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Big HUD Font for A-10C

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It came to my ears that some of you have great difficulties to read the HUD properly because your screen resolution is not sufficient.



Bigger HUD Font

for A-10C





The ReadMe.txt



Bigger HUD Font for A-10C


-all test are made with a DCS World 1.2.4 version




- This mod is JSGME compatible -


Manual installation :


Please copy the

"DCS World" that you find inside of your chosen folder

to the path of your DCS world installation.


example target path: H:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\...




see the images for size




You need a different size?

Edit \Mods\aircrafts\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\HUD\Indicator\HUD_definitions.lua

in line #5


Manual uninstall:


Use the contend of "Default HUD Font" to revert back.




More info and remarks : http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=95797


-PeterP 26.06.2013

I stumbled across this possibility while trying something else.

I'm not using this mod for myself and I tested it only briefly in 1.2.1,

but I'm very confident that this will not brake something else.

I wouldn't call it a "graphical enhancement" - it's more a cheat to overcome the discrepancy between RL Eye-resolution and the pixel-density of the used monitor .

It is really only for the guys that have trouble to read the HUD.


File: A-10C Bigger HUD Font.rar

Size: 138.56 Kb


Edited by PeterP

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Can you please (please) make a Ka50 version?

Would be so great! biggrin.gif

I don't think that it needs a enlargement - it is very good readable even at low res and zoomed out ,

please check this 1024x768 screenshot and tell me what is too fuzzy for you.


Edited by PeterP

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Nice mod.


A quick question for you:

Are you aware of a way to call up a new symbol(s) on the HUD?

I discivered that it's quite easy to get the HUD to render an existing symbol/text in a different place. What I want to do is add a new data block, with some fixed lettering (nothing fancy)


As far as I can tell the files that actually contain this kind if information are not viewable to the end user (or I just missed them). I have been able to edit and change existing symbology but, as I mentioned, have not been able to add anything new.


Perhaps you can confirm that this cant be done, and save me another 5 hours of searching



System specifications: Computer, joystick, DCS world, Beer

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It is so intresting and much fun to read all your posts and what the hell you figure out !! :thumbup:


Due I am back on 2 screens I use my TrackIR Z-axis again for a cool zoom. I know .. its kind of chaeting but I am nearly 45 years of age ... so its allowed ;)


However ... a nice tool !!

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I don't think that it needs a enlargement - it is very good readable even at low res and zoomed out ,

please check this 1024x768 screenshot and tell me what is too fuzzy for you.




In this view distance you´r right but most of the time i have zoomed out to see also the side windows to watch for missle launches, wingmans ground movements ... . On my seconds screen i have the skhval and abris for detailed view. for me its also easier to fly with zoomed out to half of the side windows.

In the weapon mode the alt/head. and speed could be a little bigger for me.

maybe its just my flying method but i really would like to try some different font sizes and colours.

:matrix: =SPEED IS LIFE=:matrix:


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Nice mod.


A quick question for you:

Are you aware of a way to call up a new symbol(s) on the HUD?

I discivered that it's quite easy to get the HUD to render an existing symbol/text in a different place. What I want to do is add a new data block, with some fixed lettering (nothing fancy)


As far as I can tell the files that actually contain this kind if information are not viewable to the end user (or I just missed them). I have been able to edit and change existing symbology but, as I mentioned, have not been able to add anything new.


Perhaps you can confirm that this cant be done, and save me another 5 hours of searching




This can be done, but you should be aware that this needs editing many of the files that can be found in the "HUD" folder - as they rely at each other .

This need a deeper knowledge how a texture is drawn on the HUD. - Simple swapping/editing of some lines will not do it.


Whatever you have in mind - the symbols like pipers and lines are stored in \DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\A-10C\Cockpit\Resources\IndicationTextures

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In this view distance you´r right but most of the time i have zoomed out to see also the side windows to watch for missle launches, wingmans ground movements ... . On my seconds screen i have the skhval and abris for detailed view. for me its also easier to fly with zoomed out to half of the side windows.

In the weapon mode the alt/head. and speed could be a little bigger for me.

maybe its just my flying method but i really would like to try some different font sizes and colours.

Yes - seems to be your flying method.




I hope what now follows will not create a information overload at your end :).




KA-50 HUD Colours:


I f you want just want to change colours in the Ka-50 change this file :


\DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Scripts\HUD\HUD_init.lua

at line #72


From this:

indication_color = get_color(materials["GREEN"])

grid_color = get_color(materials["AMBER_HUD"])

night_color = get_color(materials["HUD_NIGHT"])

To this (example that paints every mode 100% Red):

indication_color = {255, 0, 0, 255}

grid_color = {255, 0, 0, 255}

night_color = {255, 0, 0, 255}

! it will start with the normal/day night colour (depending at your starting time) - but it will change to your chosen colour once you switched to a different mod with the selector right under the HUD. !


Here is how to simply "calculate" the needed RGB numbers for a certain colour:



Or - instead of putting RGB values you can use a pre-defined "MATERIALS" expression like it is done in the original lines .


