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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. EricJ

    USN Su-33 Camo

    I think it's okay really, or not grey enough. This scheme has a habit of looking different at various angles. Yeah I'm getting to the tailcodes, just getting the tail insignia up that's all. The thing about the F-14A skin is that it's not real extensive, so I can take a little time and be lazy on it.
  2. EricJ

    USN Su-33 Camo

    Rendition of VF-2's OIF tour, 2003.
  3. hehe yep, it's impressive for sure and some of the other ones I've noticed (though not as extensive, though the A-10 model was nicely done when I collapsed the gear on a real hard landing earlier) and it's looking better as they go along..
  4. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/4/41/Su-27_armament.jpg/800px-Su-27_armament.jpg Probably not the best shot, but here's another one: http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/su27/images/su27_4.jpg http://www.softwar.net/J11.JPG That might be better...
  5. Hey Hellcat61, here's a rather interesting track (okay, the ending is something out of the ordinary...) on getting frisky with GBU-16s: http://562.50megs.com/LOMAC/Tracks/Gbutest3.rar
  6. Let's say I'm just avoiding the CAG for as long as possible...... :D
  7. Yeah I am too. What you have to do is turn on your Rangefinder (SHIFT + O) then enable the Optical Seeker (Key O) then move the pipper onto the target (doesn't have to be preplanned) and lock. At this point you have to map "Launch Permission Override" somewhere on the joystick as it's needed to launch the weapon. Now the tricky part, if you're not familiar with LGB use, Su-33 wise, is that it needs to fall within two bars on the left hand side of the HUD. Usually a diving or semi-level attitude will get you within the bars. If all fails, nose up and climb slightly to get a better "window". Note you have to designate for the GBU's while the KAB-500s are launch and leave. Here's a track of me using them (for the screenies) that could help: http://562.50megs.com/LOMAC/Tracks/gbutest.rar Lock On 1.12 That should help more than swamping the topic with alot of screenies... I post enough as it is..
  8. I just used LOPE to hang them on, took it out for a test flight, and viola, they work, except the MER*3 GBU-16 stuff though...
  9. Bolter #2 Bolter #3 Finally Landed
  10. Kh-31a's (thanks Colt40Five for the help on that one)
  11. Well, to pretty much say it, Dice knows the A-10 quite more than most of us. I'd see one but then again if it's cleared, then it can carry it. But whether or not it has actually dropped one is a matter of conjecture since the task of the A-10 is close air support, not deep strike, but with Afghanistan, it may have.
  12. EricJ

    USN Su-33 Camo

    And apply it so it doesn't go to total waste: Just out of reflection, it's pretty sad when the missiles are better looking than the aircraft. I sure hope they update this joker for BS..
  13. EricJ

    USN Su-33 Camo

    Messed around with more weathering effect:
  14. JonTex, most of the time, moderators enforce the "rules" of what can be equated to a private golf or any other club. By using this site, you are legally using a private service, i.e. company forums, which is owned by a private company. So while "here" you are on "private property" and subject to enforcement by the moderators, i.e. the club owners to either be banned, deleted, etc. by not following those rules. Sure you can get into the argument that your own country has certain rights, but the moderators are legally able to restrict you from this site if they deem it necessary. So in essence, this gives the moderators to enforce the forum rules as they see fit. If they feel a post is going to start a flame war, then the moderator has to step in and "punish" you by giving you a warning. It flags you, i.e. gives the moderators more ammunition to tell the community manager, "Hey this person is causing trouble, ban him" and so on.
  15. http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=18925&page=5 Here's some more, if you drop single LGBs then they work as they should (along with the KAB-500) provided you launch it within the parameters on the HUD or they'll just go wherever. Funny thing about the KAB-500 though, once you release, it pretty much guides on it's own, so you can use them more in a fire and forget manner. Not sure with the LGBs as if the HUD symbology stays, I keep the lock going.
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