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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. The star is a nomera.tga series file, not directly on the skin, but since it's the original ED lines, yeah it should be fixed, unless there's a difference between an A and C as far as the wings and fuselage?
  2. Trust me it is, there's a definite change in how things are seen and so far I'm quite happy with what the result of it :) It makes some of the day missions alot better to deal with..
  3. Given some people, wouldn't be stretching it too much... But yeah, the code is pretty stringent, edit one single value in the lockon.exe and it's unusable. Like britgliderpilot hinted at, it's just not something that has been done successfully. As far as clunkiness vis a vis A-10s and LGBs...? Nah pretty nice actually: http://562.50megs.com/LOMAC/Tracks/A10samhunt.zip Too easy.... ;)
  4. Sometimes you're just in the mood to do spin recovery training... Just a few for before my New Years happens, have a Happy one!
  5. Being the non-real person flyer I would assume so, since if refuelling quals were important, then life'd be alot easier for pilots. I assume that maybe up to 1.12a not enough hard information was available (though I'd even quickly discount this one myself) or maybe they just scripted it to have it as a placeholder, then come back to it and then implement it how it should be. Needless to say Lock On by itself is a complex sim, so that probably was a lower priority (along with the Su-33 itself in some ways) than some of the other issues at the time, given that only one player flyable can do it.
  6. Somebody once said that you need to fly 15,000ft in order to engage SAMs, and the question is, why?
  7. Yeah, Hawg11 made a texture to represent one, that's all I know.
  8. This is where I do multiple passes on a MSTA, have to learn a better burst technique :)
  9. Yeah I really think it's dependent on your settings. I tend to go with some sort of "average" settings so I'm happy so far with the FPS I do get, which I honestly don't know, but no need to concern myself since as said, is good enough :D
  10. Actually it's supposed to show the internal tinting that I did :D If you look forward, and then to the left of the cockpit frame, you'll see it's not tinted, just compare that to a normal cockpit reflection (it's great for day missions, but night it makes it slightly difficult to see, but it's managable) and you'll notice the difference. Well I got a lot of modded files from previous installations, mods, etc. I have to get back home and double check the files but the file should be modded. As for the file structure, the CDDS are the "master" textures of course. Generally they're programmed to accept a certain size, i.e. like... 512 x 512 with the original Su-33 textures for example. Unfortunately at the time I should have buckled down with 1024 x 1024 but that's a skeleton that slipped out of the closet. So the thing with the "TempTextures" folder is that you can substitute modded files while keeping your install "clean". I.e. for example, the skin size I'm comfortable with now is 1024 x 1024 so I can only (or any skin mods for that matter) put them in the TempTextures directory. The original 512 x 512 file is in there. The CDDS Browser will allow you to extract the files, and in some cases, insert new ones, given that the file you're inserting is the same resolution, i.e. 512 x 512 can only go in there for a 512 x 512 file. Plus it allows ED to sometimes replace jacked up textures (the original cockpit reflection file was just shatty) without always having to make another CDDS file for it. Or in most cases, it's a test area for some times, because as said, you can substitute without replacing the original files. Oh yeah when using this procedure, you must HAVE THE EXACT FILENAME or it won't work. LOMAC sees the TempTexture at some point, and says "Okay, we'll use this texture in lieu of the original" And looking at the old 512 x 512 skins for the Su-33, again I'll at this point kick myself in the butt.
  11. Actually it is pretty cool, too bad I don't have any reference photos handy but looking good ;)
  12. hehe given the US capability in this area, doesn't sound too surprising :)
  13. It would be nice, then you'd have to model the old ASAT program and other assorted stuff. But it does sound great, though I would think landing at a FARP and reloading weapons on a helo is more logical and would be easier. But if they add it to aircraft, then so be it :D
  14. It's snow, you have to have the slider all the way to the right to have a full overcast, but any lower and you'll have a "clear" day with snowfall. That is of course, you have the Seasonal pack installed as well.
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