Here is a list of the pre-defined Colours that you can chose from and it can be found here: \DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Scripts\materials.lua

BTW - you can add also your own colours when done in the same syntax - and you can use them in any file of DCS as long the file contains this line:




materials = {}

materials["EKRAN_STNCL"]= {255, 0, 0, 255}

materials["RED"] = {255, 0, 0, 255}

materials["HUD_NIGHT"] = {127, 128, 45, 255}

materials["ORANGE"] = {243, 116, 13, 255}

materials["ORANGE_2"] = {255, 180, 0, 255}

materials["YELLOW"] = {255, 255, 0, 255}

materials["YELLOW_2"] = {255, 255, 0, 60}

materials["AMBER_HUD"] = {255, 255, 0, 255}

materials["GREEN"] = {0, 255, 0, 255}

materials["GREEN_2"] = {0, 255, 48, 70}

materials["DARK_GREEN"] = {60, 135, 0, 255}

materials["BLUE"] = {0, 0, 255, 255}

materials["CYAN"] = {113, 204, 250, 255}

materials["PURPLE"] = {255, 0, 255, 255}

materials["SIMPLE_WHITE"] = {255, 255, 255, 255}

materials["BLACK_IND"] = {0, 0, 0, 255, 255}

materials["BLACK2"] = {5, 5, 5, 255}

materials["BLACK3"] = {5, 5, 5, 120}

materials["LIGHT_GREY"] = {245, 245, 245, 255}

materials["DARK_GREY"] = {94, 100, 72, 255}

materials["GREY"] = {160, 160, 160, 255}

materials["GULL_GREY"] = {94, 147, 170, 255}

materials["VIOLET"] = {204,102,204,255}

materials["BROWN_GLASS"] = {94, 72, 12, 100}

materials["BRIGHTNESS_MASK_BLACK"] = {0, 0, 0, 0}

materials["DIGITAL_RED"] = {204, 26, 18, 255}

materials["DIGITAL_GREEN"] = {36, 148, 102, 255}

materials["SAM_BLUE"] = {0, 0, 255, 50}

materials["SAM_RED"] = {255, 0, 0, 50}

materials["SHKVAL_RECT"] = {0, 255, 255, 255}

materials["WHITE_2"] = {255, 255, 255, 120}

materials["PENCIL_GREY"] = {38, 38, 38, 255}

materials["RED_TRANSPARENT"] = {255, 0, 0, 100}

materials["GREEN_TRANSPARENT"] = {0, 255, 0, 100}

materials["YELLOW_TRANSPARENT"] = {255, 255, 0, 100}


KA-50 HUD Font:




And getting a bigger font is far more complicated as in the A-10 and can't be achieved through a simple file edit - as resizing the Boxes in which the numbers are displayed will almost always brake the functionality of the HUD.


So You will have to make some graphical edits with a painting program (e.g Gimp) and edit this file :

DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Resources\IndicationTextures\Indication_hud_ka-50.tga


You want to resize only the numbers within their "Box Limits" .





So Do what I pointed out above to change HUD Font-size and/or Colour - or simply take care that you fly with a wingman that warns you when someone tries to knock you down while you are watching the HUD.


As I said before,

I don't see any need to edit the original Ka-50 HUD to make it better readable for people on low-res ,

But feel free to play with the options I gave you and load up a version that will work for others. -I would include them to posting one and ask the Mods to rename the tread -so it will also indicate that it contains a edit for the Ka-50. (But please don't expect any further assistance from me)

Edited by PeterP

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the HUD got a bit cluttered for me , .....


Yes - I also wouldn't call it a "graphical enhancement" - it's more a cheat to overcome the discrepancy between RL Eye-resolution and the pixel-density of the used monitor .

It is really only for the guys that have trouble to read the HUD.



And as I said - I also don't use it myself - I have a vertical res of 1792 available (going over to monitors and the top row has 3840 horizontal). - so I have plenty of room to show the Hud in a readable size even at a FOV beyond 110°.


This Mod was done more or less by "accident" while researching something completely diffrent.

Edited by PeterP

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Yes - seems to be your flying method.




I hope what now follows will not create a information overload at your end :).





KA-50 HUD Colours:


I f you want just want to change colours in the Ka-50 change this file :


\DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Scripts\HUD\HUD_init.lua

at line #72


From this:

To this (example that paints every mode 100% Red):

! it will start with the normal/day night colour (depending at your starting time) - but it will change to your chosen colour once you switched to a different mod with the selector right under the HUD. !


Here is how to simply "calculate" the needed RGB numbers for a certain colour:



Or - instead of putting RGB values you can use a pre-defined "MATERIALS" expression like it is done in the original lines .


Here is a list of the pre-defined Colours that you can chose from and it can be found here: \DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Scripts\materials.lua

BTW - you can add also your own colours when done in the same syntax - and you can use them in any file of DCS as long the file contains this line:





KA-50 HUD Font:




And getting a bigger font is far more complicated as in the A-10 and can't be achieved through a simple file edit - as resizing the Boxes in which the numbers are displayed will almost always brake the functionality of the HUD.


