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Everything posted by DN308

  1. Simple question, is there a chance to have some new campaigns for this module ? And specifically for the new Afghanistan map(s)?
  2. End of the game
  3. Some use to say that we paid for early access and that exactly what we had. Sure. But when I pay for a new car, she’s in early access too when I give my money to the seller, not the manufacturer. If the seller wants me to be happy with a non finished car différent of the retailers, is there a change that I should have to complain to the manufacturer or the seller ? And don’t you think I would lose all my confidence in the seller for good?
  4. Any update on that?
  5. Yeah, for me it’s a no more bucks until I have the proof that the module I bought is supported and completed. Or at least the money back. That’s sad because I love this sim and I wanted to buy the Astan’s map to have the chance to fly over my FOB and support myself on the ground but the actual situation makes me loose any confidence in the ED’s company. and more, what I want is the module, not the money
  6. Sure. I’m not whining, I’m just worried about the fact that I have paid for something that I should loose soon without any consideration for the customers. Of course I will still fly other modules but I’m just really disappointed and concerned
  7. Try to buy a brand new car without the wheels and the windshield, and be happy with that…
  8. Good point leading me to close my wallet for a while regarding DCS. Many thanks for the advice and for my currency’s balance
  9. I mean that we paid already for a full module. Not a semi pre release early access WIP module bugged and stopped
  10. The fact is that we paid for a module and commercially speaking, we need to have it for what we already full sent full payment
  11. Spray n’pray
  12. Would be nice to have a new campaign for this module
  13. Definitely would love a SP campaign in the upcoming Afghanistan map
  14. Hi, is this mod able to use canon and guns?
  15. In the second part released of Afghanistan’s map, please don’t forget these FOBs! They were manned by French troops and saw many action. In particular two battles in Al-Asay valley. In the FOB Tora in the Surobi valley, there was a French tactical drone launch and reconvery site, with a helicopter FARP next to the FOB. I have some info if needed
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  16. At least, there should be a way to let us go from steam to standalone with everything we already bought. I’ve choose Steam I discovered DCS on Steam and with my former sim, it was the only choice
  17. What??? we want this map so bad, especially the A-stan veterans we started with Steam for some reasons at the beginning but we are now unable to change to ED… Anyway, we are not supposed to be ignored like this
  18. Dumb question, sorry… Where do I need to drop the files to see them inflight?
  19. Ok, thank you for your answer
  20. Didn’t seen that answer. Anyway, thanks a lot. That’s freaking sad
  21. Well…? My question is still valid
  22. SDBs are supposed to be available to the A-10CII IOT expend its capabilities and loadout what about our Thunderbolt ???
  23. We are in December now. Two weeks passed slowly since August… So? Any news about these capacities ???
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