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You can do that. I have done it on my X52 Pro this Way :


"CMSC-Button JMR" --> on Pinky Switch + E Button on the Throttle to switch between Jammer Modes.


"HOTAS CMS Z-Axis" --> On E Button to activate / deactivate the Jammer.


Just look for the mentioned Functions in the Control Options. :)


awesome, thanks!. i figured it could be mapped but i just didnt know the actual key mind title in the controls setup pg.:pilotfly:

Branch Sustainability and Integration Officer


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'Sup. I gotta problem with guided bombs. In quick mission 2 trucks are already marked, so i can drop bombs. I tried to play mission "weapon training". Bit target "tanks" hasn't it, how to mark it? Sry for stupin language, nut i still learning English

Posted (edited)
I tried to play mission "weapon training". Bit target "tanks" hasn't it, how to mark it?


I suggest that you read thru the DCS A-10C_Quickstart_Guide.pdf. You can find it in the installation directory. It tells you all the essential stuff of target designation using TGP, HUD and Maverick. :thumbup:


edit: link to quickstart guide: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/downloads/documentation/dcs_a-10c_quickstart_guide_en/

Edited by FreeFall
Sorry, i know how to drop G12 but on quick start, i have marked targets. so i have 2 lines so i dont have any problems. (Picture 1) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/651/62965390.jpg/


Problem is on one of missions. How to mark targets like on picture 1, because i have only one line (picture 2) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/96483396.jpg/


Not sure if I'm right, but I think in image one, you're bomb is set to release in ccrp mode. You have your own flight line, as well as a target cue line that lines your flight up to do a basic fly-over. In image one, either you aren't line up with your target, or you aren't in ccrp mode. In ccip, I believe you have to make a dive at the target to get the reticule on it.

Owned: Ryzen 3900x, MSI AMD 470x mobo, 32gb 3200MHz ram, Gtx 1660 Ti, 970 Evo Plus 500GB, MsFFB2, TIR5, TMWH+18c Stick, MFG Crosswinds, Buttkicker/SSA, WinWing F-18C . Next is VR for simpit

Art Of The Kill:

Guest masterwon

serial number


sorry if in wrong forum


I reinstalled a10 to new rig but cant find the serial number, from memeory it was on the back of the manual which is missing of course:doh:


before i get a support ticket can the serial number be located elsewhere?

Posted (edited)

before i get a support ticket can the serial number be located elsewhere?


So you still have the old rig and operating system untouched?


I'm away from my sim pc atm, but check this message:




HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Eagle Dynamics\Warthog

your license key and activation crap live here


I hope you can find your serial number this way.

Edited by FreeFall
typo etc.

Hi, I am a newbie to A-10C Warthog and am trying to get to grips with the manual startup etc. After I have run the sequences and started both engines I need to check the flight controls from the outside. I do this by pressing F2. When satisfied that the controls are responding correctly, I want to return to the cockpit view. I do this by pressing F1. This gets me back into the cockpit no problem but when I want to look around the cockpit (my trim switch is set by default to be my view switch), the view movement is accelerated incredibly from what it had been before I went to the F2 view and back with F1. The movement is so quick, it is almost impossible to use the switch. To get it back to normal, I have to restart the simulation and not go to the Exterior F2 view. I would be really grateful if anybody could help me with this problem. Many thanks!

Not sure if I'm right, but I think in image one, you're bomb is set to release in ccrp mode. You have your own flight line, as well as a target cue line that lines your flight up to do a basic fly-over. In image one, either you aren't line up with your target, or you aren't in ccrp mode. In ccip, I believe you have to make a dive at the target to get the reticule on it.



Im sure, I making it right. I checked so many times which mode is selected in bombs, its CCRP. On Pic number 1 trucks are marked by green square. And on second picture square is in the skies, maybe there is way to move this target square?

Im sure, I making it right. I checked so many times which mode is selected in bombs, its CCRP. On Pic number 1 trucks are marked by green square. And on second picture square is in the skies, maybe there is way to move this target square?


Square, nothing but a square? No line extending from the square?


Actually, your designated target should be:

With HUD: Tadpole

With TAD: Wedding Cake

Im sure, I making it right. I checked so many times which mode is selected in bombs, its CCRP. On Pic number 1 trucks are marked by green square. And on second picture square is in the skies, maybe there is way to move this target square?


Set your SPI with TMS Fwd Long with the TGP as SOI. Properly done, you will see a line extending from the TGP diamond in the HUD, indicating that the SPI has been designated. Also look at the bottom-left of the HUD for the SPI-Generator cue, in this instance TGP. The green square is irrelevant as that is your Steerpoint indicator.

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'....And when I get to Heaven, to St Peter I will tell....

One more Soldier reporting Sir, I've served my time in Hell......'

After I have run the sequences and started both engines I need to check the flight controls from the outside.

You can check them pretty effectively from the inside. There are keypresses you can use to move your view laterally, though I'm not sure what they are since I use TrackIR.


I do this by pressing F2. When satisfied that the controls are responding correctly, I want to return to the cockpit view. I do this by pressing F1. This gets me back into the cockpit no problem but when I want to look around the cockpit (my trim switch is set by default to be my view switch), the view movement is accelerated incredibly from what it had been before I went to the F2 view and back with F1.


