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Everything posted by *Rage*

  1. Welcome to our new signups! Our new server is based at datacentre in the USA with a 1Gig up/down connection. This should provide for the best MP experience in terms of server stability, consistency and bandwidth. I highly encourage all participants to check their pings to the server. The ping limit is 300. Pings above that will be autokicked by the server. To avoid disappointment on the day we highly encourage you to check your ping stability by connecting to our DCS server. This is particularly true for our eastern European and Asian participants. There may be things you can do to help with a high ping (VPNs etc) and now is the time to check for and remedy any problems. Pings to our TS are always slightly less than to the actual game server. Furthermore the ping listed in the MP selection screen is not reliable. Please connect to the server itself. Remember if you are unable to fly on the day not only is it disappointing for you, but also for your opponent, the stream viewers, and us as organizers. S!
  2. Log on to Discord Notified theres a stream starting of OP Longbow - click it since its a welcome distraction from work. Some guy in an AV8B is complaining he's been hit on GCI channel. Fighters cant find any bandits AV8B guy takes another hit. Crashes. Kill message - Red player Reaper6 in Ka50 killed Blue player xxx in AV8B with Vikhr. Reapers back baby:)
  3. Gents, despite my squadmates enthusiasm I have to remind you this is an individual squad competition. As the name suggests this competition pits squads against each other, not in collaboration with each other. We are planning future "Joint Warrior" type events that will run in tandem with SATAL and those will be all about squads teaming up. However for the purposes of SATAL this is not our intention. Of course if squads want to recruit pilots we encourage that. But in the same vein that lonewolf teams are not allowed, we again have to enforce the rule that this is an organic squad event only. I remind you as well that these rules are set by us in agreement with our sponsors (with substantial prizes on offer) so we have little room for bending of, or misinterpretation of the rules. We will take a hard line on enforcing these rules in order to deliver our vision of SATAL and to satisfy the requirements of our sponsors, who, have been extremely generous with their prizes. In order to allow us to take such a stance we have disqualified ourselves (the 51st) and the 104th from receiving any prizes regardless of SATAL outcome so there can be no conflict of interest (or at least minimized as much as possible) when invigilating the tournament. I hope I have explained clearly our reasons why collaborations are unacceptable in SATAL. Of course we wont necessarily check that squad members flying matches are actually members of that squad and are registered on their sign up rosters, but I think you all understand the spirit of the rule and that of the competition. If irregularities are identified those teams will be disqualified. I have mentioned before we will have events where squads teaming together will be entirely the purpose of the event. Please PM me or jump on our TS/Discord to talk further! Otherwise I hope you will respect our wish to maintain this thread for signups and event news. Good luck gents, 1 month to go!
  4. How does it feel when you go back to monitor flying?
  5. Why dont we just stop arguing with him. As far as im concerned his credibility ended a long time ago. Dogfights TV as source surely beats Kopp, no?
  6. I think he means resolution rather than the "5K" pimax device.
  7. Theres approximately only a 15% improvement in average FPS going from Sandy Bridge to the newest Coffeelake processors (and DDR4 faster ram) clock for clock. The min fps however does improve and and the general FPS is smoother overall though this is harder to quantify. This appears to be particularly important for VR, but less noticeable for normal monitor use. If my i72700k@4.8 system hadnt died I'd probably have kept it and just upgraded gfx card.
  8. If SRS is hard to use TS is easy. Really theres little excuse for not being on one or the other. At least when the real round kicks off. Honestly your doing yourself a disservice by not being on comms with everyone else. You miss out on a lot.
  9. Still have it too! Sadly he passed away shortly after. Just to be clear are you printing a real life manual or the DCS one? Count me in. UK. Im sure VAT applies.
  10. Since when has wearing VR (or infact TIR or any other flight sim geekiness) looked good? :)
  11. I think Blueflag is drifting slowly to a PVE model where little groups of players coordinate together in isolated areas of the map, well insulated from one another, to capture airbases and slowly turn the map either red or blue. Its a far fetch from the early rounds where it was a much more intense, competitive affair. If the CAP failed you as a strike package you had legitimate reason to be angry with them. Similarly if the strikers and choppers failed after you fought hard to win CAP you could be rightfully annoyed at them too as a fighter. The battle space was much higher voltage. That intensity has been lost I feel. Everyone now plodding about their business fairly inconspicously. However, BF must be what the players want it to be. And as many of you have said there are other dedicated PVP servers.
  12. Comparison of 5K and 8K with reference to the vive/rift. I have to say i'm pleased:)
  13. I agree with the sentiments re: teamkilling. At the very least dont be brazen about it. Minor correction: The Mig21 can IFF. Its a pain in the ass though as it requires radar which is very unreliable.
  14. And another VP/8K comparison
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