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Everything posted by Rongor

  1. please move thread to https://forum.dcs.world/forum/1173-bugs-and-problems/
  2. please move thread to https://forum.dcs.world/forum/1173-bugs-and-problems/
  3. PB9 in the radio setting is supposed to switch between AM and FM. Instead it only switches MAN-AM to MAN-FM being displayed without actually changing the modulation type. Tested with SRS, which reads out the data from DCS. So communicating with other players on FM radios in the 30-88 MHz range is currently impossible. Please move into https://forum.dcs.world/forum/1173-bugs-and-problems/
  4. We had this similar in the Harrier when people needed to enter 30.001 to get to 30.000. It's the same annoying thing here. 45.000 can only be entered as 45.001, 66.000 as 66.001 and so on. If the freq is in the 30-39 MHz range and ending with 3 zeros after the decimal, entered frequency gets auto-converted to UHF by an added zero in front of the decimal, so 30.000 ends up as 300.000 and 39.000 as 390.000 MHz. please move this into this forum: https://forum.dcs.world/forum/1173-bugs-and-problems/
  5. page 142 in the manual tells me to use the scratchpad to edit presets... yet entering a freq into the scratchpad only makes the scratchpad line flash when I then press PB10 to enter it into the preset.
  6. As per the manual, VHF freqs should appear with a preceeding V in the UFC. Instead it's currently always U, regardless the frequency entered.
  7. "Both" wouldn't work as the Jet fuel starter can only support one engine spool up at once. The finger lift decides which engine you want to spool up next. Procedure is to start the right engine first, then the left. So neither are you supposed to actuate both finger lifts nor would it technically work.
  8. 60/60 is fine. 90/30 and 30/90 will bring 88/28 and 28/88 120/0 and 0/120 are fine. Here you go:gulfWar_TPE_v1_RUN2-20230624-201254.trk
  9. Whenever I load a combination of 90 chaff and 30 flares with the ground crew refuel/rearming service, actual load then is 88 chaff with 28 flares. Always. Do you need a trackfile?
  10. Happy to see this area included in Normandy 2
  11. I couldn't find it in the airport list released in the FAQ section, so I interpret that this airfield isn't planned. It's a bit sad and hard to comprehend though as 1. this airfield is a necessary location to give the southern tip of the Sinai peninsula some meaning 2. you already put the navaids of this airfield into the map and 3. this place is an example of the rich recent military history of Sinai as it had been build by the Israelis during occupation as Ofir Air base, saw action during the war and would certainly be appreciated by CW scenario builders even if the map itself is rather aiming to depict the 2000s.
  12. Just had something like this, only I wasn't even attempting to DTT. After I had bugged a single RWS contact, the antenna altitude automatically flipped every 2 seconds or so. I have a track file, yet (of course) its not short.
  13. exactly what I am experiencing. I am at a 20 cm stick extension and have to apply curves to dampen this issue. Feels odd. Many of my control inputs are needed because the SCAS forces me to counteract.
  14. ramp start (cold/dark) vs air start (up and running)
  15. Shouldn't this thread better go into https://forum.dcs.world/forum/534-bugs-and-problems/ ? I probably never landed at Akrotiri but I recall Hatay having similar ILS issues. edit: this thread here seems to cover the issue too
  16. I wouldn't rule out ILS gets turned off to save power, especially on airports which face hours of no arriving traffic at all. It still depends on whether the runway is equipped with ILS for both directions. If ILS is only available for one direction and the wind demands approaches from the opposite direction, they would likely still leave the ILS active because you could still make use of it for backcourse localizer approaches. Even if this type of approach isn't published for that airfield, it still can help in emergencies.
  17. Ok, good to know, thanks guys!
  18. which it isn't, as you can notice instantly on the screenshot I provided. I very much hope so, as it is in fact a very important tool for practicing. It's an underrated feature I think.
  19. At the end of a cold start (complete INS alignment, I intend to start taxiing. You can see me pressing the NWS button several times, yet NWS remains inactive... Any idea why? 20230324_101017.mp4 NWS.trk
  20. the side view of the glidepath would have to bend then
  21. According to the trap sheet the landing on the carrier deck takes place at around close to 200 ft. How is this possible? Carrier deck is at 70 ft above the water... I don't think the glideslope is suddenly bent downward in the last quarter of a mile, so this side view profile doesn't make sense...
  22. Whenever I get into an F-14 training mission and no matter if cold start or commencing in the air, the horizon elevation line in the HUD in T/o and landing mode show a deviation of around 5 degrees to the actual horizon. Am I supposed to use the little dial next to the VDI to correct this deviation to zero or is there more to it? The deviation might be there by default on purpose so I'd really know what the story is behind this, yet unfortunately the manual again leaves me clueless on this topic. It's also weird that in cruise mode the maximum possible manual correction isn't sufficient to bring that 0° horizon line up to match the actual horizon... So, can please anybody bring some light onto this?
  23. I did, by the book. Ground power gets disconnected right after right engine start is completed.
  24. Tutorial tells me to observe stabilizer fluctuation. Yet there seems to be no effect at all, neither on the indicator nor when checking the stabilizers visually. There is no automatic trim. I have seen it working in several (older) tutorial videos on youtube but it doesn't seem to work anymore.
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