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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Thanks :), I use some modded textures taken from the F-16 canopy and used a hex editor to use the textures just for the Su-33. As for the lighting? I have it set for "all planar" or just that I have a good video card. And it reminded me of something else too:
  2. As for compression... I figure it's easier with a zip file (it's like 4.5MB without it) and so far haven't found it to be honest with you. Updated though with IguanaKing's help with using LGBs on the A-10.
  3. The F-117A was never designed to have chaff/flare dispensers, mainly rely on IR and radar suppression. So basically the thought was it didn't need it in the first place. I could be wrong as I too never have been near a -117A, but seems logical from the smoothness of it's exterior. As for the Yugoslavia shootdown, it was theorized that it was a combination of an SA-3 and the TAMARA radar, which was designed with anti-stealth properties, since a normal radar disgregards non-radar returns, while TAMARA turns those non-returns into a radar contact. I believe it was the Czech Republic made that, and for them to join NATO, they had to not sell them on the open market. More than likely Russia got a hold of one, or however many by whatever means. Supposedly the S-300s marketing adverts is that it can shoot down cruise missiles, so maybe it's skeptical given real world knowledge (or lack of), but that's probably why they can splash F-117s in LOMAC. And the only way to get the S-300 is to fly below 25m and get within it's 1.5km minimum range ;), or fly real high and dive on top of it.
  4. Damn you all beat me to the punch...
  5. Su-25T as well, and I've done that for the Su-33, though I had to make the nomera.tga file transparent so it doesn't show up: And a non-modded Su-30: As Alfa says, the rendering looks more "realistic" since obviously, national markings are painted on the aircraft and not a seperate thing. Note on the Su-30 how the Stars stay the same, while the rest of the rendering does it's thing. IMO directly painted on makes the skin look better too.
  6. Yeah but when you make a BP (Battle Position), you turn up the ground around it. The only difference would be winter, but that's based on if the BPs are freshly dug, or they have been there for awhile.
  7. Getting a hex editor makes things more intelligible. Note you can change the texture assignments, but that's about it though.
  8. Updated with LGB information and done.
  9. Well I've never mucked too much with PDF files, so I'll look into it when I can. As for hitting moving targets.... as said no, since the tracking system available on the Su-25T is hardcoded for the Su-25T so no luck, have to predict and fire.... And yeah... it's a western looking Su-33, as they say "Russify" your computer, I'll "USify" the Su-33 :D
  10. Hey man, in response to your PM, and my cryptic response, I made a small PDF on using Laser Guided Missiles with planes other than the Su-25/25T: http://562.50megs.com/LOMAC/Tutorials/LGW.zip I was going to include the bombs later on, as I initially tried to do everything, but felt it'd be better to go step by step. So basically it's WIP but should be enough for now.
  11. Well I'm looking more towards weapon mods rather than anything like aircraft, etc...
  12. Thanks! and the only question is, will the Lockon.exe recognize it? or I just copy and paste the new CLSID in the MEinit.xml and be good to go?
  13. Okay, where is this generator? I checked a couple sites I figured would, but no joy..
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