So You will have to make some graphical edits with a painting program (e.g Gimp) and edit this file :

DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Ka-50\Cockpit\Resources\IndicationTextures\Indication_hud_ka-50.tga


You want to resize only the numbers within their "Box Limits" .





So Do what I pointed out above to change HUD Font-size and/or Colour - or simply take care that you fly with a wingman that warns you when someone tries to knock you down while you are watching the HUD.


As I said before,

I don't see any need to edit the original Ka-50 HUD to make it better readable for people on low-res ,

But feel free to play with the options I gave you and load up a version that will work for others. -I would include them to posting one and ask the Mods to rename the tread -so it will also indicate that it contains a edit for the Ka-50. (But please don't expect any further assistance from me)






Thanks a lot for the intro!

i will start with editing the colour :-) and trying to mod the HUD.


thanks :thumbup:

Edited by Watari

:matrix: =SPEED IS LIFE=:matrix:


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Peter: Is there a way to adjust the text size to somewhere between default and your mod? As Badger said above, it's a bit cluttered (for my resolution anyway) and just a bit smaller would really do the trick.

i9 9900k - GTX 2080 Ti - MSI Z87 GD65 Mobo - 64GB HyperX Predator RGB DDR4 3200MHz - Win10 64 bit - TM Warthog w FSSB R3 mod - TrackIr 5.




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Peter: Is there a way to adjust the text size to somewhere between default and your mod? As Badger said above, it's a bit cluttered (for my resolution anyway) and just a bit smaller would really do the trick.

Please revisit posting #1.

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  • 2 months later...



Another great mod, saves my aging eyes, thanks. Jeez... Still can't rep you yet.


i7 10700K OC 5.1GHZ / 500GB SSD & 1TB M:2 & 4TB HDD / MSI Gaming MB / GTX 1080 / 32GB RAM / Win 10 / TrackIR 4 Pro / CH Pedals / TM Warthog

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for this and your other mods. I've been using this one, plus your "proper neck" mod. I've also been using EMC, which you were involved in, to output my MFCDs to a second monitor. My question is, when I update to 1.2.3 I'm assuming all these will be overwritten? If so, is it safe to just reapply the mods, or should I wait (and hope) for updated versions of the mods.

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My question is, when I update to 1.2.3 I'm assuming all these will be overwritten? If so, is it safe to just reapply the mods, or should I wait (and hope) for updated versions of the mods.


Yes, the update will remove the mods. As for reapplying them...somebody has to test them why not you??!! :D


I haven't tested everything but PeterP's neck and EMC seem to be working just fine on 1.2.3.


If you are using Helios you should look at this though, since there is a gotcha there.



Edited by cichlidfan

ASUS ROG Maximus VIII Hero, i7-6700K, Noctua NH-D14 Cooler, Crucial 32GB DDR4 2133, Samsung 950 Pro NVMe 256GB, Samsung EVO 250GB & 500GB SSD, 2TB Caviar Black, Zotac GTX 1080 AMP! Extreme 8GB, Corsair HX1000i, Phillips BDM4065UC 40" 4k monitor, VX2258 TouchScreen, TIR 5 w/ProClip, TM Warthog, VKB Gladiator Pro, Saitek X56, et. al., MFG Crosswind Pedals #1199, VolairSim Pit, Rift CV1 :thumbup:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi PeterP,


I also use your A10C Stereoscopic HUD fix and I can NOT get your BIG HUD Fix to work with Stereoscopic hud fix.. I looked in the LUA file for the SterescopicHUD I applied under GME and I changed the NEW K to 54 but it does not apply the Bigger HUD Font, What am I doing wrong??



EDIT: I fixed it by moving the New_K and Old_K Line back to line 5 & 6. with the Stereoscopic HUD Fix it was moved to line 10 & 11. and the Big HUD Font fix was not working.. I got it all squared away now thnx PeterP for the mod..

Edited by The_Nephilim

ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4-AC / Intel i7 11700K @ 5.0Ghz / Noctua DHS-14 Heatsinkw/Fan /  Samsung 980 Pro M.2 NVME 2TB  /  MSI 4070Ti Ventus GPU /  RipJaws - 64GB RAM @3200  /  SoundBlaster Z  / Reverb G2 VR /  ThrustMaster HOTAS Cougar  / Buttkicker Gamer 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

just found this, tried it and all this old guy can say is


thank you,

thank you,

thank you, Peter P :thumbup:

+1 + 1up...

Acer AMD Phenom II x 4 840T, 16 gb. memory, Zotac GTX580 Amp2 3GB, 40" Philips tv, Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog, Saitek Combat Rudders , Cougar MFCD's w/ 21.5" LG monitor, DSD Track Master button box, 3rd. century Roman field comanders helmet w/ Track IR 5, Windows 7 Home P.


“God is a comedian, playing to an audience that's afraid to laugh.”... Voltaire


"Diplomacy is the practiced art of being able to confidently say 'nice doggie' until you find a rock" ... Tom Clancy

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