Does the field of view change at all when you go back into the cockpit? By default when the game starts up, the view 'zooms out' a bit until it gets to a resting position. If you reset the view to default (NUMPAD ENTER?) it'll actually jump in a little bit. Maybe when you're returning to the cockpit the zoom is set to a different level, so the response seems different?


I'd also try just hitting F1 while already in the cockpit to see if that triggers the behaviour, and see if you can control the camera with the trim hat in the external view, and if that's accelerated/overly sensitive.


The NUMPAD cursor keys also allow you to control your view by default - do they exhibit the same behaviour, or is it only the joystick hat switch?

Set your SPI with TMS Fwd Long with the TGP as SOI. Properly done, you will see a line extending from the TGP diamond in the HUD, indicating that the SPI has been designated. Also look at the bottom-left of the HUD for the SPI-Generator cue, in this instance TGP. The green square is irrelevant as that is your Steerpoint indicator.



Thank you, it works. Sorry for wasting time of all here to help me.

Thank you, it works. Sorry for wasting time of all here to help me.


Jolly good :)


Oh yes, never apologise for asking questions - we are always happy to help. Better a question asked than not at all.

Novice or Veteran looking for an alternative MP career?

Click me to commence your Journey of Pillage and Plunder!


'....And when I get to Heaven, to St Peter I will tell....

One more Soldier reporting Sir, I've served my time in Hell......'


Is it possible to set a SPI to a target of the CM-radar?

Say I'm about to enter a combat-area and my radar picks up a AAA; naturally, I first want to take out the AntiAir with a Maverick, but I have no idea how to target it.


Hi guys and many thanks for all your help. With your help I have finally worked out how to fix the problem. When I first start the sim up I have to press the Pause/Break key. I have to ensure that the F Lock button is OFF. The sim starts and then I have to press the F Lock button to ON. If I forget to put the F Lock button to ON then as soon as I press F1 or F2 etc, the whole sim accelerates. Radio comms sound 4 x faster than the Chipmunks and views are next to impossible to control.


Any ideas how to return the sim to normal speed if this happens?


Once again guys - many thanks for your help.

Hi guys and many thanks for all your help. With your help I have finally worked out how to fix the problem. When I first start the sim up I have to press the Pause/Break key. I have to ensure that the F Lock button is OFF. The sim starts and then I have to press the F Lock button to ON. If I forget to put the F Lock button to ON then as soon as I press F1 or F2 etc, the whole sim accelerates. Radio comms sound 4 x faster than the Chipmunks and views are next to impossible to control.


Any ideas how to return the sim to normal speed if this happens?


Once again guys - many thanks for your help.


For me (european keyboard):

Left Strg + Y = Faster;

Left Shift + Y = Normal speed;


Depending on your system-setting, you might have to use Z instead of Y

Is it possible to set a SPI to a target of the CM-radar?

Say I'm about to enter a combat-area and my radar picks up a AAA; naturally, I first want to take out the AntiAir with a Maverick, but I have no idea how to target it.

No! You have to do this the hard way:

- recognize the direction from which the threat occurs relative to your current position

- look in that direction and align to remarkable points in line, say a village and a lake etc.

- fly a circle in the opposite(!) direction of the threat (autopilot on ALT mode)

- align the TGP in the rough direction of the line up mentioned

- know your RWR codes and the ranges of the enemies radar

- slew the TGP in the direction of the threat and look at the distance shown on the TGPs lower right corner

- now do a search pattern with the TGP from left to right alternating and a bit further out on every path until you find the threat...


...or to do it quick and dirty:

- check what threat it is

- know the engagement envelope of the threat and cruise just slightly inside it until they shoot at you

- evade and try to identify the position


A wingman is very handy to spot the buggers while you fight the missiles :D



- Flying Sims since 1984 -:pilotfly:

Win 10 | i5 10600K@4.1GHz | 64GB | GeForce RTX 3090 - Asus VG34VQL1B  | TrackIR5 | Simshaker & Jetseat | VPForce Rhino Base & VIRPIL T50 CM2 Stick on 200mm curved extension | VIRPIL T50 CM2 Throttle | VPC Rotor TCS Plus/Apache64 Grip | MFG Crosswind Rudder Pedals | WW Top Gun MIP | a hand made AHCP | 2x Elgato StreamDeck (Buttons galore)


Hi all, i'm slowly delving into DCS A-10 and i really like what i'm seeing so far. My biggest problem right now is to get my HOTAS to work. Could you perhaps point me to a HOTAS profile for an Saitek x52Pro joystick and give me some recommendations as to the setting of the joystick axis? I don't know if i get all the settings for the different axis right but the standard config of the axis feels rather twitchy.


Thank you all very much

- know your RWR codes and the ranges of the enemies radar

- slew the TGP in the direction of the threat and look at the distance shown on the TGPs lower right corner


Hm I thought the radar only displays direction & threat-level; meaning contacts closer to the center are the most threatening, but giving no indication about range?


How can I make out how far the target is away?

You're right. RWR only indicates type and level of threat. Closer to the middle means high threat, outer edge is a lesser threat. There is no way to tell distance.

So to take out a AA, my only option is to scan the indicated direction over all reasonable ranges?


You don't have a radar. It's a radar warning receiver, which is a very different device - or at least, a device with a different purpose. Other than that, you are correct.


Hm I thought the radar only displays direction & threat-level; meaning contacts closer to the center are the most threatening, but giving no indication about range?


How can I make out how far the target is away?


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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