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Everything posted by Rongor

  1. Ok let's assume it's the bullseye or maybe the current steerpoint, By testing I can confirm its showing bearing and range from to the current steerpoint to the radar crosshair. This is contradictory to the manual and also I would of course prefer to know bearing and range to the crosshair from my ownship location. Also I can't find any way to have the time to go indicate anything but zeros.
  2. So like freezing the image and then flying into it? Interesting. Never considered this to be a thing
  3. snowplow.trk The track will show 1. while in snowplow, TDC inputs are still accepted and moving the non-snowplow crosshair in the background 2. when reducing the beam azimuth, any crosshair location off the centerline will have the radar scan zone not being centered when activating snowplow 3. Using the TDC while in snowplow with reduced beam azimuth will move the radar scan zone off center and also have the crosshair begin at a different location when exiting snowplow.
  4. How could my own aircraft possibly be inside the radar image? Wasn't aware we have 360° radar coverage...
  5. While in snowplow, I can still move the crosshairs around while they are invisible. Meaning any adjustments with the TDC do affect the crosshair and so its location will have changed when returning from SP mode. Is that accurate?
  6. I am flying with a heading of 139°. The radar crosshair in the GM radar format page is indicating the SPI. Radar range is 20 and the crosshair is dead ahead. I would expect the B/R showing like 139/16, instead it shows 074/77. It's clearly not to my left at 074° and also not 77 NM distant. Also the time to go doesn't show anything. What is going on?
  7. OFF/STBY/LOW/NORM/EMER I am totally aware this doesn't really affect anything in DCS (sadly), yet the DCS F-16C has bindings for these in stock. So please add them here as well
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  8. Is it really missing?
  9. 20230205_031545.mp4 Instead the front square is black. Pressing the lights test easily reproduces this, therefore no trackfile attached.
  10. After shutting down by moving both power levers into off, the Ng remains at 60ish %. Ground services are denied due to running engines. Restart of engines fails. Actuating start switches doesn't commence start, only displays start on ENG page as long as switch is hold. Unable to stop the engines entirely. Happened after being on a MP server for an hour so there is no way to provide a trackfile.
  11. This is indeed the main problem in MP. Having to apply 3-4 Hellfires from 3 to 4 km to eventually hit that T-72 while having clear LOS and stable flight conditions is a rather frequent occasion. George doesn't seem to make use of the image tracker, but this isn't the cause. You can see the laser spot in perfect aim dead on target and the missile simply ignore's it and misses by 40 meters behind. I could upload new tracks daily if ED's track file system wouldn't condem us to present huge files which are a pain to review.
  12. Hey there. I know that as per MIL-STD-291 the interrogating and reply frequency pairs are cut down to 1025-1150 MHz in mode Y, instead of using the full range of 962-1213 MHz in mode X. Also when switching to A/A while a channel is set to mode X, we essentially get the Y pairings. The only difference in A/A between X and Y seems to be the pulse spacing of 36 μs for mode Y instead of 12 μs in mode X. So what is the deal here? What are the benefits, what is the idea behind these different pulse spacings? Why does Y use the longer spacing? In A/G, mode Y also has the longer spacing, yet its only 30 μs there. Why?
  13. If the emitter is still active and the missile has sufficient energy to reach the target, the HARM will hit, regardless if you carry the HTS or not. The HTS becomes irrelevant the moment the missile is launched. Before, the HTS provides a much better sensor than the one onboard the missile to generally detect emitters across a wide azimuth zone. Even if you reach PGM 1 precision in your triangulation, there will still be an error ellipse of which you can read out the diameter on the HAD. The HTS triangulation is meant to offer you a location precise enough to slew other sensors to it and for example to be able to determine the exact location close by with your TGP's E/O-sensor. The HTS is not magically feeding the HARM with pin point coordinates, it is not turning the HARM into a JDAM. Assuming the very likely case that the emitter you attacked went off the air while your HARM was homing in, the "misses" in your pics are actually remarkably precise on target.
  14. Acoording to admittedly Wags' rather old Startup video, the FLCS PWR TEST (2nd startup item, MAIN PWR is on BATT)) should show the FLCS PMG light on while holding the FLCS PWR TEST switch to TEST. This corresponds to the startup flow in the manual (current revision 30 NOV 2022) on page 137. Yet ingame the PMG light doesn't illuminate. What am I missing?
  15. This thread title actually made me hope there would be a DCS themed door mat for sale somewhere
  16. how can this work technically? It's like looking on a helmet mounted display, the distance between the projection and my eyes seems ever the same. Yet it isn't. This doesn't make any sense by optical rules. 20221212_212441.mp4
  17. I noticed that while using TrackIR, I have to move my head into like 5 inches distance to the HUD frame to have the whole projection becoming visible for me on the HUD glass. If I move my head back into normal position (leaning back to the headrest), the HUD projection size remains unchanged compared to my monitor, yet since the HUD frame size decreases (more distance), only the center content of the HUD projection remains visible. Is this a bug? I don't think this is physically correct. If the distance to the HUD increases, the HUD projection should decrease in size as well...
  18. I noticed that while the surrounding scenery remains visible, any additional units (like vehicles, troops) which are added by the mission and not part of the map module simply vanish from the TGP display. They uncloak back into the scenery when getting closer than 8-9 NM. Is this related to some graphic setting on my end?
  19. Thank you!
  20. Interesting, didn't experience this so far. @QuiGonwhat kind of GPS restricted conditions would this be? I am not aware DCS has a kill switch for GPS reception. I think the longest flight I had so far with the Apache was 3+ hours on the Syria map and there was no noticable drift.
  21. What for? We don't.
  22. Nice exaggeration but you can still fly the Apache even while Hellfires can't launch. In most cases when George doesn't launch, the reason for it is on the TADS screen. If you observe it more closely that in 99 % when George refuses to launch, his current aim is off the target or the target is actually behind an obstacle and invisible. You will then have to be patient for George to regain LOS and precise crosshair on the target or even support him by flying respectively. The real bug is that George reports targets after scanning that he actually can't reliably launch on at that moment.
  23. It's the IHADSS you are boresighting, not the gun
  24. 1. configure your PTT control via the SRS settings. Create a controls profile in SRS for every module you fly. SRS automatically switches between these profiles according to the selected aircraft ingame. 2. Make sure you activate "SRS override cockpit controls" in the SRS settings 3. Enjoy SRS is not part of DCS. It's a 3rd party addon made by @Ciribob, who is maintaining it for free use in this thread
  25. copy this into your Mods\aircraft\Ka-50\Input\ka-50\joystick default.lua Next patch will overwrite this with the old one, you will still find it in the most recent backup folder within your DCS installation and copy it back into place. Got this from somehwere in this forum but can't keep track where exactly...
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