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This fixes it.


As expected, take-off assistance was enabled (auto rudder was disabled)


Sorry, what's the fix? Just updated to 1.2;2 and no Misc options.


Yes, this fixes it. Thanks!



Download the Optionsdata.zip that ophiuchus attached above.


Unzip the file into your DCS World/Mods/Aircraft/P51D/Options folder.


Done, the P51D tab is back and you can set those options as you see fit.

DCS A10C Warthog, DCS Black Shark 2, DCS P51D Mustang, DCS UH-1H Huey, DCS Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Flaming Cliffs 3, Combined Arms


System: Intel i7 4770k @4,2GHz; MSI Z87-G65; 16GB DDR3 1600 MHz RAM; 128GB SSD SATA3 (system disk); 2TB HDD SATA3 (games disk); Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X; Windows 7 64bit

Flight controls: Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog; Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder; TrackIR 5; Thrustmaster F16 MFDs; 2x 8'' LCD screens (VGA) for MFD display; 27'' LG LCD full HD main display


Oh... I have both these options set to off in menu, at least that's what I see in relevant bookmark. So reviewing this file that I've attached said something different? I didn't change anything in assists settings prior to posting this.




Your installation had these options available.

Our istallation didn't. We didn't even see the P51D tab in the 'special' section.


The problem was the missing optionsData.lua file, which you had in your folder, while we didn't.


You kindly posted your file and solved all our problems :)

DCS A10C Warthog, DCS Black Shark 2, DCS P51D Mustang, DCS UH-1H Huey, DCS Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Flaming Cliffs 3, Combined Arms


System: Intel i7 4770k @4,2GHz; MSI Z87-G65; 16GB DDR3 1600 MHz RAM; 128GB SSD SATA3 (system disk); 2TB HDD SATA3 (games disk); Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X; Windows 7 64bit

Flight controls: Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog; Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder; TrackIR 5; Thrustmaster F16 MFDs; 2x 8'' LCD screens (VGA) for MFD display; 27'' LG LCD full HD main display


I used the auto-updater also for the 1.2.2 install and the options in the "special" tab are gone (P-51 and A-10C, did not check other planes).


Apparently the auto updater ate the special options. Wonder what else may have been gobbled up and never made it to my install?


Do any of the developers read these threads? How about an acknowledgement of the problem?



3rd Mar Div

RVN '66-'67


jjohnson241: use the solution described on the previous page. Download the .lua file, unzip it in the proper folder, problem solved.


Ofcourse, I expect ED will fix this so we don't have to do stuff like this in the future. But for now, a solution is available.

DCS A10C Warthog, DCS Black Shark 2, DCS P51D Mustang, DCS UH-1H Huey, DCS Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Flaming Cliffs 3, Combined Arms


System: Intel i7 4770k @4,2GHz; MSI Z87-G65; 16GB DDR3 1600 MHz RAM; 128GB SSD SATA3 (system disk); 2TB HDD SATA3 (games disk); Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X; Windows 7 64bit

Flight controls: Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog; Saitek Pro Flight Combat Rudder; TrackIR 5; Thrustmaster F16 MFDs; 2x 8'' LCD screens (VGA) for MFD display; 27'' LG LCD full HD main display

I used the auto-updater also for the 1.2.2 install and the options in the "special" tab are gone (P-51 and A-10C, did not check other planes).
You can restore the P-51D tab by using the file that ophiuchus posted. A-10C doesn't have a "special" tab.
  • ED Team


Brieth translation:


Attached file must be copied to

"%DCS World%\Mods\aircrafts\P-51D\Options\optionsData.lua"

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me


Is the Take off demonstration training track broken for anyone else now? The dude in the track just crashes after a few seconds he starts to take off. Or is it due to an older change?


my P-51D rudder options tab was also missing and had to install that attached option file.. thanx..


ASUS Strix Z790-H, i9-13900, WartHog HOTAS and MFG Crosswind

G.Skill 64 GB Ram, 2TB SSD

EVGA Nvidia RTX 2080-TI (trying to hang on for a bit longer)

55" Sony OLED TV, Oculus VR



Thank you gents. I just bought the P-51 and never saw that option.


As a hardcore simmer, I thought the take off were kinda easy.


I desactiver the 100% help this morning. And wow ! That's nice :)


Asus Z390-H - SSD M.2 EVO 970 - Intel I9 @5.0ghz - 32gb DDR4 4000 - EVGA 3090 - Cougar FSSB + Virpil WRBRD + Hornet Stick - Thrustmaster TPR Pedal + WinWing MIP + Orion + TO and CO pannels - Track IR5


i tried taking off with bombs and 30% fuel and i cant get it off the ground, and when i go no bombs and a little fuel it goes up like a helicopter.....

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

hey guys, i'm new to DCS and the P51....as i just read this thread, i noticed, that i was lacking these two options as well...so i unzipped the file, and now i have those two options...

so thx for that...but now i have two more questions:

-will such a "mod" cause any problems when flying online in regards of some kind of "cheating-detection"?


-should i get rid off(turning the slider to the left to 0) the take-off assistance, to have the most realistic FM?


thx for your answers!


EDIT: just for your information. i bought it just yesterday, the german disk version in an electronic store.installed it, and it seemed to auto update itself.when i was looking at the menu, i saw the "special" tab in the menu options, but when i looked into it, it was completely empty...

Edited by 9./JG27 DavidRed
  • ED Team
hey guys, i'm new to DCS and the P51....as i just read this thread, i noticed, that i was lacking these two options as well...so i unzipped the file, and now i have those two options...

so thx for that...but now i have two more questions:

-will such a "mod" cause any problems when flying online in regards of some kind of "cheating-detection"?


-should i get rid off(turning the slider to the left to 0) the take-off assistance, to have the most realistic FM?


thx for your answers!


EDIT: just for your information. i bought it just yesterday, the german disk version in an electronic store.installed it, and it seemed to auto update itself.when i was looking at the menu, i saw the "special" tab in the menu options, but when i looked into it, it was completely empty...


How did you like the video - Roaring Glory Warbirds"?

Having problems? Visit http://en.wiki.eagle.ru/wiki/Main_Page

Dell Laptop M1730 -Vista- Intel Core 2 Duo T7500@2.2GHz, 4GB, Nvidia 8700MGT 767MB

Intel i7 975 Extreme 3.2GHZ CPU, NVidia GTX 570 1.28Gb Pcie Graphics.

How did you like the video - Roaring Glory Warbirds"?



Hello Jim!


well to be honest, i was sooo eager to put myself into the cockpit, starting the engine, and pulling this crate up into the air, that i havent had the time yet to watch the vid....but thx for remembering me that there is a vid!i will watch it now!


btw, meanwhile i managed to get my first kill in the instant action dogfight mission....this AI is hard to fight and soo much fun!thx ED!

  • 1 month later...
  • ED Team
my P-51D rudder options tab was also missing and had to install that attached option file.. thanx..


There was bug in 1.2.2 installer (no special options tab for Mustang), fixed in autoupdate (Nov. 12, 2012). Current version worked correctly.

Men may keep a sort of level of good, but no man has ever been able to keep on one level of evil. That road goes down and down.  
Можно держаться на одном уровне добра, но никому и никогда не удавалось удержаться на одном уровне зла. Эта дорога ведёт вниз и вниз.

G.K. Chesterton

DCS World 2.5: Часто задаваемые вопросы


Options available for No, its still difficult unless your legs are moving against each other like a quick pendulum.



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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