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Here is the location to get the newest EDM tools. The package is built every night, hence why there are many files. Since some items such as glass making, and alpha channels have changed, please ask your questions here and I will try my best to answer them. I personally use 3ds max 2010, so if there is any issue where someone would like me to look at something, please save your file for version 2010.


Link for EDM plugins: (Use the most recent builds. DO NOT use anything 62806 or before) (Plugins are now only for x64 versions of 3DS Max)



Link for standalone Modelviewer: (Last verified version is 115338.), (Only works on 64bit systems)



Q/A For EDM Tools:


1) What is .EDM?

A: EDM is the new format that began with DCS: A-10C.


2) How is it different than the old .LOM format?

A: EDM is a much more flexible method and has the ability for Specular and Normal maps along with other features.


3) I am currently working a model/ have a finished model that I made for the .LOM format. What do I need to do?

A: EDM has supports all arguments that LOM has. The only difference will be some touch-up work to make it compatible.


4) What are the biggest touch up things that need to be done?

A1: To correct textures: Textures need to have a special material type assigned to them. This is done by opening the Material Editor (M key). Select your texture slot. Then click on Utilities, EDModelTool, then click "Make Cool". If you do not see EDModelTool, Click 'More' in the Utilities tab and select it. Back in the Material Editor, you will now see a new category called "Material Attributes". For most items, use "Default" in the pull down section. Do this for each material slot and export normally.


A2: To correct glass: Glass is no longer created by a checkbox selection field. It is created by a combination of a texture with an alpha channel, (TGA/ PNG) and 3ds max settings. The transparency level is controlled in the alpha channel of your texture, the color of the glass is done in the main channels. Once that is finished, follow the above steps but instead, select "Glass" as the material. Under "Blinn Basic Paramaters", pick your TGA/ PNG texture for the Diffuse and the Opacity channels.


A3: To correct collision: Collision detection is no longer done by using a combination of a bounding box and non-renderable mesh. To create a collision model, Make a mesh that represents the basic shape of your model. In the "User Defined" tab of the mesh's properties, enter: TYPE = "collision_shell";.


A4: To correct alpha channels: In the Material Editor, under "Material Attributes", change Opacity from "None" to "Blend".


5) HELP! My model has this weird looking gloss to it!!

A: In the "Material Editor", change the reflection value from the default 100 to 0.


6) How do I create a Normal map?

A: There are a few programs that will automatically create a Normal map from your basic texture. One if them is available on Nvidia's website if you are using Photoshop.


7) My model exported with no errors but I see nothing

A: Verify that you assigned the correct material. See question 4, answer 1.


8 ) What version of 3D Studio Max do I need?

A) The plugins work with 3D Studio Max 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016 Only 64bit versions are supported.



Q/A for Modelviewer:


1) What is the Modelviewer?

A) Modelviewer is a way to visually see how your model will appear in the game engine without actually having to start the game.


2) What are the requirements?

A) The only requirement is a x64 based system.


3) I have a 32bit system. Why am I unable to run it?

A) The standalone version of Modelviewer only contains 64bit binaries.


4) I get an error saying that the file JConfigurator.dll is missing. What is happening?

A) You have a broken early build. Uninstall and install build 59511 or later.


5) Can I test arguments in Modelviewer?

A) Yes. Make sure Modelviewer is full screen. Towards the top right, change the value in the field "Arg #" to the argument you desire. The top middle of the screen to see the animation limits.


6) What are the other controls for Modelviewer?

A) Holding the left mouse button rotates the camera. Holding the right mouse button zooms in and out.


7) Help! I get "Warning Missing Texture" in place of my texture!!

A) Put your textures in \Bazar\TempTextures of your Modelviewer install.


8 ) Help! I get an error MSVCR100.dll being missing.

A1) Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) package: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=14632

A2) If this still does not help, you may need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x64): http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679

9) I get this message: "WARNING NGMODEL: Model 'vfs:///models//model.edm' uses old format, convert please."

A) Install newer plugins and it should solve your issue. (Use anything above build 62806)

basic model guide.pdf



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Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo




Many thanks m8 ;)

Simulatori: DCS A-10C II Warthog - DCS F/A-18C Hornet - DCS F-16C - VRS F/A-18E - 
HOTAS: TM Warthog - Cougar \ HP Reverb G2 \ WinWing Panels

Tally: I see the degenerate commie who wants to ruin our day.


Are they all just progressive updates and we only need to download the latest one?


Most should have the same functionality. When something new is added, I will try to figure it out and post at beginning from which version the new feature is included in

Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo


Awesome, thanks LuckyBob.


