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Everything posted by lester

  1. Я думаю все уже в курсе, но на всякий случай: F-16 лишится прицельного контейнера LITENING (который, в данный момент, представляет из себя не соответствующего реальности франкенштейна из LITENING / LANTIRN) и вместо этого получит более старый контейнер LANTIRN и, соответственно, лишится TV режима, это также влечет деградацию качества картинки (разницу можно оценить взглянув на видео Страйк Игла от РАЗБАМ, который также будет идти с LANTIRN в раннем доступе). В будущем для Вайпера также будет доступен контейнер SNIPER, который обладает лучшим разрешением по сравнению LITENING, но более узким полем зрения. Что касается LITENING, то на данный момент у разработчиков нет достаточно информации чтобы смоделировать его корректно.
  2. Запланировано на сегодня (может поменяться в любой момент):
  3. Just noticed this effect from nose gear lights and raindrops in the latest MT patch
  4. Насколько я понимаю это известный баг: Мэтт в комментах к крайнему ролику по Вайперу написал, что планируют пофиксить в следующем патче:
  5. В качестве дополнительного контекста:
  6. Вайпер безусловно отличный выбор: очень agile, обзор, HTS pod/HAD, наличие CBU 97/105, интеграция с ХОТАС ИМХО лучше в Вайпере реализована - особенно заметно после перехода с A-10C. С другой стороны, Хорнет это Carrier Ops, anti-ship миссии, ИМХО больше "рабочего пространства" из-за 3 МФД, JHMCS больше информации, HARM SP mode. Нравятся оба модуля в общем.
  7. My bad then, I recall asking HP support representative about it and its price $89.00 and they told me that's an old one which is not available anymore, so the only available option is $185.90.
  8. That's unfortunately v1 version of the cable which is not available anymore. v2 costs $185.90 in the official US HP Parts Store.
  9. Problem is in WMR for SteamVR. Solved here:
  10. And the problem is gone for me too after switching to the lkg_release of the WMR for SteamVR: tried both missions where I had it before. Thanks again cptmrcalm!
  11. Thank you so much for the research! I'll try to rollback WMR for SteamVR to the lkg_release a bit later today and return back with the results.
  12. Looks like I have similar issue: I got this SteamVR critical error first time on October 8 too. Didn't change anything either. I suspected SteamVR update.
  13. I'm getting SteamVR error during night mission in a Hornet with Supercarrier I never had any problems with before. I initially thought that it might be a mission specific thing when I played Raven One: Dominant Fury mission but then I started getting it every time I play my custom Case 3 Recovery mission in a Hornet with Supercarrier at night I never had any issues with before SteamVR was updated. It starts with some stutters and fails some time into the mission on my way to the marshal stack or when I'm in the marshal stack and look at the carrier direction. SteamVR fails with critical error, but DCS process itself still stays alive. I didn't have this problem in other missions. Update: Turned out I'm observing serious stuttering in other missions too and I also got this error in the F-14A Refueling mission. I guess with SC and/or clouds it's just heavier. fpsVR doesn't show anything different from what I had before. Now I realize that it might be my personal thing, but I noticed another user reported similar error on the Spanish sub-forum: I'm sure it's SteamVR-related issue, but it would be nice to know if anyone else experienced it and are there any specific conditions. SteamVR 1.24.6 DCS NVidia GTX 3090 (tried both most recent 522.25 and older 516.94 versions) i7-10700K HP Reverb G2 Windows 10 P.S. I know about OpenXR and will try to switch eventually.
  14. Sorry for the English here. I'm experiencing exactly the same issue (it's consistent and occurs after some time into the mission). It looks like something is broken with the current SteamVR release (I'm on 1.24.6). I initially thought that it might be related to the specific mission in campaign I played: but then I got it in my own custom mission I played without any problems for ages. May I ask: when you encountered this error, did your mission involve Supercarrier module and was it a night mission? ¡Gracias! UPDATE: Problem is in WMR for SteamVR. Solved here:
  15. I'm also getting error on Mission 08 in VR, tried 4 times already: 3 times when I was close to the WP1 at the assigned altitude, 1 time on my way to the WP1 (i.e. very early in the mission). What's interesting though is that in my case it's SteamVR crashing, DCS process itself stays alive. DCS: SteamVR: 1.24.6 UPDATE: In my case the problem was in WMR for SteamVR update. Solved here:
  16. You were really lucky with that. I'm also out of warranty (I own it ~ 1.5 years) and tried both to chat and call HP Support and the only option they had for me is to buy a new cable (V2), which costs $185.00 (completely new headset now costs $399.00). Luckily I haven't observed the issue I had anymore: several pixel-wide colored vertical lines at the edges on the right LCD screen only, but if it happens again I'd rather go with the new headset.
  17. Just flew this mission this night. I didn't have any issues with ICLS. One issue I experienced though is that during startup on the carrier, it was a moment as if entire ship leaned aside or small instant earthquake happened and it cost me broken landing gear (just in case: I removed wheel chokes right after the mission start), had to restart. On restart this event happened again, but this time with no damaging consequences.
  18. ОФФТОП: Да, но это не то... Хочется фулл фиделити Игла (не Страйк) от ED (ноющим голосом).
  19. На левом MFD выбираю HAD, на правом TGP. Когда радар системы ПВО становится виден на HAD, навожу на него курсор и "выбираю" его нажатием TMS вверх. При этом TGP на правом MFD переключается на примерный район местоположения системы ПВО. Записал трек, вроде сошелся. viper_had_tgp_switch2.trk
  20. А разве HAD позволяет установить точные координаты источника излучения? Насколько я понимаю, выбрав эмиттер на HAD, можно направить другой сенсор (например TGP) на примерный район его расположения и провести доразведку, затем, найдя нужную цель, например создать маркпойнт с TGP как источник координат (создается как стирпойнты с 26 по 30, на которые можно потом переключиться).
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