behaviour persists also when selecting a different radar channel. 

Track and video attached.

F15E_radar stuck jammer.trk 70.53 kB · 3 downloads


Hi, thanks a lot for the track!

I'm trying to analyze it. I'm not sure it's really stuck in this case, what I see is a multiple "end of bar" event caused by some unidentified yet scan pattern bug that causes the TWS frame to prematurely end and brake the lock as no contact is found. It doesn't look stuck as in other reports.
I will look at what goes wrong here anyway. If anyone manage to makes a similar short track showing the actual "stuck" state, and let it running in that state a bit (10s is enough), this could be extremely helpful.

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Here is the update! Will be included in october patch:

 - Fixed a bug where TWS freezes the radar in presence of AoJ returns
 - Fixed TWS struggling to convert a HoJ track into full track in some cases

Second line should solve most issues people had, misinterpreting them for wrong burn through ranges. This was in fact track correlation / kalman filtering problems, you can see the actual "burn through" ranges in RWS quite well as every return is displayed without track processing.

Edited by Kercheiz
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