Can you please explain the differences in texture maps now compared to the LOM export tools using just Diffuse Colour.

I.e. which ones should we use in material editor and any tips, like the amounts to set next to the texture (my default bump map is 30)?


Basically what I'm asking is which maps can we now use with EDM export tools for DCS; Diffuse Color, Specular Color, Specular Level, Glossiness, Self Illumination, Opacity, Filter Color, Bump, Reflection, Refraction and Displacement.


Many thanks,


Awesome, thanks LuckyBob.


Can you please explain the differences in texture maps now compared to the LOM export tools using just Diffuse Colour.

I.e. which ones should we use in material editor and any tips, like the amounts to set next to the texture (my default bump map is 30)?


Basically what I'm asking is which maps can we now use with EDM export tools for DCS; Diffuse Color, Specular Color, Specular Level, Glossiness, Self Illumination, Opacity, Filter Color, Bump, Reflection, Refraction and Displacement.


Many thanks,



Bump is whatever amount you want. It just increases the strength of your normal map. Trial and error is the best.


Diffuse, Specular, Bump all work. Reflection works by using the numbers 0-100 No texture works with it

Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo


Thx downloading...

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D



Hey guys,


I have a couple questions when switching over to the EDM model format.


My first question is if the lockon aircraft animation arguments are the same as DCS aircraft arguments? If not could someone direct me into the right path on where to locate the new DCS arugments.


Second question. Does EDM format allow for multiple sub-materials?



Hey guys,


I have a couple questions when switching over to the EDM model format.


My first question is if the lockon aircraft animation arguments are the same as DCS aircraft arguments? If not could someone direct me into the right path on where to locate the new DCS arugments.


Second question. Does EDM format allow for multiple sub-materials?




Same arguments


Pretty sure it supports subchannels. I have never tried though. Try it :)

Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo

...Since some items such as glass making, and alpha channels have changed...


Has something fundamental changed here? A quick export of previous models with glass or textures with alpha channels show no change.


This is good stuff... too bad I can't make models... and I also think this should definitely be a STICKY ;)

No longer active in DCS...

... and I also think this should definitely be a STICKY ;)


Has been for a while already :)

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'....And when I get to Heaven, to St Peter I will tell....

One more Soldier reporting Sir, I've served my time in Hell......'


Thanks for the answers guys!

Here is another problem I ran into yesterday. I tried to export a model yesterday as an .EDM and replace the object with the A-10.EDM . After doing that I found out that my object was not appearing as the A-10.EDM. When in F2 mode the object (A-10) was invisible. So, is there an extra step I'm missing? This is what steps I took to put my object into game.

1st. Imported my model into 3ds max 2011 64-bit

2nd. Assigned material/ Bitmap texture. Assigned material a unique name.

3rd. Exported as A-10.EDM

4th. Replaced A-10.EDM in Bazar/World/Shapes

5th. Placed texture into TempTextures

6th. Loaded up A-10 quick mission

7th. F2 View (External View)

8th. No object visible

I thought I was doing everything correct. I noticed in the shapes folder there are A-10 LOD.edm's. Should I also replace those with my object?


Posted (edited)

Perfect Beczl, that fixed the problem for me.


Edgepilot, select all objects in your model, click on the tools icon, more and select EDM tool, then click Make Cool and export.

Edited by Ells228

1st. Imported my model into 3ds max 2011 64-bit

2nd. Assigned material/ Bitmap texture. Assigned material a unique name.

3rd. Exported as A-10.EDM

4th. Replaced A-10.EDM in Bazar/World/Shapes

5th. Placed texture into TempTextures

6th. Loaded up A-10 quick mission

7th. F2 View (External View)

8th. No object visible


I thought I was doing everything correct. I noticed in the shapes folder there are A-10 LOD.edm's. Should I also replace those with my object?



Step 2a) In the the new EDM tool plugin on the far right, select your textures, then click "Make Cool". then assign your material properties in the new options that appear in the material rollout. Usually selecting "Default" is fine.

Nevada map contributer

EDM Modeling tools FAQ:


Seo libh a chairde is chanadh liom. Líonaigí'n oíche le greann is le spórt. Seo sláinte na gcarad atá imithe uainn. Mar cheo an tsléibhe uaine, iad imithe go deo


After finishing my model, and placing in the game I ran into a problem when trying to start a mission. I receive the error "Unhandled exception: 8 bit indices aren't supported. Node: objAirBra0." The only way I've solved this is to delete the object. Does anyone know how to solve this?

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