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LASTE not working for A10CII


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Hi, was working on LASTE in A10CII.  This is using CDU to get wind info from flight.  I.e. Alt 0 or just from takeoff, and 1000 ft, 2000 ft, 5000 ft, and up to 10000 ft.  Using the CDU the data does not correlate with Briefing.  so is this a bug?  I did my BFQ in Mid June, with my Squadron.  It was working then.  I know of several updates have passed.  I being lazy use the spreadsheet version to get missions done.  But for further studies I keep the correct way to do LASTE by CDU.  Well now that it does not work as it did in June 2023.  Hope this helps. 

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I think I understand what you're describing, but I'm not 100 % sure.

Could you post a track showing the problem and point out exactly where the briefing differs from the values measured in flight?

Does this affect wind speed, wind direction, or both?

Is this purely a problem with the data displayed, or do your weapons miss as a result of bad wind info?

Do you manually enter wind data into the CDU, and if so, how do you retrieve and calculate this data in the first place?

Which version of DCS are you running?

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I swear there was a thread recently that I can't find now, where I recall where people tested out the WIND LASTE settings, and found that entering them made no difference now.  It seemed like now the CDU already has the wind data corrected for regardless of whether they did air starts vs cold starts.  Hmm, now I'm wondering if I saw it in a discord forum somewhere.

Edited by jaylw314
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9 minutes ago, jaylw314 said:

I swear there was a thread recently that I can't find now, where I recall where people tested out the WIND LASTE settings, and found that entering them made no difference now.

IIRC the resident SMEs have said for ages that LASTE does a great job of collecting and updating wind information and that pilots basically don't touch the manual wind entry, unless there are very specific circumstances.

There was also the question if manually entered wind data does anything at all in the jet; I recall a video (or was it a forum discussion...?) years ago where active pause was used and it was shown that the CCIP pipper does indeed move depending on the manually entered wind data, and in essence manually entered data can and does have an effect on targeting. But as I recall it, the difference between the generally suggested method of calculating wind data from whatever was entered in the ME and the automatically gathered data by LASTE was so minimal that it's just not worth calculating and entering this stuff for every flight.

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16 minutes ago, Yurgon said:

IIRC the resident SMEs have said for ages that LASTE does a great job of collecting and updating wind information and that pilots basically don't touch the manual wind entry, unless there are very specific circumstances.

There was also the question if manually entered wind data does anything at all in the jet; I recall a video (or was it a forum discussion...?) years ago where active pause was used and it was shown that the CCIP pipper does indeed move depending on the manually entered wind data, and in essence manually entered data can and does have an effect on targeting. But as I recall it, the difference between the generally suggested method of calculating wind data from whatever was entered in the ME and the automatically gathered data by LASTE was so minimal that it's just not worth calculating and entering this stuff for every flight.

That was the gist of the conversation, that nowadays the manually entered LASTE WIND settings don't seem to significantly move stuff like the CCIP pipper anymore like in those experiments from a couple years ago, so there may have been a subtle change somewhere in the meantime, but I didn't do the testing or remember the details

On 9/6/2023 at 10:33 AM, Griffintwosix said:

Hi, was working on LASTE in A10CII.  This is using CDU to get wind info from flight.  I.e. Alt 0 or just from takeoff, and 1000 ft, 2000 ft, 5000 ft, and up to 10000 ft.  Using the CDU the data does not correlate with Briefing.  so is this a bug?  I did my BFQ in Mid June, with my Squadron.  It was working then.  I know of several updates have passed.  I being lazy use the spreadsheet version to get missions done.  But for further studies I keep the correct way to do LASTE by CDU.  Well now that it does not work as it did in June 2023.  Hope this helps. 

FWIW, the LASTE WIND settings on the CDU are only supposed to be populated if entered manually.  The automatic wind data collection by the LASTE all happens under the dashboard and the pilot doesn't have access to them

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